Chapter 28: What Happened?

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Amity's POV:

I woke up and my vision was blurry. I looked around to see that I was in the nurse's office. My head hurts, vision blurry. I turned to my right to see someone sitting on the chair. I sat on the side of the bed the person spoke. "Amity, are you ok?" I look to see it was Luz. "W-what happened?" My head still hurts after what happened. "Just sit down and I'll get the nurse. I tell you later." She left the room to get the nurse. I looked out the window it was night time. I looked for my phone but I couldn't find it. Then Luz came in with the nurse.

"Evening Ms. Blight. Are you feeling better?" she asked. "A little dizzy. What happened?" I said holding my head. The nurse looked at Luz then she went up to her and they started talking. "Ok she said you can leave now, c'mon let's get back to the dorm. It's 9:26 now. She carried me to the dorm where the others were in the living room talking. "Amity, are you alright?" Willow asked as they surrounded us. "Yeah just a little dizzy that's it." I answered. "The nurse said to put her to rest so I'll be in the room." She brought me to the room and placed me on the bed. "Luz...what happened?" I asked. She took a seat and started talking.

Earlier that day...
Speaking: Luz

I woke up this morning to see you were still sleeping so I got out and took a bath. When I was done, I made breakfast. We were the only 2 that was in the dorm the others were staying in your dorm. I made us a sandwich with eggs and bacon. I sat on the couch reading a book while waiting for you to wake up. It was 6:23 when you woke up. "Morning Amity, you hungry? I made breakfast." You didn't answer me and then you just sat on my lap curled yourself and fell asleep.

"Amity c'mon it's 6:25 you're gonna make us late for school," you didn't want to wake up but you did mumble something I didn't understand. You just snuggled closer to my shoulder so I carried you to the bathroom and washed your face to wake you up and it worked. I put you down walked out to let you have a bath. When you were done you put on your uniform and we had breakfast grabbed your bag from the other room to see all of them still sleeping.

We went to the cafe to buy a drink and King and Hooty was there. While walking to class we saw Ms. Clawthorne and Sir. Whispers we greeted them morning and they smiled and continue talking. Class wasn't opened yet so we sat in the cafeteria. We talked about what we were gonna wear to grom and then students came in. We sat there and continued talking. By 7:34 Hunter and the others arrived. "There you guys are what you talking about," she said taking a seat.

We told her what it was talking about and then we got up to leave for class. You and I held hands the entire time because you said it was cold. Class went on like usual. Boscha and Hunter teasing us about being a friends but acting like a couple as usual. When class ended we went to the gym to check on the decorations. Everything was fine except for the banner that Hunter hung. Me and Hunter were holding the ladder. Later the football jocks and cheerleaders entered the gym and started messing up the decorations.

We told them to leave but the just threatened to punch us if we force them. We didn't care so we tried pushing them out. The captain shoved Gus to the ground and started touching Willow and Boscha. Skara ran out somewhere. When they started touching, Hunter let go of the ladder to push them off Willow. "Hey isn't that Luz and Amity?" One of the cheerleaders said. A few of the jocks and cheerleaders walked up to us. "Come any closer and you'll regret it." They started laughing and one of the jocks put his hand on my shoulder.

Speaking: Gus

When he did that Luz used one of her hand and twisted his arm to his back. Then the others tackled her but she kicked them or pushed them off while you were still fixing the banner. While Luz was holding the ladder with one hand and the other keeping them in distance. 2 of them took her from behind causing the ladder to shake making you fall down. You landed on Luz but she wasn't ready for the impact of you falling down on her.

Hunter was still holding off the others from touching Willow and Boscha and I was helping him. Luz put you down and told you to run off. You ran but this guy pulled you somewhere. Luz ran towards you and kicked him and he fell. The others chased her and this guys threw a fist in her face but she was fine. The cheerleaders pulled you but you slapped one of them causing her to start whining to her boyfriend. He came and punched you in the face and that's when you fainted.

Right before you were punched, Principal Bump, Ms. Clawthorne and Sir. Whispers came in and they saw you getting punched. One of the jock saw them and yelled. "Run!" but it was to late. He kicked all of them off the football and cheer team. I heard they got suspended for a month for violence and destruction. The destroyed some of our props and tables that was sent this morning. Luz picked you ip and rushed you to the nurse's office. We were sent to the nurse's office the to Bump's office.

Speaking: Luz

The nurse said you had a minor concussion. I told the others to rest and back to the gym and fixed the decorations again and fixed the tables like how you wanted it to. You might wanna check on it tomorrow just in case I fixed it wrong. After I finished they went I went to the office waiting for you to wake up. And that's what happened.

Amity's POV

"Damn, aren't you tired? The only thing I remember was what happened when I woke up." I answered. "Really? Then can you tell me what you mumbled?" My eyes widen because what I mumbled was I love you but let me sleep with you. "Uh- it was 5 more minutes. Yeah that," I chuckled nervously then changed the subject. "Is your face ok? Did it hurt? Were you bleeding?" I put my hand on her face checking. "It's alright. It hurt a little but I'm better now. I didn't bleed but Hunter did if you wanna know." I rolled my eyes because I didn't care if Hunter was dying. Kidding.

Everyone went to their dorms to rest. I was in my room thinking about today. I had a concussion? I got punched. Luz catched me when I fell. It was nearly destroyed but Luz fixed everything. She protected me. She held the ladder in 1 hand while using the other to fight. I was chased but she kicked him. Then I fell asleep.

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