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[Enids POV] Wednesday stared at me. "Of course im me. Im right here, in the flesh. Does that mean im fake?" she said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Oh really? Than who am I to you?" I demanded, taking her hand off of my shoulder.

"You're Enid." Wednesday answered. "And im your...?" I questioned, tapping to floor with my foot impatiently. I took out my matching necklace. Wednesday looked down, taking her necklace from under her shirt and examining it.

"You're my girlfriend." Wednesday mumbled, fiddling with her necklace. Something just didnt feel right about this. She knew things, but it didnt seem like it was too familiar to her. I think I need to push more.

I grabbed her wrist and held it tight, her eyes refocusing on me. I leaned in for a kiss, but Wednesday pulled back. Hell, was this even her? "Whats wrong?" I asked, her wrist still in my hand. "Ah, nothing." Wednesday stuttered.

"Dont you want to kiss your wonderful girlfriend?" I said, cupping her cheek. She lifted my hand off her cheek. "Uh, im actually feeling quite sick." Wednesday said. Excuses. This wasnt Wednesday. "Oh. Ill let you rest then." I replied, slipping out of the room. What was I supposed to do?

Hmm. Maybe I need to talk to her mother. I went back into the room. "Uh, Ill just borrow this." I tried to make it as least suspicious as possible. All she did was watch me grab the crystal ball and hastily walk out of the room.

I went outside and used it. "Yes de-. Oh its you Enid! How are you doing nowadays darling?" Morticia exclaimed. "I need your help. I dont think Wednesday is- Wednesday." The concern in my voice building. "What happened?" Morticia questioned, eager to learn about what went on.

I explained everything to her, starting from when Wens had her vision about Thornhill. Morticia listened closely. She didnt seem too surprised. "Well honey. It seems like her soul was taken when she was badly injured by a monster that lurks in the forest, searching for the weak. It then heals them up and uses them for their own purpose." She explained.

I gasped. "We must find my daughters soul. The monster usually buries it somewhere the victim enjoys to days end. Confront the monster and open the jar." Morticia said urgently. I listened well. "But- how does it know who I am and what things are?" I asked.

"The monster has limited access to things that Wednesday thinks about most. Now, go find her soul, for I cannot help you. An important thing ti remember, never let it see that you know it has possessed her until you have my daughters soul. As sad as it is, I do not know as much about my daughter as you." Morticia answered.

So, I was on the list of what Wens thinks about most. God, I love her. But ill find her soul tomorrow. Its real late. I went back inside and into my room. Wednesday was just sitting there. I only got ready for bed and went to sleep. But I couldnt for a while. It felt like eyes were digging into the back of my head.

I didnt want to turn around. I could only will myself to sleep, and eventually I did.

When I woke in the morning, I jumped up. I needed to find her soul. Wednesday was no where, but that didnt matter. What mattered is that I find where it hid her soul. I thought about the various places it could be.

The places of our romanticism, probably. Thats really all I could think of. Wait, maybe her typewriter I walked over to it, examining for any openings. There was nothing.

Maybe I should try the garden that we always go to. I went to the shed outside and grabbed a shovel, just incase I had to dig. I followed the path to the garden and looked around for anything that could represent a soul. What would that stuff even look like!

What if I cant do this. I slapped myself. You can do this. You know her so well, and thats the key. I searched around again. There didnt seem to be anything. I jumped as I heard footsteps approaching.

"Oh! Hi WEDNESDAY." I said, getting nervous. "Whats wrong...?" it said. Yes, it. Not Wednesday, not Wens, just... it. "I was just uh! Smelling the flowers and stuff." I calmed my tone. "Oh. Okay. I guess Ill go back then." it mumbled.

"Mkay, see you later then." I replied. It walked away, leaving me in the garden. next stop, cemetery. One of our most romantic dates. I think that was our first real real date.

I walk to the cemetery. It still was a bit scary, knowing there was dead bodies under me. I looked around for anything that was out of place.

What is that bitch doing? I watched from behind the tree as this Enid girl poked around where I placed the soul of this body. This body is actually lucky I saved her. She almost died.

[LEAVE HER ALONE.] Wednesday shouted, her voice echoed in my head.

SHUT UP. I fucking saved you, you ungrateful asshole. I should be the one to live your life. Im the one who died because my parents beat the shit out of me, not you. Now let me live.

The Enid girl started to dig where I placed the soul.

Welp, time to kill her.

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