Chapter 23: Stayover

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Amity's POV:

When we got back to our dorms, Luz texted in out group chat we had: guys wanna hang out at amity's dorm? its a weekend tmrw so lets just hangout :). Everyone responded back that they'll be there then Boscha went up to me, "So how'd your little date with Luz go?" I wanted to kill her for what she did, "Your lucky your my friend or I would have killed you. The date if I wanna say went well at first but I couldn't do anything. I'm helpless," I groaned. She just chuckled at me.

"C'mon let's get some snacks in the retail downstairs for later," she called, "I'm tired, I was chasing King and Hooty for making me slip," she laughed at me then I hit her the back of her head. I accompanied her to the shops so she wouldn't take to long. I was walking around the compound then it started snowing. I walked around in the snow enjoying it. "Hey Ams, best not to be in the snow your gonna be sick," I would listen to her but I wanted to be in the snow for awhile. After awhile I got cold so I told Boscha that I'm going up to warm myself up.

I went back to the dorm in then took a hot bath then put on some comfy clothes. While I was rummaging my bag for my shirt I saw a piece of clothing that I've never seen before. I took it out to take a better look at it, it was Luz's crop top hoodie that she wore on the first day. She lent it to me when I was feeling a little cold that day. I had forgotten to give it back to her until now. I just wore it because it was really soft and cozy. I decided to wear it for tonight and give it back to Luz tomorrow unless she wants it back tonight. After cleaning and changing my clothes, it was 7:04, well Boscha is taking her time at the store.

Boscha's POV:

I went to the store to grab some snacks but I also did that so I could make another post to help Amity. What she doesn't know is that I have another account. Project Lumity! Tonight they having a stayover at my dorm, ideas in how we should let this ship sail. These were the most common idea:

1. Let Luz sleepover at your dorm.
2. Play a horror movie so Amity get's scared so she gets closer to Luz.
3. Play truth or dare.

Pretty common stuff, idea 1: Good idea she can stay over in Amity's room, idea 2: We all know she's not a fan of horror movies and idea 3: we can get Luz to spill the truth or dare her to do something to Amity. If none of them succeeded then we have to try different tactics like... LOCKING THEM IN A ROOM FOR A FEW HOURS.

Amity's POV:

Boscha finally got back around 7:18 with the food stuff, she got Pringles, Doritos, M&M, Dairy Milk, Coke, Pepsi all those kinds of snacks. We placed all of the snacks on the table. "Nice crop top Amity, where'd you get it?" she asked looking at it, "Oh, it's not mine, it's Luz," she just grinned, "Really? It's nice it also got a hood that's cool. Don't spoil your future girlfriend's clothes, "she joked. I rolled my eyes then there was a knock on the door. I went to open it and it was the Luz and the others.

"Hey Ams, hey Boscha," She greeted at the door with the others behind her.

"Hey, come in," I motioned them inside. "Is that my crop top hoodie?" she asked, "Yeah, I wanted to return it to you since the last time which was a few months ago. Then I decided to wear it for today even if the sleeve is a little long, I wanted give it back tomorrow, if that's ok with you?" she just smiled, "You can keep it, it looks cute on you despite it's size for you, you know cute large size clothes are on small people," I just blushed at the comment, "Now c'mon let's get this stayover started, she walked to the living room and I was still blushing over the comment, when I turned, I saw they're just looking at me with their stupid smirks.

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