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[9:52 PM]
After spin the bottle finished, we started dancing along with the blasting music that filled the room. Everybody was moving, swaying along with the rhythm. Enid swayed side to side, drink in her hand. Enid moved her way towards me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I swayed with her, both of us smiling. She went down low, coming back up so our faces would meet. My brain was processing through the alcohol, making me more aware. Our faces were so close. I backed my head away, looking the other direction hiding my red face.

I dont fully understand Enid's intentions. Has she only done all of this because shes drunk? I get frustrated at this fact, not knowing if shes just toying with me or not. Enid pulls our bodies closer. She felt me up, slowly moving her hands from my shoulder to my waist. I felt my body flutter at this. But I ignore it as I look over to see Ajax staring at us, that angry stare piercing through my own as we made eye contact. He gets up and leaves, without a word. I try to ignore this, wrapping my arms around Enid's neck. I dont know why, I dont always feel like hiding my love for her. Even with all of the people moving around us, it felt as if it were just me and Enid, dancing in our own little world. Maybe thats just the alcohol speaking...

That warm feeling spread through my body as I thought of this. Enid lays her head on my shoulder. I hold her, but her body becomes heavy as she shifts all her weight onto me. I staggered back, taken a-shock by this. I push her back up onto her feet. She jerks awake, looking around. "What just happened?" She asked, looking around. "You passed out. We should go back to the dorm." I say.

She nods as we make our way over to Yoko. She laughs as I explain how Enid passed out. Enid pouts at this and grabs my hand while walking towards the direction of the dorm. She staggers around, still drunk. I take the lead, walking in front of her now. I open the door closing it behind us. Suddenly I feel a jerk at my arm and now im faced towards Enid. She pulls our faces close together, strong eye contact in our midst. She suddenly kisses me, I pull away first, still contemplating on whether its just the alcohol taking control of her or this is really her.

She drags me over to my bed making me sit down. She sits on my lap, facing me. My eyes open wide in shock, my innards panicking. A part of me is scared to see what happens next as Enid wraps her arms around my neck, coming in for another kiss. I kiss her back, embracing it this time. My insides feel scrambled, like a bag full of snakes, all tangled together. She pushes me down on the bed getting on top of me. I look at her, sort of scared, eyes wide, but face red. "Is this okay?" Enid asks, like the time where she cuddled me.

This set of fireworks in my body, I knew this wasnt the alcohol now. This was Enid. I slowly nod my head, unsure of whats happening next. We kiss again, my tongue feeling on her sharp canines. This only makes her deepen the kiss, her hands pinning mine down. She moves down to my neck, biting it. I clench my jaw, still a part of me scared. I was scared for Enid to go any further than this.

I dont feel ready, not yet. It seemed as if Enid understood this, as she gave me one last kiss with a light shade of red on her face. She snuggled into me, her head in the crook of my neck. I was surprised by this. She understands my point of view. She respects me... I softly smile at this. Enid fell asleep on me in my bed, fingers interlocked. Locusts flutter in my stomach as I take this all in. I breathe in her comforting scent as I finally fall asleep, my right arm wrapped around her back.

[2:31 AM]
I wake up to Enid still close to me. I realized that we never brushed our teeth, or took showers. I shook Enid awake, reminding her of this. We both got ready for bed. After we were done, we clicked the lamps off and went back to bed. This time my head rested on Enid's chest. Her heartbeat echoing in my ears. This lures me to sleep as her arm rests on my back.

Tomorrow the new principal arrives, who knows what he will bring. All I know is that ill be fine, as long as Enid is with me every step of the way.

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