Chapter 3: Coffee

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Luz's POV:

I woke around 8 in the morning. My mami left early in the morning for her work shift, dad still isn't back from his business trip.

I picked up my phone and texted the first person I saw on my contacts: Amity. Of course it would be her her name starts with an A. As I was about to text her I saw typing, so I waited for her to text

Texting Log Luz's POV:

Amity🐨: You up yet? I'm bored and I dont wanna stay at home cuz m sibs are getting on my nerves...can i we hangout?

Me: Alr ill pick you up in idk 10 min?

Amity🐨: why 10 mins? i havent taken a

Me: idc...even i havent im picking you up anyways

Amity🐨: dumbass

End of texting log

Luz's POV:

I just smiled at her reaction but like I said I'm still gonna pick her up and I don't care if I haven't taken a bath. I put on my jacket not caring what I was wearing. I didn't get to change into my pyjamas last night...heh. I was wearing leggings and my crop top yesterday.

I put on my jacket brushed my teeth and my hair then i went out using my skateboard. I skated to the Blight Manor and as I arrived I pressed the bell. I waited a few minutes then I heard yelling from the other side. "I'll get it!" a girl yelled, "you sure your going out like that its kinda cold out there. Where are you going and who are you going with?" the voice said.

The door opened and I was greeted with Emira. "Hey cutie. Mittens is in the kitchen so where you guys going?" she said leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed and a smile on her face. God the Blights are hot-. "Just to a coffee shop." 

That's when Amity came, "is she bothering you?" she said with a piece of toast in her mouth while she was putting on her shoes. "Alrighty then don't stay out in the cold for to long or you can stay her her place, " Emira said closing the door as Amity and I headed on our way.

Our walk to the coffee shop didn't take long as in was just a 5 minute walk. I saw her shivering , "why'd you go out like that now your gonna catch a cold," I said. "I'm not cold, " she said rubbing her hands together. "Are you sure your wearing really shortass jeans that is enough to atleast cover the top part of your thigh and a hoodie with some sneakers and do you even realize your wearing antlers?" I said taking off my jacket.

I swear I think she caught a cold her face is beet red. I gave her my jacket to wear. "Aren't you cold?" she questioned me. "No, I'm pretty used to the cold." The rest of the walk time was just quiet.

We arrived to my favorite coffee shop. The bell of the door rang as we entered, the place wasn't really filled...yet. "Ah, Luz, my favorite customer welcome back and I see you brought someone with you. Lucky girl if I do say so myself," he said as he was making someone's coffee. "Phillp my man, can I get the usual and get her a caramel latte, thanks man," I said shooting finger guns at him.

We took our seat near a window and we talk about stuff. Phillp's brother, Caleb, then came and gave us our drinks. "Pumpkin Spice Latte for Luz and a caramel latte for you," he smiled at us before he left.

While we were there Amity just stared at her drinks. "Hold on I'll be right back," I told her. She nodded and I got up and went to the counter. Asked phillp give me 2 plates 2 piece toast with nutella spread. He nodded and when I went back I saw Amity just siping her drink while looking outside.

"Wow, that latte looks good," I said which I think startled her. She smacked me on the head, "Ow. What was that for?" I said rubbing the spot she hit me as I sat down. "Scaring me," she said taking another sip the saying ,"and yes this latte is good," she said showing it at me.

When she showed it to me I quickly took a sip of it before she quickly pulled away. "Hey! My latte...I'm not gonna drink this now," she said looking at it. "Just grab another straw it's not that hard," I said drinking my latte. After awhile Caleb sent out toast.

I gave Amity a plate and she just looked at it. "You eat it like this," I said putting it in my mouth. As I took a bit she took a bit for the other side of my toast. I just look at her then I looked at my toast. She sat up then quickly ran into the bathroom. So I just took a piece of her toast and used a knife to cut it.

When she came back she looked alright and we took a seat and then she asked, "where's my toast?" then i replied with , "I dunno," she just looked at me then she took a sip for her caramel, "may I remind you that I took a sip of your drink earlier?" she just looked at me and continued drink. Damn she's cute... 

I gave her bed and I made it into a heart. All she said has, "this looks yummy," and then she took a bit of it. I just laughed.

When we were done, we just went back to my place.

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