The Way I See You.

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After we get to the dorm with all of our things and unpack, a part of me feels relieved to be here. I dont know why. Enid looks at me and smiles softly. Damn, I enjoy seeing her smile. As soon as we make eye contact, Enid's phone rings. She picks it up and answers it. I make my bed while she spoke with someone. "Oh, yeah we could do that Ajax! 7 PM? Alright!" I gritted my teeth at the thought of them even lingering in close proximity.

Whatever. Enid isnt mine anyway. Not my responsibility, nor my place to say what she can or cant do. Why the hell am I even thinking about this...? I wouldn't have a chance. "Wens! Im going out with Ajax tonight. Sorry to leave you alone..." She said biting her lip, not trying to make it visible to me. "Whatever. Wait. What did you call me?" I said with a blank tone. "Wens! Its the nickname I made up for you." Enid exclaimed. "Dont call me that ever again." I said, rolling my eyes. But I think Enid could tell that I liked it either way. Disgusting to know she can read me that way.

[6:50 PM]
Me and Enid are just minding our own business when we hear a knock at the door. Enid perks up and runs over to answer the door. I turn to see Ajax in the doorway. Ugh. They both hug as I feel my hand ball up into a fist. Why am I doing this? Why do I feel like this! I wish I could understand what I was feeling more. Who cares, emotions are a waste of time and energy, effortlessly eating away at your life.

They leave together holding hands as I shut the door. I decide to go to the graveyard about 10 minutes after they both left. I follow the path, but I hear chatter not too far from me. "Look Enid, I'm so sorry... Maybe it was just destined to be this way." It sounded like Ajax. I rolled my eyes at even the bare thought of him. But shortly after, I hear crying. It was definitely Enid. No doubt about it.

I finally catch sight of them, careful not to make too much noise. I see Enid wiping at her face, and she turns the other way and runs in the direction of the dorm. I start walking towards there aswell, making sure to give Ajax a cold, murderous stare as I passed him. I entered our dorm room, to see Enid curled up in a ball on her bed. I walk over to her. "What happened this time Enid." I asked, trying not to sound so cold this time. "He broke up with me..." She said, choking on tears. I sat down beside her. I gently lifted her head up to look at me and I wiped the tears that flooded her eyes.

We locked eyes. I hesitated for a second and spoke. "He doesnt deserve you anyways, you're way too good for him." This didnt seem to help at first, but eventually she threw herself onto me and she squeezed me tightly. I embraced the hug, and she ended up resting her head on my lap. I lifted my hand over her head. She looks at my hand and then up at me questioningly. I hesitated for a while, but I started to stroke her soft hair. It felt... needed, did I really yearn for this? It felt like I was being hypnotized. She turns to her side. I see that her ears are red. I realize what Im doing, and I immediately felt my face get hot.

"Enid, we should get ready for bed." I quickly say, changing the subject. We get ready for bed. I finished first because I changed before her. I laid in my bed, turning the lamp off on my side. I face the wall. I hear Enid slip out of the bathroom, walking over to turn her lamp off. I hear the click of her lamp, and I relax. Im still cooling off from what just happened. I deeply sigh. I hear footsteps coming towards me. I think that she probably just forgot something on my desk and was going to get it.

But her footsteps sound right to my bed, and I freeze. Enid lifts the covers up and lays behind me. I jump as I feel a hand slip onto my stomach. "Is this okay Wens..?" She whispered into my ear. What they call butterflies and what I call locusts flutter in my stomach. I dont respond to Enid but I turn over to face her. We pull each other close, and with my face feeling hot, I bury my face into her neck. I breathe in her familiar scent. We both quickly started to fall asleep. I dont see Enid as just a friend. I realize that now. "The way I see you, Enid, is mine." I thought in my head as I drifted to sleep.

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