Chapter 33: After The Dance

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Amity's POV:

After the most weirdest conversation with my parents and Luz, we ate at a nearby restaurant with the others. "So are you 2 dating now?" Boscha asked with a smug on her face. "Yeah, I guess. So what do we do after this?" Luz asked. "I don't know... You guys wanna go to a pub?" Boscha asked. "God, Boscha you know we can't go to one until we're 21 right?" I exclaimed. "Yeah but over 16 to have sex." Gus added.


"What? It's true. I heard your mom mentioned something about it earlier. Isn't that what you were planning to do?" He asked. "When did I plan to do that? I get that I'm coming 18 but I'm not doing that." They all just looked at me then bursted out laughing. "Oh Amity she didn't tell you did she?" Boscha laughed. "I'm going to use the restroom," Luz said as she got up. "Ok now tell me what you guys mean by that. I'm really curious about it." They looked at each other before Skara replied. "I think we'll let Luz tell you."

I groaned and covered my face in embarrassment. I hope whatever I said wasn't embarrassing. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see it was Luz. "Don't worry, I promise it isn't that weird." I looked at her, "What do you mean that weird?" She just smiled. Our food then got served and we ate it. After our late night dinner we went back to the dorms to rest for the day. Started upsetting but I'm glad I don't have to hide my feelings for her anymore.

As we were at the dorm complex, I told everyone that I wanted to make a quick phone call with my mom.

Phone call:

Odalia: Hello?
Amity: Hey mom. I just wanna ask you something.
Odalia: Sure darling. What is it?
Amity: About what you said earlier...can you tell me what I said in my sleep?
Odalia: Oh hahaha. You should ask your girlfriend that yourself darling.
Amity: But mom please. I don't wanna ask her. I'm guessing it's pretty embarrassing judging from the way all of you reacted.
Odalia: Don't worry, she'll probably tell you in a friendly manner...unless you're asking her to do more that tell you.
Amity: What do you mean by that?
Odalia: Hold on lemme me text this real quick.
*2 minutes*
Odalia: So where were we? Ah, yes, your girlfriend. Maybe you can ask her, she won't do anything trust me mittens.
Amity: Mom! Tell me please. I don't wanna ask her. And if whatever your thinking mom that's weird. I'm still 17.
Odalia: You won't get pregnant you both are girls.
Amity: What? Can you say that again? I didn't hear you.
Odalia: (mumbling) Sorry mittens, I have to go now. Goodnight and don't for get to lock your door.
Amity: Goodnight mother.

Amity's dorm room, 10:47 pm

I went up to my dorm and took a bath before I went to bed. As I got out, I saw a note on the table. I went to read it:
Hey ams. Im going out for a while. I grabbing more food in the 24-hour mart brb.
I left you a present in your room ;)


I placed it back on the table and went in my room to put on my clothes and sleep. As I turned on the lights I saw Luz tied up on my bed. Her hand tied to the head of my bed her mouth duct taped. "Boscha goddamit! You stupid dumbass. You could've told her to wait in here," I yelled as I went to untie Luz. I pulled the tape off and untied her. "How did you even get tied here? I thought you were stronger than her." I questioned. "Well...she said she needed me so I came over but I was tackled by her and Hunter I think and that's how I ended here."

"Really? I just came out the shower and this is what happened to you?"

"Hah, yeah anyways, I'll go back to my room just call me if you need me."

She got up to leave but I tugged on her sleeve. "Can you stay? I could use the company." She smiled and left the room so I could put on some clothes. When I was done, I got out and I saw Luz was sitting on the couch using her phone. I walked over and sat next to her. I looked at her and started a conversation. "Hey Luz." She hummed in response. "Can you tell me what I said when I was sleeping? I'm really curious." She looked at me and I saw her face slightly turning red. "What?" I asked.

She got up and went to the kitchen and I followed her. I sat on the counter as she was grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. She drank  it leaving it half full. She placed it on the counter and stood in front of me. "Well...what if I showed you?" I looked at her in confusion and before I answered she quickly pulled me in for a short kiss. She pulled back and smiled, "That's all I can show you. I would show more but I don't think you're ready for it," she said putting her hand behind her neck.

"I-I think I wouldn't mind." She looked at me and I smirked, "What are you not ready?" She just smiled and pulled me in for another one. Which from one small and short one turned into a nice French Kiss. I wrapped my arms around her neck and I felt her hand on my waist as we continued. It went on for a few minutes when we heard the door opened. Luz and I quickly pulled away like nothing happened. "Hey I'm back with-" She stopped halfway looking at us.

"What were you guys doing?" She asked.

"Nothing," I yelled. She raised an eyebrow at us. "Ok then explain why both of you have saliva under your lip and Luz is against the wall like she was pushed and your on the counter and your face is redder than a tomato." We were both really quiet trying to think of a reasonable explanation to her question but I couldn't think of anything. "Next time do it in the room and lock the door if you were gonna make out or if you were gonna do that here lock the main door," she advised. I rolled my eyes and got off the counter and went to the room.

I laid in my bed and Luz opened the door peaking at me. "Yeah, I still need the company." She entered and closed the door behind her. I patted the bed beside me for her to sleep at. She laid next to me and I just smiled. "Well I'm gonna sleep now. Goodnight sweet potato." She turned the opposite direction of my and I just hugged her from the back and eventually fell asleep.

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