Chapter 11: Christmas Day

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Luz's POV:

I woke this morning to see me and Amity still sleeping in my arms. I Just smiled then I sat up. I looked at her face and moved a few strands of hair from her face. Her minty green coloured hair was nice but you can see the roots growing out. I sat there for awhile staring at how peacefully she sleep. She turned around to face my direction.

"Sleep well?" but she just mumbled a reply which I didn't understand. I went down stairs and made breakfast. Before that I checked on Vee. She was still sleeping. Downstairs in the kitchen I made waffles, berry smoothie and a fruit salad. When I was done I went up and took a bath. When I went out I saw Amity still sleeping. Is she really that sleepy?

I put on my clothes and saw Vee was already awake, I think? She was just leaning against the wall with sleepy eyes. "Vee wake up your gonna fall," and with that she woke up and went down stairs. We both had our breakfast together but Blight was still upstairs sleeping. So I brought breakfast to the room and woke her up.

I placed the food near her nose and it woke her up. "Morning sleeping beauty. Had a nice sleep?" She nodded, sat up and I handed her the plate of waffles and fruits. "How's your leg?" I asked looking at her. "It's ok I guess," I nodded at went to grab clothes for her to wear. She picked up her phone, "oh shoot- I'm supposed to be at the manor today," she quickly got up and took a bath.

5 minutes later~

"Uhh- Luz?" I heard Amity called from the bathroom. I went up to the bathroom and knocked, "can you pass me the towel I left it in the room," she said from the other said. I went to grab the towel and passed it to her.

Time skip 1:15 pm

Amity invited us over to the Blight Manor to have a Christmas feast with her siblings. Vee got excited and I was happy to be called over for a Christmas feast. We got prepared, brought our gifts to the manor and left around 2.

When we arrived there was alot of cars. "Woah, what's the occasion?" I asked Amity out of curiosity. "I have no idea," she replied. We entered and parked in the garage. When we entered there was people wearing dresses and suits. Lucky for us we Amity told us to wear these and that I have spare dresses in my closet.

The twins caught us, "Mittens, mom and dad is back and they brought their business partners and some other people," Em said. "Really? Great... I thought it was just gonna be us," she complained. The someone called out to me, "Luz?" when I turned around I was shock to see my dad, "Dad, it's you. Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked hugging him. "I should be asking you. I'm here because our company is having a Christmas feast here," he replied looking at me.

"Luz," The others said walking towards me, "Hey guys this is my dad, Manny Noceda," I said introducing him to them, "Hi Mr. Noceda nice to me you again," Vee said waving at him. "Hello Vee and you guys must be Mr and Mrs. Blights children," he said taking his hand out to shake. "Yes we are I'm Ed this is Em and this is Amity," Ed said shaking his hand.

Then 2 people came up to us, "Manny, I see you have met our children," the lady said. "Hello children. We were looking for you kids," she continued. "Who are you 2?" she said looking at me and Vee. "I'm Luz Noceda and this is Vee. Nice to meet you we are friends of Amity," I said smiling at her. "The Luz Noceda? Manny's daughter that we hear so much about?" she said.

"Yeah," the lady then looked at me and smiled, "well it nice knowing mittens has made friends with someone like you. I heard you good at everything, is that true?" she said looking at me. I just smiled, "she can play the piano or the guitar and even the violin," Ed said. "Oh really? I would love to hear you perform for us," she said smiling. With that the Mrs. Blight went to a space a little taller that where we were, "Listen up everyone. Today we have the one and only Luz Noceda, and she will be performing for us.

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