Chapter 12: 4 Months

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Luz's POV:

It's been 4 months since I moved to Hexside. Within those 4 months there's been chaos, drama and fights. Even if all those happened I manage to go through all of it. Making friends with new people, meeting my dad again after months and even befriending the Blights. Amity is a great friend, Gus, Willow and Hunter too. I can call of them best friends but I always hangout with Amity.

I saw Vee again after I moved, she decided to stay with me and I wouldn't bother. She's my childhood friend. Amity liked staying over at my places to avoid getting pranked by her siblings. I wished I had siblings being an only child is quiet lonely. But I'm glad to have friends with me having someone to talk to.

It's near New Years Vee and I planned to stay up all night to watch the fireworks. After telling Amity what we planned she wanted to join in. We told the others and they joined in too. "That means we're gonna stay over at your place right? I call dibs on the couch," Gus said excited. We all just laughed at him. Since the school gave us a Winter break they came over to my house early.

2 day before New Years

"So what do you guys wanna do since we're all here?" Willow said sitting on the couch. "How bout we play a game? Any suggestions?" I replied. "How bout the classic truth or dare?" Vee suggested. We agreed and Vee started by asking the first question, "Hunter, truth or dare?" Vee began, "Hmm...dare," he replied. "I dare you to make us 10 nutella toast in under 5 minutes," she said knowing it wouldn't be possible but Hunter accepted the challenge and headed straight for the kitchen, "Ok Willow your turn," I pointed, "Amity, truth or dare?" she looked, "Truth," she grinned, "Alright, do you have a crush on  someone?" Willow chuckled, "I" she shuddered, "really?" Willow smirking, " who would I like? You know how I'm not interested in dating," she scoffed. "I'm back with 6 nutella toast," He placed the tray on the table and Vee just looked at him in disbelief. "Ok Luz, your turn," Vee asked me.

"Truth," I replied, "Ok are you gay?" I just looked at her, "Well, I thought you knew but I'll answer anyways, I'm not gay but I'm a bisexual," I answered. Everyone just looked at me then cheered, "Nice your a bisexual but how does it feel to like both genders?" Gus questioned me. "Well how do I say this, it's feels the same like liking guys but with the same gender and uhh..." I looked at them nearly saying something suspicious. "Nevermind,"

Time skip 8:00 pm

It was 8 o'clock, we all got to distracted playing games since noon. I went to the kitchen and cooked then dinner. After dinner, we prepared for bed since we plan on going to the park tomorrow. We took baths one by one thenHunter slept in the living room using a sleeping bag that he brought and Gus slept on the couch. Willow slept in Vee's room using a sleeping bag she brought and well Amity slept in my room. They all head their own blanket.

But instead of sleeping the girls and I talked about stuff until it was pass midnight. We talked about alot of stuff, we told some secrets, talked about our life and family. I went out to grab some water and when I came in they were talking about lovers. Vee talked about her girlfriend and Willow talked about her boyfriend, me and Amity just listened to them since we were single. So we talked about Amity's Siblings.

I teased her about them and then she hit me with her pillow pinning me to the ground, "Amity stop I was kidding," but she didn't she kept hitting me with her pillow. Then I tackled her pinning her to the ground. We just laughed at our behavior then Willow and Vee was silent when we turned to them they were just smiling. "We'll leave the two of you guys alone now," They said grinning at us as they went out the door. 

"Y'know I'm gonna call you tomamity from now on," she just looked at me in confusion, "You look like a tomato you should get yourself checked up because your always turning red," her face turned even red if that was even possible. "Sh-shut up," she said. I just laughed at her. We talked on and on until it was 2 am. I was braiding her hair while she placed her head on my lap, we talked about her parents and how she was always alone with her siblings. Her boice was getting softer and softer and eventually she fell asleep.

I just sat there playing with her hair while she was sleeping. She's so peaceful when she was sleeping. I just looked at her then I heard Willow and Vee from outside giggling. They crept open the door, "She's sleeping," they nodded their head, "So where are you going to sleep?" Vee asked, "On the bed?" she just looke at me then Amity, "She's sleeping on the bed too," They both just widen their eyes, "Hey we did this alot of times it's fine," they just smirked, "alright then we'll go to sleep now, night Luz, don't have to much fun," I just rolled my eyes at them.

They left the room and I carried Amity onto the bed falling asleep beside her. I had this weird feeling when I'm beside her. I know friends don't usually sleep on the same bed or even if they did they wouldn't usually forget their stuff but this feels different. I wouldn't mind if she sleep on my bed, borrow my clothes, stayed over every time. I would carry her around, put her to bed. I never usually did most of these with Vee but with Amity? Maybe she's just my dearest friend.

Next day...

I woke up to the sound of giggling and chuckling in the room. When I opened my eyes, I saw the gang just standing in front of my bed looking at us with their phone in their hand. "What the fuck? Are you guys watching me sleep?" I whispered, "No, we're watching you both sleep," Vee said. I was confused it took me awhile to realize that Amity was sleeping on top of me with her head on my chest...part. My shirt was slightly opened and her hand was there. I couldn't move because I didn't want to wake her up.

"What's with all the noise?" she mumbled when she looked at us, she didn't even process what was going on. She just laid there seeing everyone else at the edge of the bed with their phones...smiling. She was so confused but my brain didn't want to work I just stayed like that. "Go away I wanna sleep," she said after that pulling the blanket. They just laughed even more. She got annoyed that she got up, "Oh my god...can't you just leave me?" she said glaring at them. Hunter walked up to her and showed her something that made her jump off me right away.

I quickly grab his phone and looked. It seemed like they came each hour to look at us and they took some video. It looked like Amity woke up for awhile and looked at me then she placed herself on me and that's how we ended up like that. She quickly ran to the bathroom and the others was just laughing at us.

So weird to have people watch me and Amity sleep. But it was funny though.

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