Thingman. (Like wingman ik its stupid) 😭😭😭

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[Wednesdays POV] All of the other classes were pretty much the same. There were just two classes I was away from Enid, the unbearable clock ticking away the seconds so slowly. This was torture, and not the good kind. After my last class me and Enid found each other once again. Something about her lures me so heavily. Shes like a magnet.

I look down for a second to reach for her hand but someone else's hand grabs it first. I become confused and look up. Its Tenzin. I immediately become filled with anger, gripping my skirt, trying to ease the thought of bashing his face in. "Hey Enid..." Tenzin says, a smile on his face with eyes that did not even nearly have good intention. Both of his hands were on her now, making the anger flare inside of me.

"Dont touch me Tenzin." Enid said. "Oh come on, you know you love me baby." He unsuccessfully wooed her. I took a step closer. "No I dont Tenzin. Get away from me." Enid spat. Tenzin forcefully grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss. That was the last straw. I reach out to grab him but stop in my tracks. Enid's claws unsheathed and dug into his abdomen. The blood started to stain his suit.

She pushed him off of her and into to the wall. I took out my pocket knife, and threw it into the wall, chopping a lock of hair off his head. He widens his eyes at the sight if it. I decide to spare him, I cant leave this school. I need Enid. "What the fuck Enid!" He grunts, clutching the area Enid had stabbed. He looked to me, my face showing no expression.

"Whatever, you fucking lesbian freaks. I hope your parents crush you, Enid. You deserve everything they've ever done to you." He fled, not once looking back. Enid looks to the ground. I know that last sentence hit her hard. I walk over and grab her hand. She looks into my eyes, her own filled with tears. I grab my knife and put it away. I softly pull her into a hug. "Hey. Lets go back to our room." I whispered into her ear. She nodded and off we went. I sat her down on my bed. I laid down next to her.

She laid down as well, her head on my chest. She started to cry, her tears absorbing onto my sweater. I stroked her hair softly. I softly pushed her head off my chest and pushed myself down to just above her eye level. I kissed her forehead. I pulled her close to me. I knew all she wanted to do was be held. She snuggled into the crook of my neck. Her arm wrapped around my back, holding me tight.

I didnt mind, not one bit. The tears stopped and she fell asleep. Im still awake for a bit, making sure that shes comfortable. I hear a familiar padding. Thing climbs up onto the bed post. "Hey Thing, How've you been?" I said softly, not trying to wake Enid up. 'Have I missed a lot here?' Thing signs. "Yup." I reply. Enid shifts around and opens her eyes. "Thing...?" she looks around.

She perks up as she catches sight of Thing. "Thing! How did your time at home go?" She asks him. 'Pretty normal actually, maybe I should have stayed here' he signs. Enid is amused by Thing. Thing turns over to me and then back to Enid. 'So have you guys got it on yet???' he says. "Thing! Shut up." I say, both of our faces red. Things scrabbles away before I can grab him.

"Whatever." I said softly, pulling Enid back to me. Our lips become close. She kisses me. I love this girl. I hug her as- *Click*- I turn my head to see Thing working Enids phone, taking a picture of us kissing. Thing sees me getting up, he drops the phone and scatters about. "Thing. Come here.😠" I said, not in the mood to do this.

Enid gets up and grabs her phone. Her face lights up. "OMG this is SO. Cute! 😩😍" She exclaimed, turning her phone for me to see. I sighed, looking at Thing under her bed. I guess the picture wasnt that bad... "Hey. Send me that" I tell Enid. "Awwwww you like it??" she teased. "Be quiet." I walked up to her. She sent me the picture and I saved it. Enid hugged me before I could put my phone down.

I love this. Every time she hugs me, kisses me, whatever. I still get that feeling. That longing. I never want to leave her. Im going to protect her, no matter the cost.

She took my hands. "Wens?"
"Yes Enid?" I answered. "Can you play your cello for me, please?" Enid asked me. "Why." I replied. "Because I haven't heard you play in a while. Also I love when you play. Please? 🥺" She pleaded with me, her eyes soft. Begging.

I nodded and grabbed my cello. I felt the best playing on the balcony. We stepped onto the balcony. I played a improvised piece of my original music. "Wait a sec, ill be back." Enid said. I looked at her and nodded. She came back out with a violin. She started to play along with me. Impressive. Knowing that she can improvise as well without knowing a thing about my music.

Shes a keeper alright. She pulled out some sheets of music, one in my cello part and one in her violin part. "You know how to play the violin Enid? Since when?" I asked. "Ive been practicing in secret just so I could do things like this with you! 🫵🏻😎" She smiled. Lord. That smile. It made me feel warm inside as we started to play.

The music felt mysterious, a battle between piano and forte. Enid added a few extra notes, making it sound better. I did the same. The fight between the melody resided between us. Such a beautiful piece.

The sunset colored sky set upon us. This, this was fun. The song ended with a deep and dark note. Just how I liked it. She laughed softly and looked at me. I managed to smile as well. We took our things inside. As Enid placed her violin down, Thing handed her phone over. "Hehe, thanks thing." They fist bumped.

Thing did little jumps. "Send me that too Enid." I said. Enid nodded and sent the whole video. "Wanna go for a walk, babycakes? 🤭😏" She asked me. I paused. Babycakes....??? 🤨

"Uh... Sure-."

I just knew my face was red. She grabbed my hand and out we went. We went wherever Enid wanted to. As soon as we got to the farthest point away from the school it started raining. Enid laughed, our hair getting wet. She took my hand and spun me around. Music suddenly started playing out of nowhere. I look to see Thing with a speaker, under a small wooden hut.

Huh. So this was planned. Thing was on her phone again, recording our every move. We waltzed around. We spun in a circle together. My love for her is infinite. I kissed her in the rain, drops of water running down our faces. We slow danced in the rain. No times could be better than this. With her.

We decided to go back after it started to get late. As we came up onto the entrance of the school, we saw Atlas and Sav together. They were talking, Sav against the wall. They both paused for a second, Atlas looking down into her eyes. Sav wrung her hands together, nervous and unsure.

Atlas cupped Sav's left cheek. They hesitated for seconds more, Atlas making sure she was okay with this. They kissed, Sav unsure where to place her hands. Atlas laughed at this and took her arms. Sav's arms were now wrapped around Atlas's neck. This kissed again, this time they were more comfortable. They hugged, Sav burying her face into the tall Atlas.

It felt good that she was happy, because I sure am.

With Enid.

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