Chapter 25: Acting Like A Couple But We're Friends

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Whiskey On Ice,
Sunset And Vine,
You Ruined My Life,
By Not Being Mine.
                                            -Taylor Swift

Amity's POV:

She grabbed my wrist and brought me to the room. "Hey, stop!" She took off the jacket that I was wearing. "Luz! I'm not doing this," I said. Her face was blank as she stared at me. "What?" I bellowed. "Tell me why not?" she asked. "We're not even a real couple, it's wrong to do this! Even if it's a dare it's going to far. I don't care if it's an extreme dare I'm not doing this," I scolded. Her blank face just stared at me for a few minutes. "I'm glad you understand and I wouldn't do it because I wouldn't want to either," she mumbled. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to get mad at you. Look your my bestfriend nothing more and it's wrong to do that."

Her expression changed to a soft smile and she hugged me. "Why don't we just do it?" she whispered. "Luz!" I pushed her off. "Alright, I'm kidding. Let's just give them what they want huh?" I stared at her in confusion. She picked up 2 towels and handed one to me, "Just follow me. Don't worry I won't do it." I nodded and I followed her out of the room. "Taking a bath guys?" Gus asked. "Yeah so we'll be awhile," Luz replied.

We entered the bathroom and she locked the door. She turned on the shower waiting for the water to turn warmer. I took off my hair band and ruffled my hair. "I see your roots are growing. Wanna dye it again?" she said. "I looked in the mirror to see my roots showing. "Yeah but I don't have the dye for it," she smiled and took something from her towel. "I have a dye that might suit you." It was a lavender coloured dye. "I don't think my mom would like that. She likes it green," I explained. "Pfftt, who cares your mom's not here. Besides it looks better on you." I just smiled and nodded. "Ok give it to me." She didn't give it but she offered to do it.

"Mind using your towel? I don't want you clothes to get dirty by the dye just in case," I nodded and she turned around as I was taking my clothes off. I left my bra and pantie on then put on my towel. I sat down on a stool as she washed my hair then dried it enough for her to start dying it. Then after a few minutes of leaving it be she washed it again. "I'm just gonna clean you right away," she said. "Is that why you wanted to dye my hair?" she just snickered. "Smartass, just don't y'know," she nodded and cleaned me up. Then she said she was gonna take a bath. "Ok, I'll just leave and come back later." "Nah, it's fine you can stay, besides you can't see me taking bath I'm behind a curtain." I just giggled and brushed my teeth and washed my face as she took a bath. She came out in a towel and started doing the same.

When my hair was dry I tied it. "Wait don't, I have an idea." She grabbed a brush and brushed my hair differently. Showing a little bit of my brown roots. "You look better with your hair down like this y'know," she complimented. During this random stuff we did of course we played around. She splashed water on to me, "Luz!" She just laughed at me.

10 minutes later

We came out of the bathroom. "Had fun in there? I guess you really took a bath together. What next you guys gonna-" Boscha stopped mid sentence when she looked at me. "Your- your hair! It's different." I just blushed, "Yeah, Luz changed it up for me." I went in the room to see Luz was grabbing clothes. "Here, I got your shirt, I'll go change in the bathroom." "No no, it's fine. The bathroom is wet anyways." We put on our clothes and went out of the room.

"I'm gonna Luz a $50 bet to Gus if Luz actually keeps this up for another 6 days," Hunter wailed. "Extra $50 if she keeps it up until the end of this month," Boscha added. Hunter groaned at them and we just laughed. I picked my phone to see Boscha posted: Guys no way you would believe if i told u this. luz is taking the couple dare seriously now she and amity are taking a both together. I wanted to kill Boscha for that because that's literally even more private.

"Hey Ams wanna go to sleep?" Luz asked. "Ooooooooh, have fun," Willow cheered. I rolled my eyes and went in the room. "Wanna listen to some music til we sleep?" I nodded my head and we lied on the bed putting in the earpiece. "What do we listen to?" I asked. "Hmm, how bout something random in my playlist?" I agreed and we slept. After a while I saw Luz was already sleeping so I went to sleep to. Before going to sleep the last song I recall listening to a song that had words like:

There's no way this song is about someone else....
There's no place better than right by your side....
Looking fine fine...but your the only one on my mind....
When you are gone I think of you....

But they were separated parts because that's what I recall hearing. Then I fell asleep in Luz's arms.

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