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[Wednesdays POV] I wake up to Enid giggling. I slowly blink my eyes. Enid is already dressed on her bed, Thing beside her. They're both watching something on Enids phone. I get up and walk towards them. Enid quickly hides her phone. "Uh I-." She stutters.

"Show me." I say. Enid shakes her head. I try to grab her phone, but her grip is strong. I use my left hand to tickle her. She unwillingly laughs and lets go of the phone. I watch the video. Oh no. It was the time last night where Enid had made me beg. I sent it to myself quickly and gave it back.

I scoffed, walking away. "Wens!" Enid exclaims. I turn around quickly, tilting my head slightly. *Click!* Enid takes a picture of me. I roll my eyes and start to get ready for class. We head out, Thing on my shoulder.

The boring day passed by. A whole day of learning sure had Enid exhausted. As I opened the door to our room, Enid ran to her bed and sprawled out on it. She let out a big sigh. After that she took a deep breath, grabbed her pillow, and went- "AAhhhHhHhHhHhhHhHhh"

"Why are you screaming? Are you hurt?" I asked. Enid just lay there, not saying anything. I walked over to her and turned her body over. She looked at me and smiled. "Can we go to Yoko's?" she asked me. More like begging with those eyes. She put her hands together, pleading with me. 🙏🏻

"Fine. Whatever." I answered. She jumped with joy. She dragged me along to Yoko's. "Heyyy! Whats up E?" Yoko greeted. "Wednesday." Yoko said as formal as she could, trying too hard to not upset me. I liked this. Power.

"Can we watch a movie?" Enid questioned. Yoko nodded and they turned on the movie. It was Friday the 13th. I smiled. They had thought of me. We all sat on the couch, Enid in the middle. "Ima get popcorn real quick." Yoko announced. She ran to the microwave and back with the popcorn. They both started munching on it. Obnoxious, really. "Can you guys chew ANY louder?" I spat, whipping my head in their direction.

I saw that they were close. A little... too close. Someone in the movie was brutally murdered from a jump-scare. They both jumped and Yoko grabbed Enid's hand. No. I got up. "Move." I said to Yoko. She pursed her lips and did as I commanded. "Jeez Wednesday. Didnt know you could be this jealous." She teased me. I grabbed her hand this time.

Enid clung onto me. There was a really unexpected jumpscare and it made Enid and Yoko scream loudly. Suddenly, I felt five sharp objects puncture my arm. I lifted my arm to see that Enid had stabbed me with her nails. Blood started to leak out. "Oh my god! Wednesday im sorry! I didnt mean t-." Enid burst out. "Its fine, Enid." I cut her off. I got up to go to the bathroom. Enid tried to follow me but I gestured for her to stay.

She followed me anyways. I washed the blood away in the sink, staining the water a pale red. Enid grabbed some bandages from the medicine cabinet. As I dabbed my arm dry with a towel, Enid opened the bandages. She wrapped it around my arm. My cheeks felt warm as I watched her, so focused on me. Taking care of me.

"Are you okay..?" Enid asked me, eyes guilty. I nodded. She hugged me, my left arm expelling so it wouldn't be smooshed. She looked into my eyes. She leaned in and kissed me on the bridge of my nose and then squished my cheeks together. My cheeks flared. "I hate you." I said, looking at the ground. "You know you like it." Enid said, walking out of the bathroom.

We sat back down with Yoko. "What did we miss?" Enid queried. "Just a BUNCH of people DYING." Yoko rolled her eyes. Damn it, I missed my favorite part. As the movie came to a conclusion, so did our 'Hang out'. We waved goodbye to Yoko.

Enid sat on her bed. She glanced at my arm. "Im really sorry Wens." She said again. "Its whatever Enid. I dont blame you." I replied. I came over to her bed. I put my hands on her thighs, right above her knees. She looked at my hands, then back at me. She gulped, her face turning red.

I could feel her shiver as I slowly moved my hand up her thigh. I went as far as her skirt but no farther. I leaned in to kiss her. She stayed still, waiting for my lips to meet hers. I froze before they met, teasing her. She opened her eyes slowly. I smile- just a little bit. I walk away. "Hey!" Enid pouts. I flop onto my bed and ignore her whines.

[Enid's POV] What the hell was that for! Im going to seek revenge. I walk over to her bed. Shes turned to the wall, making it easier to sneak up on her. I wonder if she has any idea im right. Behind. Her. I pursed my lips together, wondering if my red lipstick is still looking good. "Boo!" I shout, pushing her softly.

She turns to me, unfazed. Oh well. Im not surprised- Anyways, im gonna finish what I started. I grab her by her tie, making her sit up. All she does is look at me as I do this. I looked into her eyes, and then to her cheeks as they slowly turned into a shade of pink. I smirked as I pulled her in by her tie and kissed her. I left my lipstick on her lips.

She didnt notice. I found this funny and kissed her on the bridge of her nose, her cheeks, and her forehead. By the time that was done, her face was red. "Oh Wens. We're not done." I said slyly, tilting her chin up with my index finger. She looked up me expectantly.

I french kissed her passionately, a string of saliva came from it. Wens gripped my shirt. I did what she gestured me to do. I kissed my way down her neck. I drew blood from her neck, sucking on the blood that seeped out. Now, I know im not a vampire- But oh how sweet Wednesday's blood is. I did this to her thighs too. She threw her head back in pleasure.

I unsheathed my claws and I lightly smoothed the surface of her skin.


The door exclaimed. "Ill get it." Wednesday said. Her face real red and covered in my lipstick. "But Wens you-." I barely managed. She opened the door. I heard Bianca. "Oh was I-... Interrupting something?" She said as she looked at Wednesday. Wens must have saw her look all over her face. She checked the mirror. Her face turned an even deeper shade of red. "Enid!" She scolded.

"Hehe..." I replied. "Anywayss. Enid. You wanna go shopping with me and Yoko?" Bianca asked. "Sure! Wens, do you wanna go?" I questioned. She shook her head.  She started to wipe of my lipstick. Bianca started laughing. "I think you better run." I said quickly. Wens turned to Bianca slowly, taking out her pocket knife and rearing it back with her arm into throwing position.

Bianca ran as fast as she could and disappeared from the doorway. Wens smiled. I walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Bye Wens! See you later!" I walked out, shutting the door behind me.

[Wednesdays POV]

She left. I miss her.

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