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[Wednesday's POV] I stand there, Enid gone. What should I do now? Thing crawls to the balcony. I follow him. He climbs up onto my cello. 'Record something for Enid. You know she loves your music.' he said. I thought about it for a good while. Would she really like it? I sighed.

I handed my phone to Thing. He took it and aimed it at me. I started to play G Golterman nocturne op 43 no 2 in g minor. What a beautiful piece this was. I slowed the tempo, I prefer it this way. The soft wind blew through my hair, sending fresh air into my lungs. The red-orange colored sky reflected off my cello. A cluster of leaves spun around on the balcony, the wind guiding their every move.

I closed my eyes, feeling every note as they rang through my head. I started to sway with each bowing. The trees swayed along with me. I ended the piece. Thing tapped on the balcony as applause. He tapped around on my phone for a while. He handed it back to me.

The lighting was incredible. "You're quite the cameraman." I told Thing. He did a small hop and padded off. I decided I was going to send the video to Enid when she came back. I sat down to work on my novel since I had nothing else to do. Hours seemed to pass. It felt so... lonely without her. I 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 her.

[Enid's POV] Hehehe... I got so much stuff. Like- a LOT. These bags were weighing me down as I trudged up the stairs. Yoko and Bianca didnt get 𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒚 as many things as I did. At this point I was dragging the bags on the floor, my arms starting to sore. Yoko and Bianca laughed. "Maybe you should've listened to us" Bianca teased "Aagghh" I grunted as I finally got to the door, releasing my arms of its chains. I pulled out my key, but Wens had already unlocked it.

I shouldered it open. I dragged all of my stuff inside. Wens was sitting on here bed. Bianca and Yoko came in too. Wens walked up to us. "What are they doing here." She asked me. "Oh we were going to put our clothes together and make some outfits." I answered. She shoved them out and slammed the door. "Wens what are you doi-"

She kissed me. "Damn, did you miss me that much?" I said giggling. Wens buried her face into my chest. I squeezed her tight. I kissed her again, this time more passionately. Bianca and Yoko knocked on the door. "Um, Hello?"

I went to go open the door but she stopped me. "Leave them. I want you now." She said flatly. She slowly spread her hand from my waist to my stomach from behind me. I could feel my face flush. Jeez, this girl really knows how to make me fold. :,)

I hear Bianca and Yoko's footsteps fading from outside the door. I felt Wednesday let go of me. I turned around to see her on her phone. My phone buzzed inside of my pocket. I took it out. A video sent from Wens. She looked up at me expectantly, trying to catch my expression. I smiled softly and sat on her bed. I connected my earbuds to my phone.

It was a video of Wens playing her cello. My, was the lighting perfect. Shes perfect. The beautiful music sounded from her cello. I loved her music. I loved her. I closed my eyes as I listened to it. I could hear the leaves rustling. Eternal bliss this was.

When it ended, Wens was watching me. Thing crawled up next to me. 'Did you like it?' he asked. "I 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 it." I said with a smile. Wens sighed in relief.

I got up and walked over to my shopping bags, filled with clothes. Not just for me. "Hey Wens, come here" she came over to me. I handed her the clothes I had bought for her. "Hm. Just my style." She said blankly. She put them on her bed. I hung all my clothes up and put them in my closet.

After that had happened, I felt I needed some fresh air. Sigh, it was going to be a full moon tonight. I stepped onto the balcony. I felt the cool breeze. I hear footsteps behind me. I dont need to look back. Wens hugs me from behind. I love this girl.

"Its okay, cara mia. Ill stand outside the lupin cages and wait for you." she whispered into my ear. Its just something about her whisper that makes me want to jump into the air. But oh well. I nodded my head. Off we went to the lupin cages.

I went inside and took off my clothes so they wouldnt rip when I wolfed out.

[Wednesdays POV] Too bad I cant see what was going on. I wanted to see her transform. I hear Enid howl. Bones cracking. I really wanted to see her. Again. Well she knew it was me last time so why wouldnt she this time? I could her huffing from inside the cage. I lock picked the door, and open it slowly. 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒌

Enid jumps. Her slim werewolf body now alert and ready to attack. She sees me clearly now, softening her eyes. She pads over to me. Fascinating, this is. "Aaah." I said. She opened her mouth to reveal such sharp teeth. I poke my finger on each one. "Stay here." I said. I went outside and grabbed a pretty thick stick. I went back and put it in front of her. "Bite this in half." I told her.

She bit down, almost chomping my fingers off. The stick broke into pieces. How intriguing. I pet her head as she huffed at me. She walked back to the bed of hay and moss to sleep until the touch of sunlight turned her back. I went to go sit down beside her. She curled around me, keeping me warm from the cold air that blew in from the exposed roof.

I stroked her fur. Her warmth lured me off to sleep. How interesting she was.

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