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[Mønstęrš POV] Ah, fuck. She knows that im not the real Wednesday. I need to end this girl before she opens that damned jar.

She started to dig it up with the shovel she brought. She must have hid it when I saw her at the garden. It was pretty obvious where I put the soul, because when you hide them there has to be something that resembles that the soul was placed there. The gravestone had This bodies name on it. The dirt flew in multiple directions, the girl wasting no time as she huffed.

"Hey." I tried not to shout, not to alert her. She jumped as she saw me, the fear that lay in her eyes present. "What are you doing?" I asked, walking up to her. She hesitated before she spoke. "I was just practicing grave digging so I could invite you! It is your favorite thing, right?"

The girl said as she put on a smile. Im not here to waste time. Just here to take this body, so I can live a normal life. Not one where everyone sees me as a worthless being. I died way too young, and now this is my chance to live again.

"Drop the shovel." I said discreetly. She dropped it. "Who are you and what do you want." The girl asked, throwing the shovel to the side. "I want to live this bodies's life. I saved your little girlfriend, so you should be grateful." I spat.

"Give her back. Leave before something bad happens." She replied, her eyes narrowing. "Look here miss. Ive been searching for something like this for decades, and im not going to let this opportunity pass."

[Enids POV] Shit, how am I gonna get the fucking jar now? I looked around, too see if anything could distract this thing.

I quickly tried to grab the shovel, but the thing grabbed me quicker than I could reach. It choked me, the pressure on my neck building as I wretched for air. I looked into its eyes. I couldnt hit... I cant hit the person I love most, even if she is possessed by some sort of vengeful monster.

Suddenly, it let me go.

It tried to punch me, but it stopped right in the middle of it. It choked as it tried to follow through with the punch. The monster looked at its hands. Its fists balled up, ready to throw another one. I backed up slowly, unsure of what was going on.

I grabbed the shovel while it- fought with its self? The monster pulled out the pocket knife from Wednesdays boot. It unsheathed the blade. I lift up the shovel, ready to take a swing. Not really, though.

It advanced towards me. I felt the grip I had on the shovel loosened. The closer it got, the more pressured I became. The monster swung the knife at me, but missed as I dodged. Its movements were lagged, as if it were fighting itself. Is that you, Wednesday?

I had no choice.

I swung the shovel, the end hitting its head with a P A A AN  N N NG G! It fell to the ground, its body thudding as it hit the floor. "Uuggh..." The monster groaned, its hands holding where the shovel had impacted their head.

I took the shovel and dug up the jar. The soul flew around inside, frantically trying to escape. I walked over to Wednesday. "Wait, please. Im sorry... Dont-.. Dont imprison me.." It said with heavy breaths.

Blood trickled down the side of their face and onto its neck. "You've caused enough trouble. I see what you are. Give. Her. 𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬. " I said, opening the jar and freeing the soul. "Fine. Ill curse you with the original state this body was in when I found it." The monsters final words. The soul absorbed into Wednesdays chest.

I felt my eyes widen as Wednesdays condition turned back to the way it was last night. I fell to my knees by her side. The cut on her neck seeped blood once again, the concussed girl slowly moved her head around.

"Wednesday..?" I whispered, tears making my voice tremble. I tucked her hair behind her ear. She only groaned and closed her eyes.

I called the ambulance, Wednesdays fingers twitched.

They load her in and I sit beside her. Tears still stream down my face and I take hold of her hand.

"She is somewhere between minor and majorly concussed. We've been able to stop this bleeding, it also seems like the femur has cracked. We'll continue to take care of her." The paramedic explained.

They took her into the hospital to examine her further. When Wednesday was all set up in the hospital bed, I still sat so close to her. She was sleeping. Still cute was she, her relaxed face made it seem as if everything was okay.

But it wont ever be. If I had only been able to properly protect her, none of this would have happened. Im so pathetic, so... Weak.

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