Uh oh.

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[Wednesdays POV] I wake up with Enid... Still a werewolf? The sunlight was touching her. Why hasn't she turned back? I woke her up by ruffling her fur. She opened her eyes slowly. Enid looked up to the roof that let sunlight down on her. She looked at her paws.

Enid looked at me in panic. She whined at me and pawed at the ground. "Uhh. What do I do?" I asked. All she did was look and me and huff a breath into my face. "Uhm. Stay here. Im gonna go get help." I said. I left the lupin cage and went into the school. I found one of Enid's werewolf friends.

I walked up to her quickly. "Hey you. Enid transformed last night and the sunlight still hasnt turned her back. What do I do?"

"Well thats not normal. Ive never heard that one before. Go ask the principal, he's a werewolf too. He knows more than me." she said sort of confused. I left without a word and went to look for the principal. I knocked on his office door. "Come in." I heard. I opened up the door.

"Ah a student. What might you need?" He asked. "Hey. You're a werewolf right?" I asked. He nodded his head, starting to get confused. "Yea. My "friend" Enid transformed last night, and she hasnt turned back to a human even though the sunlight has touched her. What do I do?"

"Oh. Well that's unusual. You have to find a tree that has wicked branches that spread out in all directions. You take some of its roots and boil them into a tea. Once it turns purple, take out a cup and a half and have the desired werewolf drink it. They should transform into normal rather quickly." He explained. He walked over to his shelf and grabbed a book. He flipped through the pages.

The book was turned to me. The tree looked unnerving. I nodded my head and went into the forest to find this tree. Slung over my shoulder was a shovel. None of these looked like one... Maybe the principal is wrong. Well no, because he's a werewolf himself. That wouldnt make sense for him to be wrong.

Wait. Is that it? I see a ragged tree in the distance. Its eerie presence reassured me as I got closer. I dug up its roots and cut it with my pocket knife. I hoped these were the right ones. I cant let her down.

I walk around the forest for what felt like hours. I see a credibly noticeable bluish green contrast from the brown of a tree. Glasses? Hold on. They look like... Thornhill's glasses. I walk up to them. I slowly reach my fingers out to them. As soon as I touch them, my head gets thrown back.

A vision. I havent had a vision for so long. Why now?

It was all dark. I opened my eyes. I was being bombarded by bees. I see... me? I step on my head (if that makes sense) and I black out. The next thing I knew it was all dark again.

"Avenge me." something whispered.


"AVENGE ME." The voice of Joseph Crackstone boomed through the air. I gasped as I awoke buried in dirt. I reached my hand up through the now loose dirt. I dug myself out. I looked down at my shoes. Oh my god. Am I in Thornhills body? Oh shit. Shes back. She took off her glasses and threw them to the tree. She could see clearly now. Blueish green magic whispered at her fingers.

The same shade of Crackstones staff. Oh shit. She walked off. I was yanked back into reality. It was getting dark already. I wonder how long I was out for. I ran back to the dorm. I slammed the door behind me, huffing and puffing from my run.

I tried not to worry about it, but it was all I could do. I just continued to boil the roots. I mixed them until the water turned the right color. I took a cup out of the cabinet and filled it up.

I hope this is right.

I open the door to Enid's lupin cage. She ran to me, wondering what took me so look probably. She whined at me.  "Dont worry Enid. Drink this all and you'll be fine." I told her. I put the cup up to her lips. Enid the werewolf took a lick at it. She took a step back, gagging. I rolled my eyes. "Come on." I said, gesturing the cup to her once again.

She stayed where she was. "Come on you bug lump of fur! Unless you want to stay like this for who knows how long." I scolded her. She huffed into my face and had me pour the rest into her mouth. She gulped it down. Straight after she started lurching and gagging. "Dont you dare." I said. She whined and laid back down in her bed.

I sit down beside her once again. I think back to my vision. Crackstone. Goody.

Could this really be true?

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