Chapter 19: Little Things

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Luz's POV:

I entered my dorm and placed school bag in my room. It had a twin sized bed, a dresser and closet, a study table with a study lamp on it. There was a side drawer by the bed and a night lamp on it. The room also had air conditioning in it.

The living room was outside of the bedroom and it was connected to the kitchen. The bathroom was across the bedrooms. The kitchen had a refrigerator, stove, coffee maker, counter, toaster, water dispenser and the a complete set of kitchen utensils.

I didn't see my roommate so I took a bath. After I was done I put on my t-shirt and shorts and slipped my favourite hoodie on. I went to the kitchen to get water and I passed my roommate's room. I knocked the door and opened it. I saw a girl just lying on her bed with her earpiece on.

When she noticed me age took of her earpiece, "You must be my roommate, name's Skara," she held a hand out for me to shake. I shaked her hand a introduced myself, "I'm Luz, Luz Noceda." She dropped her phone, "The Luz Noceda? The influencer that has millions of followers? The one thats actually friends with Amity Blight?" She blurted. I nodded my head and let out an awkward smile."I guess you could say that. I'm your roommate now so if I'm bothering you to much you can tell me." She just smiled even wider and grinned.

I went out of her room and grabbed a cup of water. After I did, I went to my room to finish up some homework. My roommate then came in the room, "Hey Luz, can I uh- ask you a question?" I hummed as a response to her question and drank my water. "Is it true you slept with Amity?" I spat out my water in shock of the question. "I didn't?" She looked at me in confusion, "Okay? But Boscha posted on her insta that you did," I tried remembering where I heard the name before and when it hit me I got up from my chair, "Where's her dorm?" She told me it was just across ours. She's Amity's roommate.

I went to give Boscha a little piece of my mind. I knocked on the door and Boscha answered it, "Oh, it's you. What do you want?" I told her to delete the post she made but she acted all innocent. Then Amity came out of the bathroom in a towel. "L-Luz?" She screamed. "Sorry Ams I have to deal with something right now." Boscha just glared at me and tried to shut the door on me but I held the door open. Amity was still standing there all wet with her towel. I gestured her to go put on some clothes and her face turned red as she quickly entered her room.

"Bitch fuck off," she crossed her arms, "I'm not leaving until you delete it," she rolled her eyes at me, "or what? You gonna slap me? Kick me? Punch me?" I just laughed at her stupidity. "I can just take a picture of your post and send it to the principal. I heard your the captain for the school's rugby team so it would be a shame if he kicked you out wouldn't it," she just stared at me in shock, she deleted the post and rolled her eyes at me, "good," and I went back to my dorm.

Well looks like my roommate is Skara and Amity's roommate is Boscha well that's unfortunate. I continued doing my homework when I got a text from my mom: Hi mija, I hope your having fun at school and I heard you guys have dorms now. Maybe you can come visit me sometimes when I'm off work. Te amo cuidate. I smiled at the text and quickly replied:

"Yo también te amo, mamí."

1 hour later

I finish my homework around 5:30 so I planned to actually go to the cafe to pass time so I changes into so e casual clothes. I walked down the hallways of Hexside seeing some student also wondering around with each other. I reached the cafe to see it was crowded with people hanging out here, I wouldn't be surprised since it's new and nearby the school's campus so there would be people from outside the school visiting to. I saw there was only 2 people working: one of them was the barista I met last time the other guy looked shorter than him.

"Hello there, we will be taking your order in awhile," the new guys said, "Actually maybe I could help you guys? I actually got a job here and why not pass time by helping?" the barista looked at me and smile, "We cold use a couple more hands," he handed me an apron with the logo in it and I got to work. Luckily I had experience in working at a cafe before. I had to work at a coffee shop for extra credits when I failed a few subjects and to make up for extra credits I had to work part-time jobs that the school offered. I didn't want to but it was actually exciting so I pretty much knew alot about this job.

I helped make the drinks, the first barista guy served them while the other guy was taking orders. Within half an hour the shop was getting less and less crowded since it was already 6. By 6:30 they said I could leave since I still had classes tomorrow. "Thank you so much for your help today uh- I didn't quiet catch your name," "Luz Noceda," I answered. Both their eyes grew wide, "Luz? Like the one who slept with Blight?" I just rolled my eyes, "That's just false rumor spread by a student, "Oh, we thought it was true. If it was you would be lucky," They joked. "Name's King and this is Hooty," the new guy answered, "Why is your name Hooty?" I asked, "Well it's because he like an owl. Our boss is Bert, I'm guessing you are one of the 3 that applied for the job, " I nodded at them. "Cool so you guys know your schedule right?" I told him my schedule and waved them goodbye.

Back at the dorm

I entered to see Skara was in the kitchen, "Hey Luz, I'm making dinner you want some? We're having Mac n cheese, and also some people are coming over to hangout" I gave her a thumbs up and went to my room to change clothes. While I was changing I heard some people laughing outside must be the people Skara was talking about. When I went out I saw Boscha and Amity in the loving room. They looked at me for awhile, "Uh- hi?" Amity responded back but Boscha got up and walked towards me.

"Hey Luz, look sorry about what happened, you know the post I made earlier, I'm sorry about that, I hope we can be friends?" I looked at her for awhile, "Alright then Boscha but I have a few questions,"

1. What made you change your mind?
2. What were you doing with Amber last time? And what plans does she have to me?
3. Your not going to backstab me after this because if you do you know what's coming.
4. Why did you post it? And where did you get it from?

"Well, the post I made was during lunch I made so it got alot of people's attention, after my parents found out they told me to delete it because they don't want their name to be involved with you and Amity's parents, 2, I was with her because she invited me over, she wanted to embarrass you in front of your friends and then beat you up after last time and I just followed because we made a bet to see if she can take you down and thanks to you I won a 20 dollar bet. She doesn't have anything planned but I'm guessing she might have. Next, I won't because like I said my parents don't want me to get my family name's involved with you and Amity's especially since you guys are more famous that me and Amity's parents have the power to actually get me kicked out of the school and get my parents jobless since they work for them, lastly, I posted it because I was jealous that you manage to hang out with the coolest person and make friends easily while I'm here having trouble, I got it when I over heard Gus and Hunter talking about it," she told the entire truth.

"Interesting story Boscha but what drama did I miss?" Skara said from the kitchen. I just lightly punched Boscha on her arm while Amity was just smiling. "Well, I guess we got that over I guess we can start this friendship with dinner? I'm hungry after work," they just laughed and we went to eat Skara's mac n cheese and I have to admit it was good.

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