Chapter 29: Invitation

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Amity's POV:

Friday, 10th February, I woke up about 5:30 to get ready for work. I got out from bed ad took a bath. After the bath I ate a bowl of cereal and read The Good Witch Azura until it was 6 o'clock. When the clock struck, I picked up my bag and left for work. I was walking to work while listening to some music on my AirPods. I arrived just as King was opening the cafe. "Morning King. Where's Hooty?" I greeted as I asked. "Hooty will be here in a bit. Where's your girlfriend?"

"What girlfriend?" You mean her crush?" said a voice behind me.

"Luz! You scared me," I yelped. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you but what girlfriend?" she asked. "I meant her crush. I said girlfriend as a joke." King chuckled nervously. "Oh? He knows?" she asked. "Yeah I told him a few days ago." She just shrugged and went to the counter. We worked as usual people coming in and leaving. After work me and Luz went to check on the decorations to make sure it isn't destroyed or anything. Luckily it was just fine.

Then came class time everything was going on as usual. Including lunch, nothing much really happened in school. After school me and Luz went to work when the others came along. "Hey guys my friend is hosting a party at her house, wanna come?" Boscha asked. "I don't know. Remember what happened last time?" I reminded. "It's alright we'll be there to watch you. It'll be fun. If you're going it'll start at 9," I looked at her in concern put down the cup I was holding then spoke, "I'll see if I finish all the assignments given and have no plans later I'll inform you." She nodded her head and they went to sit down and chat.

"Hey, Luz can you come with me?" She looked at me then smiled. "Sure, I'll make sure nothing happens to you." I smiled back at her then we continued working. By the time our shift was over we got back to our dorms and I finished up my all my assignment and sat on my bed. Hmm...I guess I have nothing to do. I looked for Boscha but she wasn't in her room. She must be out. It was only 7:22 so I went to Luz's dorm.

I knocked on her dorm and she answered it. "Sup Ams. Lemme guess you wanna go to the party?" she asked. "I uh- I guess? I have nothing to do." She closed the door then came out all dressed in some casual clothes. "You wanna go like that? If it's Boscha's friend, I'm pretty sure something's gonna happen." She gave me a blue hoodie and a grey sweatpants. I went to the bathroom to put it on. Luz was in the kitchen waiting for me then she saw me. "Wow, you look good. Oversize really does suits tiny girl. I'm saying this as a compliment by the  way I'm not calling your short or anything just cute." I blushed at her comment then we texted Boscha where she was.

She texted us the address of the party which was a 15 minute walk and when we knock to say that we're a friend of Boscha

At the party

The house was clean and quiet, well there was music heard but not what I expect it to be. We knocked the door and there was someone from the other side of the door. "Who is it?" they asked. "We're Boscha's friends." They opened the door and motioned us in. They led us to the backyard and the party was there. "Hey you guys made it come join us," Boscha said. We followed her and we saw Gus and Hunter. "Hey you made it," Gus said waving. "Hey guys. Where's Willow?" Luz asked. "She said she doesn't wanna come because parties weren't really her thing." Hunter answered.

"Here have a drink and sit with us." Boscha handed us a cup. I grab the cup and looked at it. Luz looked at it then smelled it. "Ugh what the fuck is this? It smells terrible and strong," she coughed. "Pffft, Miss Badass can't take a little beer?" Boscha said. Luz grabbed my cup and placed them on the table. "We're not drinking this. I think it's best we leave." She grabbed my arm and lead me to the exit only to be pulled by someone. "Luz!" I yelled. She ran after me but someone else pulled her.

"It's alright. I won't hurt you unless you do what I say." He brought pinned me against the wall and I could smell his horrid breath. He was drunk. I pushed him off me and ran off. Then different guy pulled me into a shed and locked it. "Hey! Let me go!" I cried. He just smiled and he grabbed both my hands and pinned me against the wall and put his head on my neck. "I always wonder what a Blight would feel like." He put his hand in my shirt and I felt it going to my back. He unhooked my bra and pulled it off. "Get off you dick."

He just let out a laugh and he continued by bringing his hand up to my breast and held it and I felt hot tears streaming down my face. "LET GO!" I yelled. He was stronger than me and I kept screaming for him to stop and for help. Before I he took off his pants someone broke the shed's door and entered, it was Boscha and Luz. "Help me!" I cried. Luz pulled him off and punched him in the face. Boscha picked up my piece of clothing and gave it to me. "I am so sorry, I should've known that they would do this if I brought you here. I thought we're having drinks but I didn't know they would do this to you. Please forgive me," she apologized. "It's alright. I should've known it myself to. Thanks for saving me or I would've lost my virginity to that dickhead."

"Let's get out of here." Luz took my hand and dragged me all the way out. Our walk back to the dorm was silent until we arrived at the dorm.  I asked if she wanted to come in but she just stood in front there. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah...are you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't protect you. You were nearly raped again and it's all my fault that this happened. All because I wasn't quick enough to free myself. You nearly got raped for the second time." I saw tears coming down her face and I hugged her tightly. "It's ok, it's not your fault. You manage to save me before I lost my virginity to someone like him." I looked up at her and she was still in tears.

"You protected me from getting raped, you caught me when I fell down the ladder even though I still fell into a concussion you stayed and watched making sure I'm alright and I'm thankful for that." She hugged me back and we stood there for what seemed like a hour but in reality was just 3 minutes and 43 seconds then she pulled me off. "I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. If they do they're asking for asking for a death wish from me. You are the daughter of a Blight and you are my number one priority. I will always be there just in time anything worse happens." I smiled at her and she brought me to her dorm.

"I can go back to my dorm now."

"No, I'm making sure nothing happens to you."

I saw Skara was watching tv. "Hey guys, how was the party?" she asked. "Amity nearly got raped by some blonde dickhead." Skara was shocked at hearing that. "Dang are you alright?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm alright," I answered. "So why are you here?" She asked. I shrugged at her, "She's staying here tonight. I don't want anything else to happen to her. Now if you excuse me we are going to bed." She brought me in the room and we sat on the bed. I laid my head on her lap while she was caressing my hair until I fell asleep.

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