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Me and Enid woke up, ready to meet the principal. We start going to classes next week, as the new teacher is still prepping as well. I lift my head off of Enids chest, rubbing my eyes. She gets up, heading to the bathroom. As she just about finishes getting ready, I start getting ready aswell. After we are done, we wait for the announcement for all the students to meet. After everybody gets there, the new principal walks up to the mic, introducing himself in a British accent. "Hello students of Nevermore! My name is Mr. Lanthill. I will be your new principal. I am honored to be in Nevermore's presence, I hope for this year to be a good one!" He announced to us all, a grand smile on his face. Everybody cheered for him.

After all of the announcements were made, everybody disbanded and went their own ways. Nevermore has gained some new students as well. Enid walked away from me going to talk to one of the new students. "Hey! Im Enid."

"Oh. Im Tenzin." he said softly, looking into her eyes with his own. I side eye him, making sure he isnt getting too close... I look away and ball my fists up. My frustration surges through me as I walk away. I go back to the dorm and grab a few books and a blanket to take with me to the cemetery.

On my way out, I see Enid and Tenzin sitting beside each other, too close for my comfort. I ignore this as best as I can as I feel a pang of anger stab at my insides. I pass them, making my way to the cemetery. I hate this, whenever ne and Enid get close, the next day she pretends as if nothing happens. Why? Did I do something wrong?

I placed the blanket down and started reading. Time seemed to fly by as I turned each page. I looked down at my phone. 1 PM it read. I became uneasy, remembering the stalkers text. I need to figure out who it is... Tyler is still alive but he is sure to be locked up, right? I try to forget this subject as I head thing padding towards me. He stays by my side. We both sit in silence as we breathe in the fresh air, the wind softly brushing on our skin.

Things signs that we should head back, so we do. Now that im more relaxed, I head to the weathervane for some espresso. A new person is working there obviously, but they caught my attention. Their hair fell perfectly, thin bangs hovered over their dark eyes. Their thin but strong arms handled the machines, swift but coordinated movements.

I walked up to the counter. They looked down at me, our height difference neither tensing or easing the tension. "Quad over ice." I said, giving them the usual stare and the money, of course. "Sure," they said, the corner of their mouth grinning. They worked the espresso machine, the small cup full of the espresso shots delicately handled and poured over the ice and milk that resided in the cup. They grabbed a pen and turned around, making sure I couldnt see what they were doing.

Their strong jawline clenched as they fitted the lid on. They handed it to me, our fingers made contact, slipping away as I took the cup. This somehow managed to make me slip a smile out of the corner of my mouth. A soft laugh quietly sounded as I turned around to exit. I dare not look back as the smallest feeling of warmth occurred in my body.

When I got back to the dorm, Enid was texting someone on her bed. Her smile glowed while I clenched my jaw, aware of who she might be texting. I was about to throw away my finished coffee, but I was shocked to see a number drawn on the side. I slightly smiled and entered the number on my phone. I got a text right away. 'Names Atlas' she texted. 'Wednesday' I texted back. She wrote, "Dinner at 7 pm?" I hesitated to write back. I looked back at Enid, her smile still facing her phone. She got up and left. Anger spread throughout my body. 'sure.' I replied to Atlas.

I worked on my novel while the time passed by. Enid had still not returned. I wonder where she is and what shes doing. Why is she acting like the things that happened between us didnt take place? I get ready to go to dinner with Atlas. I head out of the dorm, looking around for Enid. I cant see her anywhere. Im starting to worry, maybe shes in danger.

I remind myself of the image of her and Tenzin. His solid eyes digging into her. His hands on her shoulders. Their too close. I hope this doesn't go any farther than friendship. I head out, finally reaching the city. I start to walk over to the designated restaurant. Stop. I stop. Frozen in place. Enid and Tenzin are in the Weathervane, laughing together. Im going to chop his head off. Thats supposed to be me. Not him, me.

Anger wells up inside of me. My body burning with hate. Enid sees me and her smile fades. Her head turns away from Tenzin. I scoff, shaking my head. I walk over to the restaurant. I see Atlas and sit down with her. "What's up, Wednesday?" her soft smile luring me in. I look to the window, I catch the eyes of a blonde girl, her eyes reading disappointment. She walks away. What are your real intentions, Enid?

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