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[Wednesdays POV] After our little waltz, we both cleaned up the cemetery. Enid and I had made it look better than I found it. We started leaving from that little event, or date, Enid calls it. We just walked in the woods, following the lit path, holding hands. I looked down at our hands. I liked this. No. I loved this.

We kept walking on. There was silence between us for no reason at all. I look up at Enid. She's smiling and it makes me feel- warm. I look ahead. There she is, Atlas. There's a girl walking beside her. I have never seen her before, she has to be new. Atlas was smiling, her dark eyes so focused on her. The new girl smiled back at Atlas.

We passed each other on the path, Atlas too busy with the girl to even glance at me. Was that on purpose?

I dont pay attention to it as I squeezed Enid's hand, looking at her. She lets out a soft laugh. We slowly follow the path to the lake. When we get there we sit on the edge of the dock, watching the moons reflection glimmer on the water's surface.

"Lets skip rocks!" Enid said. I picked up a flat rock and threw it. One, two, three, four, five skips. "Wow Wens, how are you so good at this?" She asked. I said nothing as she picked up a rock of her own and throws it. It plops into the water, bLoOp! no skips at all. "Aww. I kinda suck at this. 😔" Enid said, not happy but not sad either. This somehow allowed a small chuckle escape out of me. Moments like these are what I cherish the most with Enid.

"Oh my god! I made Wednesday Addams laugh! HALLELUJAH" Enid threw her arms and head up to the sky. Her face full of relief and pride. I smiled at this, scooting a bit closer to Enid. She still faced the sky, probably cherishing the sound of my laugh. Not a laugh even. A chuckle.

I gently took her chin in my right hand, facing her lips to mine. There was a short pause as we made eye contact. I leaned into her, our lips meeting as Enid put her hands onto my waist. She broke the kiss as her hands slipped up to my back and she pulled me in for a hug. This caught me in an awkward position, but I didnt mind. Not at all really.

"Hey, we should really get back now." She said. Enid got up first and held her hand out to me. I grabbed it and she pulled me up. Our hands didnt part as we followed to path back towards the dorms.

She picks up the pace, almost jogging now. I match her speed while still holding her hand. We reach the dorm and she opens and closes the door quickly. Enid grabs my shoulders and pushes me onto the back of the door.

"Close your eyes!" She spoke happily. I did as she asked, wondering what this was for. I waited as her footsteps sound across the room. She walks back up to me and says, "Open!".

I open my eyes to see a black iron necklace with W + E engraved in it with silver enamel. I turned around for her to put it onto my neck. She had a matching one, and gave it to me to put on her. I couldnt help but smirk a little. I turned Enid back around and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

[Enid's POV] Hah, she kissed me on the cheek. Not something she has done yet! She took my hand and pulled me onto the balcony. We both looked up at the moon in silence. The stars twinkled above! ❤️ I gasped in awe as shooting stars flew in the sky. "Make a wish!" I said to Wens. We both closed our eyes, wishing on whatever we had in mind.

"Enid..?" Wens said quietly. "Yes, Wens?" I replied. She stood looking up at the moon for a few seconds before continuing. "Will you. Enid. Will you be my- My..." She sighed deeply. My heart started pounding as she spoke again. "Will you be mine, Enid?" She finally managed to get out. "Yes!" I immediately hugged her, trapping her arms.

I let go of her as I did a small jump of excitement, her smile glowing at me. I paused for a second just looking at her smile. Its so beautiful. Her pale skin shone in the moonlight. I leaned in to kiss her. I felt her tongue on my fangs. She brought me back inside. "Aaah." she said.

I opened my mouth. Both of her thumbs felt on my fangs. "Interesting. Bite me." She simply said. "What!?" I said. "I said bite me, Enid." She pointed to her neck. "But I dont wanna hurt you Wens!"

"Do it Enid. It wasnt a question." Wens said, pointing to her neck again. "I- Fine..." I closed in on her neck. I hesitated, not wanting to hurt Wens. I bit down softly at first. "More than that. Draw blood." She ordered. I bit down harder, puncturing her skin. She softly gasped. I pulled away, some of the blood on my teeth. I tasted it.

But now, something possessed me. The taste of her blood stuck in my mind. A feeling surged through me. I immediately went back to her neck, sucking on what was left of her sweet blood.

"Enid- what are you doing?" Wens gripped my shoulders. The blood that seeped out of the punctures now slowed, and I licked the last of it. I looked at Wens. She covered her face with her hands, and when I removed then her face was TOMATO red.

I snapped out of that. Trance. I realized what I had done and covered my own burning hot face as well. I burst out laughing, falling backwards onto the bed. "Shut up!" Wens spat. She came over to me and pinned my shoulders down. "Shut up." She said once again. "Or what? What're you gonna do?" I chuckled.

Before I could say anything else Wens started tickling me. I tossed and turned, trying to get out of this TRAP! I couldnt stop laughing, and I was running out of air. "Stop! Stop!" I said through my laughs. Wens stopped and ran into the bathroom. I chased after her and she hand my toothbrush to me. What?

Anyways! We brushed our teeth together. Jeez, Wens looked cute even when brushing her teeth. We took turns taking a shower. I hopped into bed. She came out of the bathroom and joined me. We faced each other, our bodies inches apart. Her eyes pierced into mine. Her once cold gaze was gone. She looked at me with loving eyes. Wens stroked her hand through my hair, and then she cupped my cheek.

We shared a quick kiss before I lay my head on her chest. I focused on her heartbeat. Ba- dump, Ba- dump, Ba- dump.

"Enid." -W

"Yes?" -E

"You wanna know what I wished for?" -W

"No, Wens, thats supposed to be a secret." -E

"I wished for you to be mine." -W ❤️

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