Chapter 10: Christmas Eve

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Luz's POV:

It's the 24th of December it means Christmas is tomorrow. I'm really excited. Me and Vee got the house cleaned and prepared for tomorrow. Since it was a Saturday we didn't have much to do. So we just slept.

Amity's POV:

Everything for Christmas tomorrow is being handles by the hoisekeepers so I had nothing to do. After the incident with Luz that day, I felt that she could actually protect me from anything. I just smiled at the thought of her. So I gave her a call so I could hangout at her place. She didn't answer. Then when she finally answered it wasn't was Vee. She said I could come over and so I did.

When I arrived I was greeted by Vee. She let me in, "You can wait for Luz in her room" she said. I just nodded and went to her room.

Luz's POV:

I just finished taking a bath and I was wearing my bra and underwear while putting on my shorts when Amity walked in, "Hey Amity don't mind me. I just finished taking a bath." She just stood there at the door for a few seconds then she ran out and closed the door. What's up with her? She was all red, I should tell her to go check up on herself after this. Then I heard a loud thud.

I went down to hear Vee talking with Amity, "You idiot,  you should have at least looked where you were stepping," she said with a small laugh. "What's wrong?" I questioned from behind them. "Amity fell down the stairs when she was coming down," she replied as she was putting ice on Amity's leg. "Are you alright? Do you want be to call your siblings?" I questioned her. She just shook her head, "I stay here for the time."

It was around 2 in the afternoon, the 3 of us just sat in the living room. "I'm boooooorred," Vee whined. I just looked at her, "what do you wanna do then?" She just shrugged. "Let's go to the backyard. She said dragging both of us off the chair to the back. "Ow," Amity cried. "Oops sorry I forgot your legs hurt. Luz carry her," Vee said looking at me, "What why?" I replied, "Just do it."

I picked her up piggyback style into the backyard just to find Vee throwing a snowball at me. I turned to see her holding another one in her hand. "Ohhh your on," and with that we had a snowball fight in the backyard. I ran around throwing snowballs at Vee with Amity on my back. It felt good to do childish things again. Amity enjoyed being carried while I was running around.

When I got exhausted I put the mint haired girl down on the porch and laid my head on her thighs. Vee was just building a snowman. Me and Amity just laughed at random things we talked about. I looked at her and she was pretty...pretty hot actually. I just found myself smiling while looking at her. Her eyes were golden, it really suited her. It's so luminous, the colour like the stars.

She didn't see me looking at her she was busy looking at Vee. "What are you looking at?" she said giggling. "Nothing, just wondering if your eyes really are gold or is just my imagination," I complimented. She just covered her mouth and nose and came the tomato again. "Luz can you bring me in? I need to use the restroom" she mumbled the words since her mouth was covered.

We all went in and I dropped Amity in front the bathroom and she quickly walked in. After awhile  she didn't come out. I knocked on the door, "you alright in there?" and she quickly opened the door, "Yeah! I' m alright why won't I be?" she said blurted out. I just looked at her and I saw her nose started bleeding. "Amity! Your nose is bleeding, wait here lemme get a tissue downstairs. I quickly ran down and grabbed a pack of tissue for her. She was just covering her nose.

After about 5 minutes her nose stopped bleeding. Vee made us some hot cocoa as we sat in my room. We laughed and joked around with each other that we didn't realize it was already 9 o'clock. 'We better get to bed since it's Christmas tomorrow," I told them as I got up and picked up Amity. I brought her around the house most of the time because I didn't want her to walk on an injured leg.

She called her siblings that she's going to sleep over my place for tonight. She said she was gonna take a bath. "How? Your leg's injured. I'm not gonna let you stand up I want your leg to heal faster," I verbalized. "Then how am I gonna take a bath to freshen up? You gonna give me a bath?" she said rolling her eyes. I just grinned at her. "Oh no. No no no no no. I am not gonna let you give me a bath because I am capable of taking a bath on my own." She contemplated.

"Y'know one time I also hurt my leg and Luz gave me a bath even I didn't want to be she's very stubborn so in the end, she just just a wet towel to clean me," Vee said exposing herself. Amity just stood there with beet face, "Weren't you naked?" she questioned. "No. The fuck why would I look at Vee naked? She was wearing a towel. I just wiped her with a wet towel because I don't want her to slip in the bathroom or have trouble with things," I explained.

Amity's POV:

I am not gonna be half naked just so I could be freshen up by Luz. Like it wasn't a really bad idea but it's just she looking at me like half naked. Like I get that I did see her like that earlier and like that was the reason I fell down the stairs. I was covering my face when I was running. She's still so caring though... should I let her? Hopefully my nose doesn't bleed again. 

"Fine," I agreed. She just nodded and went to grab a for me to wear. She brought me to the bathroom I sat on a stool while she washed my hair. Then she used a damped towel that is smaller and wiped my arm with that. I felt so embarrassed that I think my nose started bleeding again. Fortunately it wasn't much. She wiped my arm with it after she soaped it. She also wiped my legs. But that was not the worst part.

"Is it ok if you open the towel? I need to wipe you back and stomach," she said with a stern look on her face. I just nodded but in my mind its all: lord why did I nod? what the fuck?  just kill me already. I can't take this. My heart was pounding so hard I could have bursted through my chest. I was so uncomfortable but for some reason I just agreed to her doing this. Even if I'm covering like the private parts of my body it was still awkward. I looked at her but her face was so serious.

After 10 minutes, we were done with the cleaning session. Now it's the clothing session. I was about to put on the shirt myself but she insisted on helping me. Arrrggh Luz why do you have to be this caring? And why do I have to be so stupid to actually allow her. I could have just died because my heart rate was going like 1000 bpm. She helped me put on my shirt and like I tried my best to tell her I can put the pants on myself but she was so persistent to helping me. After that she took off her hoodie and put it on me. It was so soft.

She placed me on the bed went out for awhile and then she sat on the bed. "Why..did you have to do all that?" I asked. "I always took care of my abuela when she was still with me. I loved her very much because she was always with me especially since I was the only granddaughter she had. My parents are always out so I barely get to see them. I learned how to cook and care from her," she said looking at me with a smile. "I am so sorry Luz, I'm guessing you really loved her and I'm sorry for your lost," I mourned. "It's ok. She died when I was 15. I always cared for her since she was too old to do much. But she was always patient when I did anything wrong."

"But that wasn't why I did all this, one time my mother was home and she had a broken leg. I took care of her like how I took care of you guys," she said. She was so caring for everyone. "Anyways, let's go to sleep it's getting late," she chimed as she was grabbing a pillow and putting it down on the carpet. "What are you doing?" I looked at her. "Sleeping? Duh," she said grabbing a spare blanket. "No get on the bed. You've done so much for me so sleep on the bed," I said.

Shit why did I say that?  She just smiled and nodded. She laid beside me. I turned around making sure I don't look at her in the face. But it felt warmer when I was closer to her. So I just moved back a little bit until I felt her body against my back. "What are you doing?" she said from behind. "I'm cold ok?" she just pulled me closer and put her arm around me. It was warm, her hoodie was comfy, the bed was soft, and I'm...a lesbian now. I fell for her. She's amazing at everything. It really is a Christmas gift for me even if it wasn't Christmas just yet.

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