Message From The Author About Last Chapter

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Hey there dear readers,

I hope you liked that ending jk I know you didn't want me to kill Luz but please before you find my address to kill me listen. I promised myself that I would write about 20 chapters but I ended up with 34 so I'm glad I actually did it. I also ended it like this because school is coming up. So I would be busy to post updates on this book. Don't worry though, this is only book one. One the weekends I'll try my best to write/update book 2 for you guys. For now I'll leave you here. If it's bad I'm sorry it's just the first time I really let others read something I write but yeah, it isn't an easy job. This book was written after s3 ep1 of The Owl House and before s3 ep2. That's all for now and I'll update the book for when book 2 is out with it's first chapter. Thank you and wish me luck for 9th grade.

Discord: BubblyTurtle #9014
Tiktok: t0hobsesser


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