Chapter 30: Buying An Outfit

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Amity's POV:

It was a Saturday, I woke up to see me and Luz still in the same position since last night. She was still sleeping so I got up and kissed her forehead before I went out. I sat on the couch and looked through my phone. I got a text from my siblings:

Parasite👺: Hey Mittens u going shopping for the dance??

Sister💩: We can help if u want. Besides mom and dad are coming to visit ur school today and on prom so i hope ur ready to be picked as the queen 😽
Sister 💩: Mittens wake up its 8:06

Parasite👺: Dang still hasnt read and its 8:57

Sister💩: Mittens wake up its 9:17

Me: Sorry I was tired after last night. And why would our parents come to school and dance??

Sister💩: Well its because they got invited as a special guest and want to see you. What did u do last night? hang out with luz? party? homework?

Me: Yeah?

Sister💩: Wait srsly? You went to a party? With Luz? And did hw?

Me: Yes yes and yes.

Parasite👺: Wow u went to a party with Luz? Thats new 😦

Me: Whev so u picking me up to find a dress or what?

Parasite👺: Yeah will be there at 2:30 so be ready

Sister💩: mom told u to bring ur friends along

Me: What why??

Sister 💩: 🤷‍♀️

Me: 🙄

I went in the room to see Luz is still sleeping so I decided to make breakfast. Skara woke up a few minutes later. "Morning Amity, where's Luz?" she asked stretching. "She's still sleeping so I'm making breakfast for her. She must be tired after last night," I replied. "Oh, alright. So whatchu making?" She said as she sat on the stool. "I'm making a frittata. I saw the chefs make these when I was younger. So I guess this is the only thing I know to make." I shrugged.

50 minutes later

I finished making the frittata and waited for Luz to wake up. So I took a bath while waiting. I got out of the bathroom and went into the room. I saw Luz was just sitting on the bed. "Morning Luz," I said. "Morning Ams. Wait here I'll get you some clothes." She went to my dorm and brought me so home clothes that I put on. When I was done, I went out to have breakfast. "Let's eat." All of us went to the kitchen, sat down and we all ate. "These are good. Where'd you learn to make it?"

"I saw the chefs making it when I was younger."

We finished eating and we got ready to leave. I texted everyone that my siblings are gonna bring us to shop for some clothes and to get ready by 2:15 and meet at the cafe. It was noon so I just sat spent my time reading Azura. When they were done, the 3 of us went to the cafe early for a nice drink and to talk with Vee. We arrived at the cafe around 12: 35. The place was packed with students of all classes. We manage to sit at a table big enough for the 3 of us. "We'll go get some drinks. You want one?" Luz asked. I nodded my head and she and Skara went to get drinks.

I saw they were talking about something and Luz seemed a little nervous talking to her. Even when I couldn't hear what they were talking about, I saw Luz kept doing a no gesture or denying something. Then, I saw Luz whisper something to Skara and she smiled. Then she took Skara's hand and held it. I felt my heart dropped, tears forming in my eyes. I sat there with a blank expression with thoughts running through my mind. Does she like Skara? Does Skara like her? Why is she holding her hand? This feeling, it hurts. Then Luz left go of her hand and they started talking again. Luz was smiling and laughing with her. This this the feeling of jealousy? Heartbroken?

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