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[Enid's POV] Last night was- Wow. I never knew how loving Wednesday could really be. I wouldnt wish for anyone else. Our kisses are so heartfelt. The way we hold each other is so comforting. There is always just- that feeling, where you're happy and jittery. The way she softens her eyes when she looks at me. She looks at me with love. Only for me.

Classes start today. Good thing we have most classes together or I'd suffer! I had texted Yoko about everything that had happened. Theres just some part of me that always wants to be with her. I thought about all of this as I lie awake, staring at the ceiling. Wens was still clung on to me. I never want this to end. Ughhh! The alarm sounds and Wens wakes up. "Nooo." Wens mutters. Both her arms wrap around my body. I lift her head up and gently squished her cheeks together.

I laughed, her faced confused, but eyes focused. "You're so cute Wens!" I said softly to her. "Shut up." Wens replied, burying her face into my shirt. I could feel her smile. She slipped her hands under my shirt, feeling my skin. This sent a shiver up my body. "Well this is new, huh?" I said to her. I grabbed her arms from under my shirt and held both of her hands.

Our fingers interlocked, Wens's cute messy hair caught my attention. Strands of loose hair stuck up on her head. I rubbed her head, trying to fix her hair but it sort of made it worse- She grabbed my arm and took it off of her head. "No." She said. "No what?" I asked. She cracked a smile. She threw herself onto me. I laughed as we fell backwards. She kissed me, her hair tickled my cheeks.

"Wens we have get ready for schooolll"
I reminded her. "No." She relaxed her entire body, playing dead to amuse me. I easily pushed her up and sat up myself. I hugged her and she immediately threw her arms around me. "Okay, okay" I got up off the bed, Wens following me. We brushed our teeth together, and I couldnt help but laugh at they way she looked. Cute.

Her hair down, her toothbrush in her mouth, her perfect eyes. Every part of her is perfect. I hope she thinks that about me too. I gently push her out of the bathroom so I can get changed. As I finish up, I walk out of the bathroom. Wens barely had her shirt on. I see her toned body. So, so, so perfect. "Why are you staring?🤨" Wens asked. "Shit, sorry!😳" I look away with a red face, grabbing my hair curler and running back to the bathroom.

Wens follows me in and hugs me from behind. "Why are you being so lovey dovey lately? 😏" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Mine." She simply said, her arms shifting down to my waist. I chuckled until she kissed my neck. I set the iron down and kissed her, her hands gripping my shirt. "I love you." Wens whispered in my ear. "I love you more!" I said to her. "Never." She replied.

I turned the iron off and we exited the bathroom to get our things together. We left the room, starting to our first class. We sit next to each other obviously. Wens looks behind her, triggering me to do so as well. I see Atlas, her head resting on that new girls arm. "Pleaseeeeee Sav?" Atlas says, Sav rolling her eyes. Sav. Short for Savannah.

Atlas grabbed her arm softly, her rings shifting on her fingers. Sav turned to Atlas. She used her hand to move Atlas's sleek hair into her face, covering her sight. They both laughed at this, Atlas fixing her hair and putting her head down onto the table. "uuuuuhhhggggh" Atlas murmured. "What if I dont wanna learn 🙁" Atlas said to Sav, lifting her head from off the desk and turning it to her.

"Too bad so sad bozo 😋" Sav teased Atlas. "Shut up loser." Atlas gently shoved Sav. Sav was smiling brightly, her cheeks a slight tone of pinkish red. I looked back at Wens. She turned back as the teacher entered the room. "Heyyyy class welcome back! We wont have any work today since it is the first day back. No phones though. Talk to each other, play these board games, do whatever as long as you know its sane enough to exist in this classroom. " He announced, walking over to his desk and getting onto his laptop.

Wens took my hand and rested her head on my arm like Atlas did. Was she trying to use new ways that she sees to nuzzle up to me? Aww. I rubbed her back softly. "I wanna go back to the dorm." Wens told me. " I know, I do too." I said back to her.

I looked to the back of the room. Ajax was passed out, Atlas and Sav laughing together and being all touchy, Bianca and Yoko and Divina playing Uno. Uno! I shook Wens. "Hey, lets go play uno with them Wens!"

We got up and sat down with the others. Wens stayed super close to me, her head down. "You dont wanna play Wens?" I asked her. She shook her head no. "Woah, she willingly lets you call her that?" Bianca pointed out. I chuckled, starting the game off. Yoko just stared at me with that stupid smirk, alternating her gaze from me to Wens. I furrowed my eyebrows at her, placing a reverse down. Yoko placed one down too. I placed another reverse down. So did she.

This went for 3 turns. We all burst out laughing. We went around a circle again. "UNO!!!!" I yelled, slapping my second to last card down on the pile. "Could you be quieter, please?" Wens asked, shaking my arm.

"Who the heck else does Wens say please too!?" Divina commented. The others laugh as I smile and shrug. "Dont call me that unless you want your face to be on missing posters tomorrow." Wens said, her tone serious.

"Okay! Okay! Jeez!" Divina quickly said. "Uno." Bianca said. "Go Yoko" Bianca said. Yoko slapped her card down. "Draw twOoO Enid! 🫵🏻😆" she laughed. "Nope." I said, putting my last card down, a plus two as well. I threw my arms up in victory. "Ugh!" They all said in unison. "Of course Enid would win, all of you imbeciles could never defeat her." Wens said with her usual monotonous voice.

"Get your girl, Enid" Bianca chuckled. We cleaned up as the Bell rang.


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