Chapter 7: Meet Vee

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Luz's POV

I ran downstairs to say hello to an old friend of mine. Her name is Vee. It was 4:24 pm she's staying at my place for a few days because the dorms at her school had uhh...problems. Whatever it was I didn't mind, she was my childhood friend we knew each other like sisters. We would always talk about things we wouldn't talk about to anyone else. She doesn't have parents. But she never actually got upset about it.

"Hey Luz, long time no see," she said giving me a hug. "Hey Vee, how's it going at Harvard?" I said as I hugged her back. "You have no idea," heading upstairs to put her bag in the guest room. "As she went down we chatted for about an hour bout her school. "I'm actually dating someone," she said blushing. I just looked at her in surprise, "who is it is he good looking?" I asked but what she said next made me even more surprise. "It's actually a girl...her name is Masha," she said looking away. "Anyways enough about me, how bout you? How's it going at Hexside I heard you have a new friend and I heard she's a Blight," she said grinning at me. " do I start she's-" I was cut off when I heard someone call my name.

"Uhh...who's that? You didn't tell me you had someone staying over," she said looking behind the couch to look at the stairs. " right back," and with that I ran up the stairs to my room. I saw Amity still sleeping. Wha- huh?  I just stood at the door way staring at her. I sat on the bed next her seeing she's sleeping peacefully. Pretty... I played with her hair a little bit then Vee came in surprising me. "Ohh? Who's that?" she said from behind me in a whisper.

I just stood up staring at her. "It's one of my friend, she said she wanted to stay over for the night," I said scratching the back of my neck. It was an awkward moment for the both of us but to make it even weird was that Amity pulled me into her sleep. Hugging me like a stuffing...again.

Vee just smiled and closed the door. I couldn't do much but after a few minutes Amity woke up. "Can you let go?" I said. She just looked at me and mumbled something I couldn't understand. She then looked at me and then her eyes grew as wide as saucers and her face flushed red. I think she needs to get herself treated her face keeps turning red.

She quickly let go off me and asked where the restroom is. I pointed the direction to it and she quickly ran there. I just shrugged and headed downstairs where Vee was. She was in the kitchen making toast and spreading it with nutella. Then Amity came in the kitchen not realizing that there was someone.

"Hey Ams, wsnt some toast?" I offered and she just sat down placed her head on the table. "Who's this?" Bee asked wiphich made Amity surprised because she just went "Baahhh!" and fell off her chair. "Oops- sorry. Name's Vee I'm Luz's old friend," she said handing her hand out to help Amity up and I just sat there eating my toast.

"Amity, Amity Blight," she responded rubbing her temple. "The Amity Blight?" Vee said looking surprised. "Yeah?" she said confused. Vee started talking to her and they both got along like siblings. We spent the rest of they day watching movies. For some reason when a horror movie was put on Vee was so chill. I wasn't reallh scared of horror movies but I'm guessing Amity was. She sat closer to me as the movie gets intenser.

She practicly jumped onto my lap when a thunder struck as we were still watch the movie. I looked at her seeing she burried her face onto my chest just made me smile but when I looked at Vee she just smirked at it and did some random hand gestures that looked like two ducks...hitting each other? I just stared at her in confusion and she just shrugged and continued watching the movie.

"I don't wanna watch this anymore," she said looking at me. "Alright you can just sit here the rest of the time," becoming tomato again she just sat there on my lap using her phone. By the end of the movie Vee fell asleep on the couch. Amity fell asleep on my lap. I got up carrying Amity, "Vee c'mon go sleep in the room," she just looked at me and of course I know that look.

I carries both of them to bed Amity on my arms, Vee on my back. I placed Amity on my bed and tucked her to sleep. Vee well, I just threw her on the bed. I still fixed her sleeping position tucked her in and when to my room to sleep. I took a spare pillow from my cabinet and laid it on the floor. I just slept on the floor because it was comfy. I wasn't really cold so I drifted off to sleep.

Waking up in the moring,  I saw Amity still sleeping and it was 6:30 in the morning. I got up and took a bath the prepared my clothes on the bed along with the clothes Amity could borrow. I went to check on Vee and she was sitting on ner bed looking through her phone. "Morning," she aid smiling. I smiled back, "I'm going to make breakfast," she nodded and I went downstairs to the kitchen.

I made breakfast which was 2 sunny side up eggs, 2 sausages and toast for each plate. I heard a yawn from someone coming downstairs. It was Amity. "Morning sleepy head," I said taking out otange juice from the fridge. "Morning, whatcha making? Smells good," she said leaning on the door frame rubbing her eyes. "Breakfast anyways get ready for school, you can birrow my clothes I prepared them on the bed for you," I said washing my hands. I looked at the clock and it was 7:04 am.

Amity went upstairs to take a bath and Vee came dowstairs. "Mmm, smells good," She said entering the kitchen. She went to take the nutella from the fridge than started spreading it on her toast. I took a sip of my orange juice while scrolling through my phone. About 15 minutes later Amity came in the kichen with the clothes I lent her. It looked a little big but it was cute.

We all had our breakfast and chatted. We finished up by washing the dishes then we headed off to school. The rest off the day wasn't much going on just Willow and Hunter flirting when no one is around and Gus is busy reading something. Amity and me goofing off before class. Study then lunch then more studying which I just goofed around throwing tiny paper balls at Amity. Annoying her as much as I can

The finally going home. We all went our seperated ways, Hunter sending Willow home, Gus driving himself home and Amity, her sister came to pick hee up. So I went home picking up some boba for me and Vee on the way.

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