Chapter 17: Stuck with you (part 3)

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Luz's POV:

I woke up to the bright sun shining into my eyes through the window. I stayed over Amity's house not because I wanted to cheer her up, the truth is I stayed over because I was lonlely and Vee was out for a few days at her her girlfriend's house so I was left all alone. Besides, there's no harm in staying over a friend's place right?

Amity was already awake but she wa just using her phone next to me. "Morning potato," I stretched and sat down, "Morning Luz," still looking at her phone. "So what do you wanna do?" she just looked at me for awhile, "No idea you came here, I'm bored going shopping and watching movies, playing games. There isn't much things to look at on my phone to," I thought about what to do but she was right there was nothing to do.

I got up from bed and pulled her from the bed and carries her downstairs where the Blight twins were sitting. "Morning Mittens. You didn't tell us Luz was staying over," Edric beamed, "Wait- if Luz stayed over, where did she sleep?" I placed Amity down and she just covered her face into her hands, "I slept with Amity," I replied making Edric choke on his drink and Emira looked at Amity then Amity looked at me in surprised. 

"Is that so?"

My face turned red after realizing what I said, "W-WAIT I-IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK. I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" I blurted out in panic. I looked at Amity who's face turned into beet. "I didn't do the thing with her. I swear, I would never." It just made Amity even redder if that was even possible. The twins just laughed at us. God that came out wrong.

"Ok ok, if even you did Mittens would probably run out right at that moment. We all know she isn't gay," Edric exclaimed. The both of us just sat there super embarassed just because of the fucking words I just said. They stopped laughing as soon as someone spoke, "now what's this I hear about Mittens sleeping with someone?" when we turned we saw a man walking in with a newspaper in his hand. "Father, your awake. Well you should her this. Mittens here brought a friend over and when we asked where she slept her friend said she slept with mittens." The man looked at us for awhile and we just shook our head intensively.

He just bursted out laughing at us also which was getting annoying. "Ok that's enough with the dirty jokes about that but when did you come back dad?" He took a sip from his drink and turned back to us, "I came back a yesterday while you were out because I wasn't feeling well. I'm feeling better today so I will be returning in the evening." Amity just nodded her head and brought me upstairs.

"Where are you going mittens? And why are you bringing Luz?" She gave them a glare whch was enough to shut them up. When we were in the room she shut the door behind us, locked it then spoke, "Why don't we spend the rest of the day in my room?" I just nodded in agreement because it was better than being teased about...sleeping with my bestfriend.

"Well I'm gonna take a bath now so uh- if my siblings are looking for me tell them I'm showering," I nodded and left her room closing the door behind me. I sat in the living room using my phone. Before that, I went to the kitchen. When I was close I heard them talking, 

Edric: Dad, if mittens actually slept with someone would you get mad?

Alador: I wouldn't but that depends, she's turning 18 soon. Since what I heard is that you can have sex at the age of 16. As long as she doesn't get pregnant. But I still wouldn't want her to be doing that before marriage.

Edric: Really?

Emira: Edric, she's still young she can find her own lover and if she really want to do it with him it's her choice but another thing is that she's gonna be the face of the Blight Industry soon. So don't try to convincer her to do such a thing.

I wanted to hear more but I didn't want to so I entered the kitchen, "Hey Luz, where's Mittens?" Emira asked me as I was sipping my water. "She's taking a bath,"  I finished my water and washed, "Ok. Hey dad how much you wanna bet that Luz is goin to walk in Amity while she was putting her clothes on," I can hear you.

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