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[Enids POV] When I opened my eyes, I was in Wednesday's arms. She was carrying me through the forrest. My now minor cuts healed. I started to feel better now, being a werewolf sure had its benefits. "Mmph... You can let me down now. I feel better." I said.

"Oh, your wounds have healed? Its usually slower than that." Wednesday said confused. She put me down. "Oh... about that... when I was a werewolf, at some point I grew bugger than usual and I couldnt control what I was doing." I explained.

"Oh, well thats new." Wednesday said, seeming unfazed. "Wait a second... werent you just on the verge of death? How the fuck are you carrying me and not bleeding anywhere!?!?" I said, sort of shouting.

"Calm down, I dont know what you're talking about." she said, looking at me confused. Surely what had happened... happened, right? Maybe my new werewolf ability had jumbled up my memory. Ill ignore it for now...

Wens put me down. We exited to forest when we heard a loud explosion. Wednesday and I looked at each other for a second and ran back to the school. It was a cyan colored light.

When we got there, we could see Atlas and Savannah, fighting off... I gasped. Thornhill? So Wens's dream was correct... Atlas and Savannah threw all they had. I looked to the air, a great owl soared in the sky.

Atlas shot it with magic, the owl becoming half steel. It flicked its wings, sending sharp steel feathers into Thornhill's back. She yelled. Thornhill shot at Savannah, knocking her far and hitting her on a tree. Sav went what looked like to be- lifeless.

Atlas ran to her, healing her wounds quickly while the owl dealt with Thornhill, keeping her distracted. Atlas helped her up. Savannah was still hurt, but she was walking okay- with a slight limp of course.

Atlas whispered in Savannahs ear. They hugged. Atlas cupped Savannahs cheek, and kissed her. They went back to confront Thornhill. The big owl flew back into the sky, its great wingspan creating a shadow on the ground.

"This is where it ends, Thornhill." Atlas said, her face grave and serious. Thornhill laughed. "What can you do? You're only a weak teenager. Both of you are worthless, and you will die worthless." she said, taunting the two lovers.

This only made the couple angrier. Their hands joined. Suddenly their eyes glowed together, the light beaming into the night sky. Their abdomens glowed. Thornhill backed up slowly, unsure of the sight that had been set upon her.

In an instant, both of them disappeared, leaving only a cloud of smoke behind. Thornhill whipped her head round and round, looking for where they went. She continued to back up, probably realizing that she might have underestimated these two.

Atlas and Savannah appeared behind her. They grabbed her neck. Magic pulsed through their bodies into Thornhills neck. The magic glowed inside her body, going straight to her heart. All Thornhill could do was grasp at their hands, but their grip was made of iron.

Her heart exploded inside of her body. The power lit up the night sky more than the moon had ever. Thornhills body dematerialized, the ashes joining with the ground. Atlas and Savannah hugged each other with still in power, and shortly after they both fell to the ground.

Wednesday ran to help them. I followed her, running over to the unconscious people. Wednesday checked their pulses. "They're both alive, but we will need the ambulance. Call them." Wedneday said, handing me her phone that she still surprisingly had.

Did that whole fight even happen?

I called the ambulance whilst Wens dragged the bodies by the arms and propped them against the schools walls. While we waited, I talked to Wens. "Wens, you remember that whole fight, right?" I asked.

"I still dont know what you're talking about- E- Enid...?" Wednesday said, her voice in question when she said my name. I became even more suspicious... Why would she stutter on my name? Wasnt it the name, the only name, that she truly treasured?

The ambulance pulled up. The paramedics asked us what happened, and we informed them. They were normies, but, Nevermore activites I guess. They checked Atlas's and Savannah's pulsed and hauled them into the ambulance.

"They seem to be in a deep coma. Theres no telling how long they will be asleep until we get them into the hospital. We'll inform you once we get the info." he said. I nodded as he got inti the drivers seat of the ambulance. When they drove away, I still questioned myself about what just happened.

That fight definitely did happen, did it not? I saw Wens get hurt. I saw her almost die... But look here now. Shes here in the flesh, still breathing. But most importantly, she did even have a scratch on her. Not a drop of blood.

I needed to question her. She was being reeeeaall weird right about now-. Everybody outside went back into the school. Some were hurt, but minor compared to Atlas and Savannah's condition.

We walked past rubble as we went back inside. Thing slowly creeped from under the bed. He was shaking, a big piece of stone had shattered the window and fallen into the floor.

"Oh Thing! Are you okay?!" I questioned, worried. He crawled onto my bed, still shaking. 'That thing almost killed me' he said, falling onto his side as if to pass out.

I sighed. I looked to Wednesday. She was tinkering around with our things. "Wednesday what are you doing?" I asked. She didnt reply to me, nor did she acknowledge me in any way.

I started to get frustrated now, confused about everything thats happened. I walked up behind Wednesday and grabbed her hand, forcing her to turn and look at me. "Why are you acting so strange!?" I said, still holding her hand.

She pulled her hand from my grip, looking at me like I was the maniac. Me. I waited for an answer. She only looked at me, in a sort of confusion.

"Wednesday Addams, are you... Even You?"

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