Chapter 5: Stuck with you (part 1)

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Amity's POV:

After me and Luz's performance a few days ago, everyone's been asking me this, "are you and luz dating?" I was actually surprised by this but replying it was painful, "no we're just friends," that last word hurts me. But now I'm really confused. So I did a little research on her since I have nothing to do this afternoon.

It turns out she was actually a famous influencer. 15.8 Million on TikTok 13.2 million in insta. She's really good at literary everything. Guess that's why everyone wants to talk to her. So I was scrolling through her TikTok and when I saw this one video I think I 15 million bricks just landed on my head.

The video was her riding a motorcycle but that wasn't the problem in the video SHE.WAS.HOT.AS FUCK! That's when I got a text from Luz.

Texting Log Amity's POV:

Dork: Hey Amity, wanna hang I'm downstairs in the living room.

Me: Why didn't you tell me?? I would've prepared also when did you come to my house??

Dork: Yea... sorry i forgot to tell u and ur siblings let me in anyways if you dont come down in the next 2 minutes im gonna come in ur room and drag u out 🙂💅🏻

Me: I'm not even wearing proper clothes....

Dork: Dont care 😌

End of text log

As soon as I realize I knew what she meant. I heard my siblings yell, "mittenssssssss, we're gonna let Luz enter your room you can thank us later." When I heard that they opened the door and threw Luz in and shut the door. "BRO! WHAT THE FUDGE IM NOT EVEN WEARING PROPER CLOTHES!" I yelled covering myself with my blanket.

Luz's POV:

When the twins threw me in Amity's room I was just like what the actual fuck just happened. As I got up I turned to see Amity just staring at me all red I just stared at her for a minute until she said, "Can you not look at me?" she looked even redder than a tomato. That's when I realized she was covering herself in her blanket.

My face started heating up and I went into full panic mode. "Oh my god, I am so so sorry," I said that as I turned around and face the opposite direction of where she was. It took her awhile and I swear I had this really weird feeling around her but I don't know what it was. I explained to her what happened and I told her I wasn't the one who texted her I twins said they were typing in their number in my phone.

We talked a bit about the twins. When I was about to leave it started raining. I told them I would be fine that I can get home. But... I guess the weather had other plans. There was a storm and it was getting heavier and the wind was growing stronger so I had to stay at Amity's. Again.

I had fun actually, the 4 of us played monopoly and i swear Edric wouldn't stop being a baby because we bought something he wanted to buy. It was actually really funny. We checked the weather but it wasn't clearing up anytime soon it just seems to be getting worse.

So I had to stay over at the manor. Which means I have to borrow a shirt. I went over to Emira and ask if I could borrow her shirt and pants she was looking through her dresser and said, "Fortunately, I don't maybe you can borrow mittens," Fortunately? Did she not want to lend me her clothes? But the thought of me borrowing Amity's clothes made me blush. "I would lend you mine but I don't want mittens to get jealous besides I think it's too big for you."

I nodded and left the room closing the door behind me. I went down the hallway to Amity's room. I gave it a knock and when I entered I didn't see Amity in so I just sat on her bed, put in my earpiece and listen to music. I got up then looked out the window that was in her room. It's still raining.

That's when the most stupidest thing started. As I was still looking out the window Edric tapped on my shoulder asking if I would like chicken for dinner. I gave him a thumbs up and said he'll call me when it's done. After he left Emira then came in the room, "Hey Luz, would you be ok if you slept in Amity's room?" I just nodded. I continued looking out the window looking at the rain.

I was too distracted by the rain and the music that was playing that I didn't realize Amity was in the room she screamed which startled me. I turned around to see she was wearing a towel and so it began she started throwing things at me like last time except it wasn't pillows it was things on her dresser. I told her to calm down but I'm guessing she didn't probably panicked.

I jumped over to her so she would stop but I accidentally stepped on something and it made me trip and land on Amity. Next thing you know me and her were on the ground. I was on top of her and she was under me with a towel. I'm guessing I must've knocked her head a little too hard cause she didn't move for awhile. At that same time the twins came in, "Hey guys dinners ready and what wit-" Emira stopped halfway as she saw us like that. Amity grew her cautiousness and saw me then she looked at Emira. "Okayy...I'll leave you to continue that," she said smirking as she was closing the door.

I quickly got up apologized to Amity, I think she turned into a tomato because her face was so red. I quickly went out the room and waited downstairs. Few minutes later, Amity came down her face still all red. Her siblings just laughed at what happened. As we were done with dinner I went up to change into the clothes Amity had lent me. It was really comfy. Seeing it was still stormy I just thought what if it stayed like this then I heard some clear their throat.

It was Amity, "what do you mean if it stayed like this?" I just looked at her that meant I said it out loud. "I was just wondering what would happen if it stayed like this would that mean I have to stay here longer?" She just turned beet and ran out. I have not idea why she always does that. It's cute though.

We all got ready for bed until I realize where am I sleeping. Of course Edric knew what I was think so he said, "You can sleep with mittens on her bed," the thought of that made me nervous. She's just a friend I said to saying under my breath right? Then I went into Amity's room seeing she was lying down looking at her phone.

"Oh hey Luz," she said looking at me with a smile. "They said I'm gonna have to sleep the same bed?" I said rubbing the back of my neck while my face was heating up. I couldn't see her face but when I did she was a tomato. So after a few minutes of awkwardness she gestured me to lie down and so I did.

We talked about alot of things then Amity got a call. When she picked it up it was a video call from someone. "H-hey Willow what's up?" she said smiling awkwardly. It was Willow so I decided to say hi. I rolled over to Amity and said hi that's when Willow said, "Oh hey Luz, having fun at Amity's" she said smirking and that's when she turned beet again I think she has problems. "Sh-shut up," she said looking away from the phone.

The call lasted about half and hour then it was already 11:56. Wow that was fast. So I lied down going to sleep then a loud thunder struck. Which scared Amity because she flinched and clinged closer to me. I just cuddled her and we both ended up sleeping like this the rest of the night.

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