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[Enids POV] I woke up, Wednesday still cuddling me. I didnt want to move. She still had her head on my chest, our fingers still interlocked. I threw my head back onto my pillow, looking at the ceiling. I smiled to myself, wondering how I ended up with this beautiful girl.

Wednesday stirred, her hand squeezing mine. I hugged her, breathing in her familiar scent. She still had her eyes closed but her smile still had shown. I chuckled lightly, stroking her cheek. Wednesdays phone buzzed.

Thing stretched in his little bed, and went to get the phone. Wednesday had given him the password since he loves to play games on it. He swiped around on the phone, and paused. He fell onto his side and started jumping around like a manic.

"Whats wrong, Thing?" I asked confused. He brought the phone over to me and showed me the screen. 'Meet me in the heart of the forest tonight at 8 pm if you wish to know who I am. - Your Stalker' my eyes widened. I immediately shook Wednesday awake, who had already fallen asleep again.

"What..?" she said sleepily. I showed her the text. She took the phone from my hand and read it closer. The grip she had on her phone tightened. Wednesday sighed, "Im going."

"Wednesday- No." I quickly spewed. Wednesday got out of the bed and started to get ready. I sighed as I got out too. I got ready in the bathroom. "Im coming with you." I said.

"So be it." Wednesday replied. We hung out and around until it was time. We got food, strolled around town, and more. Wednesday was seemingly on edge.

At 7 pm, we came back to the dorm to talk out this plan. We discussed what we would do if things went wrong. There were so many questions and little answers, the endless thoughts poured out of my mouth like the monsoon rains.

We tried to calm each other down, but it wasnt working. Now we were both on edge. When it was time, we headed out into the forest, flashlights in hand. I held tightly onto Wednesday, not eager at all to meet this stalker. Who could it be?

There was a somewhat familiar scent that lingered faintly through the forest. I brushed it off, still sticking close to Wednesday. "Your nails are digging into my arm, Enid." Wednesday whispered. "Shit. Sorry." I whispered back. We continued to trudge through the forest, finding the somewhat middle of the forrest.

"Alright stalker. Where are you?" Wednesday said in her normal tone. An all too familiar laugh echoed through the forest. I smelled him. I shouldve known sooner.

[Wednesdays POV] Enid held my arm tight. The figure stepped out from the tree, their face uncovered by the moonlight. Their eyes burned with desire. "Hey." Tenzin said, a malicious smile digging into our souls. He pulled out his phone. "Say cheese..."

The phone clicked. So it was him. But why? "Why are you so obsessed with me, Tenzin." I asked. "Much less you, more of her." he looked to Enid. "What exactly do you want." I demanded. "I want her. Oh... and he... wants you." Tenzin smiled, and looked behind him.

Another figure stepped onto the moonlight. The shadow that covered the man now came to light, revealing who it was. "Tyler." I said coldly. Enid gripped my hand tighter. Run. It said. Tyler laughed wildly, his eyes locked on me. "You're not taking her. All I came here to do was see who you were. We'll be on our way now." I said, starting to walk off.

"No. You wont be on your way. Give Enid to me and you can walk away unscathed. Thats all you need to do." Tenzin bargained. "I said no." Fear started to build as I imagined Enid being taken away. From me. I couldnt and wouldnt let that happen. I looked to Enid. Her face was pure worry and fear.

Since we were facing the opposite direction from these two, I mouthed the words. 'Run.' Enid nodded. I nodded back. We took off. "So you wanna do this the hard way huh?!" Tenzin yelled. I could hear the sounds of bones cracking and roaring from behind us. We only kept going, never looking back.

Soon after, we heard the noises of incredibly heavy footsteps. I glanced behind me. Two hydes. Shit. They were going to catch up. What do I do? How do I protect Enid?

Suddenly, we were both knocked forward. We toppled onto the floor, getting up as fast as we could. But it was too late. Tyler grabbed me and stuck me to a tree. "No!" Enid shouted. She started to hyperventilate. Tenzin was a good deal bigger than Tyler.

Tenzin closed in on her. "Alright. round two, bitches." Enid wretched, her body contorted to the floor. She was transforming. Bones cracked. Both the hydes turned their heads. Enid howled, her muscular arms moving behind her as she howled. Tenzin motioned to Tyler. He dropped me from the tree. I fell about 25 feet. As I hit the forest floor, a sharp pain shot up my body.

My head throbbed, and my vision blurry. All I could do was watch Enid fight Tyler. Enid started off with a scratch to his chest. Tyler roared, his right arm swinging at Enid. Enid jumped back, dodging the swing. She pounced onto the attacking hyde, sinking her claws in its back and puncturing the hydes shoulder with her long fangs.

The hyde howled in pain. That pain turned to anger. It roared again, stabbing its claws into her side. Enid yelped. All I could do was watch. Im worthless.

The hyde continued to throw Enid to the ground, punching and stabbing her with its sharp claws. "Enid..." I managed to murmur. When Tyler turned Enid lay there, not moving. My head felt loose. I looked around. Tenzin was back a human and Tyler, still a hyde walked over to me. "Just kill her. Shes no use to us anymore." Tenzin said.

Enid tried to lift herself up as she heard this, but there was no use. She watched as Tyler picked me up, lifting one of his sharp claws to my neck. He lightly punctured my neck, drawing blood.
I couldnt fight back. My vision was still blurred, my eyes could barely stay open. I could feel the blood trail down my neck.

Enid saw this and roared the loudest she could, getting back up. "A feisty one huh? Well. If I cant have you, no one can. Tenzin transformed once more. Enid looked to me. Tyler applied more pressure, his claw cutting deeper. I yelped in pain, the cut sending pains everywhere in my body.

Enid roared, sending herself flying at Tyler. She landed on him, Tyler dropping me gently and trying to throw Enid off. Tenzin came from behind, grasping onto Enid and ripping her from Tyler. She immediately got back up, charging.

Tyler felt his wounds. Enid targeted the hurt one. She jumped back on Tyler, Repeatedly stabbing his heart with her claws, the harsh sound of blood spilling filled my head. Tyler didnt have time to react. He fell to the floor, his arms sprawled out and body lifeless. Tenzin ran up and stabbed Enid in her stomach. Enid howled, trying to fight back.

[Enids POV] I cant go out like this. Not when I still have her to save. Tenzin turned his attention to Wens. She looked lifeless, her body limp as he picked her up. He took her arm in his hand. He moved it as if she was a toy. I tried to get up, the throbbing from my wounds stopping me.


He broke her arm. Wens screamed in pain. That was the last straw. Something inside me felt different. My vision turned red all of a sudden. I felt a great pressure inside of my body. I couldnt... I couldnt control myself. My skin ripped and blood splattered everywhere.

It felt like my body was bigger. Stronger. My claws grew longer. My wounds healed. But I couldnt control myself. The only thing I knew- Kill Tenzin. I rushed at him, he was ready for me. I tackled him and we both tumbled down.

He grabbed me, slicing his claws across my chest. I used my back legs to shred into his stomach. He let me go. I took that chance. I went for his legs, clawing and biting. I unleashed all the power I had, mauling his limbs and slashing his vitals. Blood filled my mouth. I didnt stop until he was completely lifeless, the fire in his eyes gone.

I felt my heart slow. The world went black.


The smell of blood was everywhere.

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