Chapter 13: New Years

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Luz's POV:

Continued from Chapter 12: 4 Months

After whatever drama happened this morning Amity was stuttering every time we talked but she didn't stutter when she was talking to the others. She was probably embarrassed after what happened especially since it kinda looked like we...made out...

Ahem...anyways, we went to the park I brought my skateboard with me since the park had a skatepark which is y favorite place to skate. We headed to the park it was not empty but also not too crowded some people just walking some just playing around with snow. Willow and Hunter were busy flirting with each other Gus and Vee were having a snowball fight while I was going to the skatepark. Amity insisted on following me just in case I get hurt. How thoughtful.

I was showing her some tricks on the half pipe when I accidentally fell off my skateboard. She quickly ran towards me. "Oh my god, are you ok?" she trembled grabbing me, "I'm fine I just fell," I got up and picked up my skateboard. "No sit down. I don't want you getting hurt." I quickly sat down and she pressed her fingers around my leg, "ouch," I whimpered when she pressed my right ankle. She sighed and grabbed my arm and placed it over her shoulders as we walked to where Hunter and Willow were sitting.

"What's going on?" Willow said facing me. "She fell off her skateboard when she was skating on the half pipe." I just shrugged at them. They sat me down on the bench. "Hey guys wanna help me take Vee down in this snowball fight?" Gus called. Hunter and Willow went to help Gus. "You should go have fun I don't want you to stay," she just rolled her eyes at me, "After you being clumsy no. Besides you helped me when I hurt my leg," she teased.

We just laughed at what she said and then our eyes met. I don't know if it was the snow that was making her look cute or was she always like this. "What?" she giggled. I just smiled at her, "boop," I booped he nose and ran off to where the others were, "Hey! Sit your ass back down your gonna hurt yourself again," she said running towards me. We threw snowballs at each other but Vee was unstoppable.

But our fun was ruined when we saw Amber and the guys I fought off last time except there was only the 4 of them and we also saw a girl with pink hair. "Hey Luz, how you doing? I see you have more friends," the others just looked at them, Amity glared and Vee ran behind me. "What do you want Amber?" I fumed, "Well that's not how you talk to your friends do you. Well I don't want anything I was just walking around with my friend Boscha here," she looked at the pink haired girl. "Amity" she glared, "Boscha," Amity growled. "Look we don't wanna fight right now. We were having fun," Hunter tried to stop, "Oh wow aren't you cute?" she said batting her eyes. Willow threw a snowball in her face. "Hey!" she yelled. "Stay away from him," Amber just scoffed and pushed pass us.

After she was gone from our site, we just broke out of laughter at how much she was a coward when Willow glared at her. The day was nearly ruined but I'm glad it wasn't. After out trip to the park we went to the coffee shop me and Amity went last time.

"Hey Phillp, how's it going?" I greeted him at the counter. "Hey Luz, it's going great. I see ypu brought some new friends over. What can I get you? The usual?" I just looked at at him with a smile, "How bout my you change my usual to a caramel latte and make that 2, what do you guys want?" I said looking at the others. "I'll get an ice cappuccino," Gus replied, "I don't drink coffee I'll just have water," Willow said, "Iced tea for me, uncle." 

Phillp just nodded and made it for us. The store was pretty empty since everyone would be at home for new years. We sat t the same spot me and Amity sat and we talked about what we should do after this. Caleb then came over and handed our drinks, "Ah, I see your friends with my nephew, nice to see you again Hunter, tell your mom I said Hi," Hunter gave him a thumbs up.

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