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I wake up to Enid gone. Her comforting scent still breezing over me as I closed my eyes. I feel like your up to something. Something isn't right, this. You dont listen, you've been spending all your time, with him. This isnt how its supposed to be. I should be the one to make that smile show. The one that makes your laugh sound.

But its him. Why him. I hear a knock on my door. I get up, hurriedly walking to the door. I open it.

"Hey Wednesday." Atlas said. I was shocked. Why is she here? She finally spoke. "Uh, so, you know about last night?" I nodded. "Yeah. People have thought I was a normie this entire time but that shithead just had to throw knife at you, so now im here. I guess." Atlas said. "What do you want?" I questioned. "Well you're my only friend here, so I thought you would give me some guidance..." She said.

"Figure it out yourself." I started to close the door. "Okay." Atlas said, starting to walk off. "Wait." I suddenly said. I was surprised myself, I hadn't thought before I said it. Atlas scoffed and walked back to my door. "What." She said with a straight face. "Ill show you around. Just dont pester me unless you want to bleed out in a shed full of bees." I answered blankly. She laughed at this. "BEES?" I started to walk off. Atlas shut up and started following me.

I showed her around, most rooms and corridors. I showed her the fastest routes from her dorm, and then from class to class. She surprisingly stayed quiet the entire time. We made it back to my dorm. We both sat down, thinking about what to do. I turned on some old Italian music. Atlas perked up, she started dancing with an invisible person. She spun around the room while singing "Tu sei per me
La più bella del mondo
E un amore profondo
Mi lega aaAaaAAa" (From marino marini la più bella del mondo) I was shocked, surprised. She sung beautifully. " You can speak Italian?" I asked. "Sì, cosa breve" Atlas said. I looked at her with an angry stare. She was still dancing with the invisible person. She looked lonely, unsure of what to do.

Something inside me pulled me onto my feet. I got up and filled the place where the invisible person used to reside. Atlas flinched ever so slightly. She smiled. We spun around the room, my head on her shoulder, as the song went on. When she spun me around, I let out a small laugh. UNACCEPTABLE. NOT LIKE ME. Atlas paused. "Hah, I just made Wednesday Addams laugh." I softly pushed her. Suddenly we heard the door swing open. We both paused. It was Enid. Absolute WORST timing. She pulled us apart. She shoved Atlas out, slamming the door behind her.

"Where were you the whole day." I confronted her. "With a friend." She answered. "What friend?" I asked. Enid changed the subject. I let it go. "Well what was that? Why is she here." She said with an angry tone. "Atlas joined the school. I showed her around. We connected on a musical note." I blankly answered. "That doesnt mean that you just up and dance with her!" She said, looking me directly in the eyes. "Someones jealous." I said, getting closer to her face. "Shut up." Enid said with her face red. I backed her up to the wall, Enid moving backwards on her own. I moved my lips to hers. Not kissing her, but barely touching her lips. We stood there for seconds. Just looking into each others eyes.

She was waiting for me to do something. Anything. I stood there still, we stayed like that for about 30 seconds. "Ugh." Enid said. She grabbed my sleeves, close to my shoulders. She stood there too, teasing me as she smiled. I got tired of this and closed the space between us. I pulled her body to mine, the space between our lips now non existent. I wrapped my arms around her neck, repeatedly kissing her. She tasted so sweet. My entire body felt hot.

I backed her up to the wall again, but softly pushing her this time. I kissed her neck. I bit it. I went back to kissing her. She bit my lip, her sharp canines gripping onto them. She let go and we went back to kissing. She pushed me onto the bed, sitting in my lap. We continued kissing. I felt her up. She lays me down and bites my neck. I clench my jaw as she does this, her sharp canines make this even better. Enid laughs and lays down beside me.

She always makes sure to respect me. She knows when to stop. This is so addicting, I cant stop.

[LOL for the music I had to look up 50's Italian music and find one that would fit the kind of music Wednesday listened to in the show. I ended up listening to a whole playlist of 50's Italian music while writing this 😭 its actually pretty good-]

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