Chapter 8: 7 days before Christmas

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(picture not mine)

3rd persons POV:

It's Sunday, 18th of December, a week before Christmas. The stores are filled up with people buying Christmas gifts for one another. Buying house decorations and a christmas feast. 

It's 8:30 in the morning and our loveble and oblivious Luz, is currently sleeping and our adorable Vee is making her favorite toast and nutella for breakfast. Our tomato, Amity, is getting ready to go out to buy gifts with her siblings, Edric and Emira. It's snowing today. Driving to the mall to buy gifts, the streets are decorated with brightly coloured christmas themed lights and decoration.

The mall is packed with people. I took a while for the Blight siblings to find a spot to park their car. Walking by many shops, most filled with people buying decorations. It's good that people are busy buying things because Amity didn't like the attention she would get if they saw them. People chatting, Christmas songs being played, people walking around with their friends.

Luz's POV:

I woke up to the sound of Vee screaming. I quickly ran downstairs to see her looking at something, "what's wrong?" I asked, "We're all out of nutella!" she whined looking in the jar. I just looked at her being dramatic over an empty nutella jar. "I'll head to the store to buy more then maybe I'll buy some decorations and gifts. Wanna join me?" I asked her she just smiled and nodded quickly.

I went up to take a bath wore my clothes along with my parka (winter jacket). Vee already ready downstairs was looking through her phone. "Alright let's go," I said grabbing my car keys, we both headed out the door, locked it then went into my car. We drove to the mall blasting music from my phone.

Of course I wouldn't want to go to the mall because it was full of people but I had no other choice because the biggest jar of nutella I could find in my town is at this one shop at the mall. If I got a small one, Vee would probably finish it whole in just an hour. While I was on the way to the mall, there was traffic that means it took longer than expected.

When people saw me they just head towards me for a picture and some shit. It took about 30 minutes until we arrived to the mall. We got out and I tried my best not to be spotted in public but my phone was going crazy. Sseing I was being tagged in ALOT of photos like, 'Omg! Luz is headed to the mall 😱 yall gotta get there' the caption said with a picture of me from earlier.

Greeeeeaaat now everyone is gonna be here. I put my hood and a mask on so I don't get spotted easily. Vee just shrugged at me and quickly we both headed in. Vee said she's gonna go buy the nutella the find gifts to buy and with that she quickly headed into a shop to buy it. I mean like who doesn't like nutella?

I headed into a clothing shop which wasn't that crowded to look for clothing. I went around and found a few stuff. I got a hoodie with that had I could buy for Vee. It was a nice baby blue colour which was one of Vee's favorite colour. I also bought her a new pair of sneakers. She's gonna like this.

As I got out of the store I was thinking who's gift should I buy next? Suddenly I bumped into someone, "Hey, watch it," she said lying on the ground getting up, "I am so sorry," I said helping her up, "oh...hello Luz." It was Amity. "Heyyyy Ams," I said giving her a hug. We just stood there for awhile.

"So...whatchu doing here?" I said breaking the silence. "Just getting some stuff...what about you?" she said looking at me, "oh...I was uh... buying some more nutella since Vee finished it this morning so I brought her along." She just nodded and we stood there again. Then Vee came and said, "Hey Luz I bought 5 jars of nutella. We won't run out of nutella now," she said showing me the bag. "Oh hello Amity," she said cheerfully, "Hello Vee, I doubt the nutella won't run out in just a week," Amity said laughing.

"Pfffft, is that a challenge?" she said crossing her arms looking at the girl. "I bet 10 bucks you will finish all 5 in a week," she said. "Deal," and with that they shook hands. I had a weird feeling seeing Vee hold her hand, it's this weird feeling that I wanted to be the one holding her hand...weird. The twins came, "Hey mittens, hey Luz," they said walking their way to us. They looked at Vee, "Who are you? I'm Emira and this is Edric," one of the twins said. "I'm Vee. I'm an old friend to Luz. We used to hangout together."

Then suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder. "Are you really Luz?" the voice said. We all looked at her. At to my shock it was...

have fun with the cliffhanger :)

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