Chapter 24: Spending The Weekend (pt 1)

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Amity's POV:

I was woken up by Luz who was still hugging me. "Morning sweet potato. Had a nice nap?" She asked staring at me. "Yeah, you?" I mumbled. "Alright c'mon sleepy head. You still gotta prepare breakfast since you wuss out on the movie last night," she said. "Problem is I don't know how to cook," I replied, "figured that's why I'm helping you. So let's make it before everyone else wakes up, princesa," she pulled me out of bed.We went to the bathroom to freshen up before we cook.

Then we started cooking. "So what we making?" I asked. "We're making pancakes and smoothies." She took out the ingredients from the fridge and cabinets. "Wait where did those come from?" I questioned, "Oh, I brought these over yesterday." I just shrugged and we started making. "Alright let's make pancakes first," I watched her mix flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl then in a separate bowl she mixed milk, 2 eggs, sugar, vanilla extract and melted butter. "Now you try," I followed what she did since we were making breakfast for everyone so we needed to make 3 stacks for each person.

While we were making more batters, Luz put some flour on my face. "Hey! How dare you," so I put some flour back at her face. After making enough, we combined the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients together. Then we pour some batter on the pan flipping it and switching it every few minutes. We made just enough pancakes for everyone and they were still sleeping.


She took fruits out of the fridge like, strawberries, blueberries, apples, bananas and milk. "Ok now let's make smoothies," she took a knife and cutting board and peel the skin of the banana and apples, removed the stem/leaf of the berries then, washed them. She handed me a knife, I looked at it for awhile, "How do you cut the fruit?" she just laughed and went behind me, she grabbed my both my hands with her's then she slowly moved my hand to cut the fruits. "You put on hand on the fruit and the other holds the knife. You index holds the top if the blade for support. Then, you slice it like this."

I was blushing when she did that and while we were doing that Boscha got out of the room. "*Yawning*, morning dumbasses. Oh what do we have here? Making breakfast?" Luz was still holding my hand teaching me how to cut. "Luz what are you doing?" she stopped cutting to respond, "Helping her make breakfast?" she answered. "No I meant why are you holding her hand?" she just sighed, "You dared me to act like lovers and I'm teaching her how to cook? Are you dumb?" She continued cutting the fruits when I saw Boscha just winking at me. Not gonna lie but I gotta take them for this one.

We continued cutting the fruits separately when I accidentally cut myself. "Ow!" I cried. "Wait here, I'll get a bandaid." she went to the room to find bandaids and then Boscha woke the others up by opening the curtain. "Boscha we wanna sleep what the hell?" Skara whined. "It's 8 o'clock besides they're almost done with breakfast so wake the fuck up," she yelled. They got up and folded their blankets. "So had fun last night Amity?" Hunter joked. "What do you mean?" I asked, "We heard you screaming last night," he chuckled.

"We weren't doing anything Hunter so leave her alone," Luz came out with a bandaid and took my hand to rinse the blood and cover up the wound. "Now you be careful next time," she said kissing my forehead. She continued cutting the fruits and then we poured them into the blender with the milk then blend. The others were talking in the living room while we were preparing the table. "Alright breakfast time," I called. They rushed to the table and took a seat. "This is good, you guys should make us breakfast everyday," Gus said with a mouthful.

23 minutes later

We finished up our food and washed the dishes then we planned on what we were gonna do today. "I heard that the New Year's Winter Fest is already open. So why don't we spend our day there?" Gus suggested. We had no other plans so we just agreed to Gus's idea. After planning they went back to their own dorms to get ready. We told each other to meet up the cafe when we were done since Vee was working today we decided to stop by for a visit. Even though it opens in the evening, we wanted to get rid of our boredom.

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