Chapter 16: Stuck with you (part 2)

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Luz's POV:

After I let go of Amity she ran to the bathroom again and I saw everyone just smiling at me.



Amity came back from the bathroom after what seemed like forever. All of them decided it was best for them to pack up since school was staring in 3 days. was fun while it lasted. Everyone left around 4 pm and I sent Amity home since I picked her up last time. I helped bring her bags well bag to the car as I started it up. 


Amity: About that night...

Luz: What about it?

Amity: I'm sorry that happened. I sleep like that sometimes.

Luz: No no. It's alright as long as you were comfortable even though it looked kinda wrong.

Amity: ...

Luz: By the way...what are you gonna tell on new years? I'm still curious.

Amity: It- I...nevermind I don't remember.

Luz: Alright then, but are you ok? You seemed a little bit under the weather.

Amity:No- Yea? I don't know. I'm just think about things.

Luz: About what? You can tell me if you want I won't force you if you don't want to.

Amity: I just can't stop...nevermind.

Amity's POV:

Dang...I can't even tell her anything. I wished I could but it's to stupid. She wouldn't even feel the same if I told her. I wished we could spend more time together like on New Years, sleep together in the same bed like that night or most of the nights we spent together. It felt magical. If only I could tell her how I felt.


"Helloooo? Earth to Amity? We're here,"

I snapped out my thoughts when Luz spoke. I didn't even realize that we arrived at the Blight Manor. I got out of the car, grabbed my things and waves goodbye to Luz as she drove off. I was welcomed by our house staff and I was told Ed and Em is out for a movie. Typical twins. I just spent the rest of the day on my bed.

Why is she always on my mind. I can't even think straight. She's always on my mind like some kind of disease. I just wanna knock my head and get amnesia so I could forget all about her. My phone buzzed and when I checked it was from Luz, I quickly read it:

Luz: Are you ok? 

Luz: I just got home

Luz: The rest of the ride u were quiet is there smth on ur mind?

Luz: please tell me i dont wanna see u depressed.

Amity: yea im fine. 

Amity: its just have you ever had this feeling that u dont wanna be alone? and that u want someone to talk to?

Luz: Always have. Are u feeling lonely? do u want me to come over? we can talk about azura.

Amity: its fine but i wanna be alone.

Even if what I told her was something like a lie, I just couldn't tell her the truth. After sending her that message she didn't even reply or read it. I just shrugged the thought off, checked the time, it was 6:14 pm so I drifted off to sleep.

I picked up my phone to see a reply from Luz but nothing. I woke up around 10. "Damn did I really sleep for 4 hours?" I mumbled under my breath. When I did, I took a few steps and tripped over something, Ouch," I yelped as I was lying on the ground, I looked at what I tripped over and it was Luz, and she was just using her phone until I fell over her.

"Sorry Luz, wait..what are you doing here?"

"Well I couldn't just leave my best friend sad can I?" I just smiled at her and got up to sit. "How long have you been here?" she looked at her phone, "About almost 4 hours ago, your housekeeper told me you were in the room and when I came in I saw you were sleeping so I just sat on the floor to make sure you were alright," what she did was sweet but she had been here for 4 hours just to check on me.

"Well I'm gonna change my clothes now," I got up grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. When I entered I was about to open my shirt when I realize I wasn't in the clothes I wore earlier. At first I tried to remember if I did change but then I actually didn' that means...oh my god.

I went out the bathroom and saw Luz was still sitting in the same place, "Uhh Luz. Funny question. Why am I not wearing the same clothes since this morning?" she just looked at me and smiled, "because it was changed by someone?" I just sighed in relief, "But I'm not sure if I change you into the right clothes, is something wrong?" I just looked at her. "You perv,"

"Ok, 1, I didn't look at your boobs and your thing. 2, I'm not that type for person. 3, I didn't want you to sleep in clothes like that so I wanted to sleep comfy. 4, atleast I was the one who changed you since I help clean you up last time when you hurt your leg and 5, your best friend and I care about you, so stop being a baby over there and eat the food I made, and if you still don't believe me you can ask your housekeepers" she explained. I was flabbergasted. I didn't complain so I just sat down next to her.

She picked up a bowl and tried hand  feeding me. "No, I can eat myself," she just rolled her eyes and help a spoon to my mouth. Since I couldn't win over her I just are the food," it was pretty good for a simple looking porridge. I finished everything and she cleaned my mouth gave me water then she picked me up and put me to bed. "Now sleep," she made me her baby, literally. She tucked me in sat down next to me and used her phone.

"Aren't you gonna go home?"

"No, I'm staying here to care for you," she responded. "Then aren't you gonna sleep?" she just  smiled at me and said, "silly potato, where am I gonna sleep? Besides I'm comfortable with the floor and that's good enough." I just rolled my eyes at her, "Get on the bed you can sleep with me," she just looked at me and then she got up and lied next to me. I tried my best not to get closer to her but she was just so warm. And that's how it went from there until tomorrow.

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