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[Wednesday's POV] I didnt want to believe it was true. I shouldnt think about it now. I pet Enids chest, the fluffiest part. I use both hands now. So soft. I like this Enid.

I close my eyes. Fluffy. Suddenly I am touching some squishy things. Like squishing a stressball. I open my eyes to find Enid redder than red and fully undressed. "AH" I shouted. I turned away and covered my face, which was surely to be red.

I stayed turned around for Enid to get dressed. Oh my god. I cant believe I just saw that. I CANT BREATHE. I had completely forgot about the medicine. The image re entered my mind, causing me to smack my own face softly. UURGH. GOD.

Enid hurriedly opens the cage door, covering her nose. I look behind me and see blood drops spattered on the floor. A bloody nose? Oh, what a mess ive made. I couldnt get the image of her out of my mind. It replayed over and over and each time the feeling came back.

WHATEVER. I need to get this out of my head. But it was so... memorable. I followed the drops of blood to the school bathroom. Enid was by the sink, stuffing tissue into her nose. She caught sight of me and jumped, her face turning red again. She turned the other way, still cleaning the blood that spewed from her nose.

I think I messed up. I turned around and went back into our room. Damn that was so stupid of me. How could I forget? Its my fault. I told Thing about what had happened. He said, "You should let her do the same to you" I reached for him. He jumped and scurried out of the way before I could grab him. "Im going to lock you in a wooden box one day. I will enjoy the sounds of you helplessly scratching away at the walls." I scolded him.

Thing scrabbled out to the balcony. I guess he was gonna go wherever severed hands go. What am I gonna do? I've only ever felt this helpless with Enid. I heard the door open. Enid came in. She didnt dare look at me.

Enid sat on her bed. Thing crawled up on her bed and stood in front of her. He talked to her. I sat down and looked worked on my novel, trying to get my mind off of this. I took a deep breath. I heard a smack from behind me. I could hear Thing scrambling on the floor.

I turned back slowly. I looked at Enid,  her face red. She turned to look at me and we both turned away,embarrassed. I put my head down on my desk, just wanting to disappear. "Fine.." I hear Enid mutter. I dare not look back this time.

I hear footsteps coming towards me and I lift me head. Before I knew it, Enid has her arms wrapped around me. "Whatcha doin?" She asks. "Enid you already know what im doing. Im working. Im busy." I answer.

"Too busy to give me attention?" she pouted, getting on top of my lap now. "Enid why are y-." She pressed our lips together, gripping onto my collar. I went along with it. I embraced the kisses. I put my hands on her waist.

Her body relaxed, my hand rubbed her thigh up and down. I could feel her shiver. I traced hearts on her delicate skin. She pushed her body onto me further. I picked her up while getting up from the chair. We continued kissing as I put her onto the bed.

I got on top of her, kissing her harshly. We took quick breaths as we were running out of breath. I pinned her right arm down, kissing her neck. She whimpered as I slid my hand under her shirt. Her legs squirmed. I felt her breasts once again, remembering the scene from earlier. She moaned softly.

This surprised me. My entire body felt hot. I quickly got off of her, figuring that was enough. "Now let me work, Enid." I said. She exhaled sharply and turned over on the bed.

I sat back down at my desk and got to work on my novel. Enid took a nap as I did this. I wondered if I went to far this time. She was incredibly red.

I thought of it again. Jesus this gurl is stuck in my mind. The scenes engraved into my head. I tampered with the necklace Enid had given me. I dont ever think I want to take it off. I love her too much. She hasnt taken hers off either.

Every day that passes by makes me feel like my love grows even deeper for her. Like my desire for her affection will never end. Each moment we spend together, each week, each second, it all matters to me. Everything matters. I want to grow old with her. I want to remember all of this. All these memories with her I will truly cherish.

I looked to Enid. She was peacefully sleeping on my bed. How beautiful she was. Sometimes shes insecure of herself. But I know she's beautiful in every way.

I will never stop loving this woman.

"Im just tryna swim in something wetter than the ocean🎶" -The Weeknd

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