Chapter 21: Are you dating yet?

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Amity's POV:

After a small chitchat with Boscha last night I decided to put my plans into action but the problem is I don't have any plans. I woke up at 5 in the morning to get to work. I was about to text Luz to wake up but she was already awake saying she's taking a bath and I should just wait in her room. After a small breakfast I went to Luz's dorm and the door was already unlocked. When I went in I entered Luz's room, it was a it messy but I've seen worst. Like Boscha's.

I was using my phone when Luz entered the room. "Hey Ams, sorry it took me awhile I made us breakfast so we don't get hungry while we work, it's on the kitchen table." I couldn't help but star at her while she was talking. I quickly looked awhile when she was about to put on her clothes. Our uniform was in the girls' locker room so we wouldn't have to walk back to the dorm to change since it was closer. "Do you seriously want me to look at you change?" I pointed it out to her. "Sorry, it's that I didn't have much privacy before so I probably got used to people being in the room while I'm changing. Not all like y'know but like you get what I mean," she replied.

After she was done we went to the kitchen to grab some empanadas that she made when she woke up earlier. She grabbed 2 and placed one in her mouth and handed the other one to me. Alright now let's try Plan A: More Social. I grabbed the one from her mouth and ate it. She just looked at me then smiled and ate the other one. She just smiled? Did that work? We went left the dorm complex around 5:57am. She was talking about what we were gonna do and apparently Vee is working on weekends. It was a little cold today so this time I tried getting closer to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Just a little cold. Mind if I'm get closer?"

She just pulled me closer a placed her arm around my shoulder. We arrived at the cafe at 6:04 it was still closed but there was someone inside. Luz knocked on the door and the guy opened it. "Ah, morning Luz you must be Amity, name's Hooty. Come in, we're gonna open up in a bit," he motioned us to come inside and we closed the door behind us. We grabbed our apron's with our name tag. Luz worked as the barista and I worked as the cashier. While waiting we had another breakfast provided for the employees. We sat with the other employees at a table.

"Hold on I'm going to the restroom,"

And with that she left me with my co-workers, "So Blight, we heard a rumor that you like Luz, is that true?" King asked, "'s true but how'd you know?" they just laughed at me, "Are you kidding the whole school knows. Boscha wanted to help you by posting it on her story. Don't worry we're all supporting you and her. So any improvement so far?" I wanted to kill Boscha for that but I should've know how she can be nosy when it comes to someone's relationship status. "Well so far not much, she just called me her bestfriend last night after I said I wanted to be more that friends," then Luz came back, "Alright so what you guys talking about?"

"Nothing much just telling her what we do in our free time when there isn't much customers," Hooty replied. It was 6:30 so we opened up the cafe. In a few minutes, the cafe had more and more students coming in fro breakfast. Luz was so good at making the drinks and serving them. The only thing was that I was the cashier so I was asked by every student that came the counter, "Are you and Luz dating?" or, "How's your relationship with Luz?"

Then the gang came with Boscha and Skara. This is gonna be worst. "Hey Ams, so how's it going with her?" Gus said mocking me, I just rolled my eyes at them, "I would kill you right now but I have decided to accept what you have done, now what would you guys like?" After they ordered they sat down but everyone was looking at me most of the time just smirking. I wanted to melt right then and there. "Hey Ams you alright?" Luz asked making an espresso, "Yeah, never better," I said smiling, "No she's not," someone said but Luz ignored him.

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