Chapter 20: Dinner With Friends

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Before I start I want to say thank you to @amityblight_the_best on tiktok for supporting me I love you very much and thank you for reading my story in really helps. Follow her or I will pull your legs in your sleep. I.MEAN.IT. ❤️✨

Amity's POV:

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Amity's POV:

I'm glad Boscha apologized to Luz and that they could be friends. To be honest I wanted to Luz's roommate but we can't always get what we want right? After our little dinner with Luz and Skara last night Boscha has been asking me questions. Like ALOT of questions. Did I make it to obvious or is Luz very dense and oblivious.

Last Night...

"Damn Skara I wish you were my roommate," Boscha murmured, "Well I wish to so you can teach me to play rugby more," Skara replied, "Well how bout you Amity who did you want as a roommate?" The blood was rushing into my face so quickly that it was heating up, "Uh- I-uh- no one?" I sounded like an idiot, "Ok, between me and Skara who would it be?" I thought about it for a second before answering, "Wellx I would go for Boscha no offense Skara," she just smiled, "none taken but if it wasn't me but it was Luz or Boscha who would you pick?" Luz? As my roommate? Wow, that's so ughhhhh...why did you ask me this Skara I'm gonna die, My thoughts were interrupted when Boscha called me, "Amity! You good? Your face is red, or you wanna go back to the dorm?" I shook my head and told them I was alright, "Ok, how bout you Luz? Who would you have a roommate as?" she just answered right away, "I would actually go with either Willow, Gus or Hunter actually," I felt jealous when she didn't mention my name.

"How bout Amity? Don't you ant her to be your roommate?" Skara asked, she looked at them then to me and smiled, "Well, I would but I don't think she would be comfortable with being my roommate. Her face always turns red when I'm around her and her siblings told be that if her face is red she's probably pissed off so I don't think I wanna make her pissed off all the time," I just looked at her like the idiot she is, if  I was pissed at her all the time why would I invite her over to my place alot of time? She is such an oblivious headache.

"Oh? Really? Well can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead." I wanted to jump out the nearest window because I'm scared the question is personal and Luz would be careless with what she said AGAIN! "I heard your always hanging out with Amity, staying at each others places, and you uhh changed each others clothes? and bathe each other? And practically you sleeping with her is actually true, are any of those true?" She asked, my face was so red I could b mistaken by a tomato. "Yes, I came to her house multiple times, bathe her, changed her clothes, and yes I slept with her. But before you speak, I got to her house to hangout with her or if she calls me over or with I'm worried for her, I bathe her because sometimes she's very careless that she hurt her leg and I didn't want her to stand up so I bathe her and she also fell in a deep sleep when she was upset so I came over to cheer her up but she was sleeping in the clothes she wore since the morning so I bathe and changed her and finally everyone's favorite question to ask me, yes I slept with her but not because we were making out or having sex, we did that because neither of us wanted each other to sleep on the floor so we slept on the same bed. She did the same to me because one time I had a concussion from slipping and hitting my head, does that answer your questions?" she explained everything in full detail.

They just looked at her in silence while she was eating her food. I was really embarrassed but there's no point Luz is usually the honest type and that's what I admired about her. "But why though? Isn't that a little inappropriate?" Boscha asked, "Yes it is but I don't look because I'm not that type of person, and I do it because I see her as a friend," that word, it hurts me alot, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you," I can't believe I just said that, I wasn't ready but that word hurts too much because I see her more than a friend, "What is it?" There's no turning back you've said it, now you have to tell it, "I want to be more than just friends with you Luz," she kept quiet for a few minutes, did I say something wrong? Is whatever we had between us gone? "Well... I wanted to tell you that to Amity, I want to be more than friends, I want us to be BESTFRIENDS!" she exclaimed, "Haha, that's right I want to be bestfriends with you to," but deep down I'm hurt, is that all we will ever be? Bestfriends? But being with her is good enough then being distant.

We finished our food in silence and we cleaned up before me and Boscha went back to our dorm. When we did I felt like crying into my pillow but I shouldn't, I have work and school tomorrow, I don't want to be walking around looking dead. Someone knocked on my door and then they opened it, "Amity? You alright?" I had to tell someone so I told Boscha everything, "Look I know you like her but she's just to oblivious for some reason, but deep down I know she cares about you so give it time I'm sure she'll fall for you. Maybe try flirting and giving more obvious clues to her, if she doesn't see it then I'm going to kill her," she gave me a reassuring hug before she left my room," I thought about what she said so I planned to do it tomorrow but another thing that worried me was what if my parents found out?

I was tired so I just drifted off to sleep.

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