Under le moonlight.

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[Wednesdays POV]
I feel her moving. I grip on to her, pulling her back. "No." I said. She chuckles, holding me close once again. "Wanna talk about what you called me last night?" she said. "No." I replied. "Awwww why notttt??" she teased, putting her face close to mine to look into my eyes. "Shut up before I-"

She puts her index finger on my lips, shushing me. Enid kisses me, her warm hands cupping my cheeks. She reaches to hold my hand. I shove my face into her neck, squeezing her hand. My face is most likely red. Enid laughs at this. Our interlocked fingers loosen as we fell asleep again.

I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping on the balcony. I get up, leaving Enid alone as I head to the bathroom. I use the bathroom and get ready to go out. Special plans are what I have, and special plans are what Enid gets. I head out the dorm making my way to Yoko's room. I pass Atlas's room on the way. A pang of guilt and worry hit me as I quickly passed it. I wonder what had happened to her after last night.

I arrive at Yoko's door and knock on it. She opens the door slowly, and rubs her eyes. "Whatcha you want Wednesday?" she questioned me. "I need a distraction. Hangout with Enid until I text you. Tell her I had some... business to attend to." I answered. "Im taking this." I took a speaker from her desk. "How do you use it?" I asked.

"Bluetooth?" Yoko questioned. She showed me how to work it. "Okay, do what I told you." I said. "Whats the magic word Wednesday? ☝️😃" Yoko said happily. "Bye." I flatly said.

I went back to the dorm and took the crystal ball from my desk, careful not to wake up the sleeping Enid. I walked to the cemetery. I called mother on it, waiting for an answer. She and father picked up. "Yes, dear?" She asked. "Mother, what was your most remarkable date with father?" I asked, intrigued to hear her answer.

"Well dear, I think it was about when your father took me to the graveyard. He set up all these lights and candles- an evening picnic. Oh, yes, he also had a record player. Oh my, we danced until the moon shone above us." She replied, her eyes deep in memory. "Ah, what a beautiful night..!" Father reminded mother. "Th- Thanks. Mother. Father" I stuttered. "Of course. Bye, dear." Mother said. "Bye my little storm cloud!" Father exclaimed.


I headed into the taxi I had called. He drove me into the city. I visited each store, looking for lights and candles. I bought them and went into another store to get food from. I also managed to find a bundle of flowers and a black bear to gift to her. I was indecisive about the flowers, contemplating on which kind and color to get for 30 minutes.

As soon as I had all of these things I went back to the cemetery. I placed all the candles down. I entangled the lights onto the gates and plugged them into a portable generator I borrowed from the shed. I set up the music on the small speaker I took from Yoko. I connected the blue tooth 🦷 thing or whatever.

It was all coming together. I lit up all the candles and then set the blanket and food down. I pulled out my phone. 'Yoko. Send Enid to the cemetery. Now.' I texted. 'Ok ok fine' she replied. I stood and waited there. The time read 7:30 pm. As every second passed by, I got more anxious. My stomach harshly churned. Would she like this? Will this be enough? No, What if she doesnt like it?

[Enids POV]
I wonder what Wednesday is up to. I had stayed with Yoko up until now. I miss her. Yoko tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey Enid, go get Wednesday. Shes at the cemetery- I think she needs you."

I perked up at her words. Wens! I get up and leave, forgetting to say bye to Yoko. I sort of jog, getting to the cemetery. I see it and my face just lights up. I see Wens standing there, flowers in one hand a black teddy bear in the other. I could hear old music playing in the background. I ran up to her, hugging her. "Wens! I missed you!" She squeezed me back. I took the flowers and bear and followed her to the blanket. "I... I love you Enid." Wednesday said shakily. "Aww whats wrong? You nervous?" I laughed. I hugged her and sat as close as I could beside her. We made our sandwiches under the sunset colored sky. "Wow Wens, you chose the perfect time! This is so beautiful." I commented.

Wens and I finished our sandwiches. She turned to me, something in her hand. "Aaah." she said, gesturing me to open my mouth. She put a slice of chocolate covered strawberry in my mouth. I laughed as I chewed. That was so cute...! I did the same thing to her. Her face was red, avoiding eye contact with me. We continued to eat the strawberries. We both reached into the container for the last strawberry. "You can have it." She said. I have an idea. I dont know if its a good one, but ill risk it! I put the strawberry in my mouth. I chewed it only a little bit and turned to Wens. I gently grabbed her chin and turned her head to me.

I met her gaze. Her questioning eyes pierced me as I kissed her, giving her some of the strawberry. She immediately pulled back and buried her head into her knees.

Uh oh.

"Fuck you Enid!" She said. She lifted her head up, her whole face red. I started laughing and she shoved me by the shoulder with one hand gently. She covered her face with her hands. "Aaaaagh." She muttered.

[Wednesdays POV] 
Why would she do that! I have to admit that was kind of.. hot. I changed the music on my phone and got up. I held my hand out to Enid. It was getting late, the moon starting to take over the sunset. "Wens... I dont know how to dance." Enid said. " Ill show you. Please?" I pleaded. Enid took my hand and stood up with me. I remember dancing with father. My parents had taught me how to. I just had to teach Enid.

I walked her through the steps. Side to side, pulling each other close. Spinning out to the side, step back, step forward. "Hey! I think im doing it!" She exclaimed. I cracked a smile. "I love your smile Wens." She said, looking into my eyes. I could feel my cheeks get hot as I pulled her close. The moon now took over the night sky. We swayed together, spun together. The tension gaining as we urged to kiss.

Our lips seemed to grow closer and closer with each step. Soon my arms wrapped around her neck and her hands lay on my waist. We shared a blissful kiss as we still swayed under the glistening moonlight. The stars seemed to shine down on us. I broke the kiss as Enid spun me around. I got an idea.

I spun her around and bent her slightly backwards, supporting her back with my arms. I kissed her passionately, letting her wrap her arms around my neck. This is how father did it to mother and she loves it. After we broke the kiss Enid spoke, "Wow Wednesday, didnt know you were such a flirt" she smirked. "Oh, shut up." I said back.

"I love you, Wednesday."

"I love you more, Cara mia..."

We held each other close as we danced the night away, the stars and moon celebrating above.

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