Forty Five | Agreement

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Charlie's POV

It's been a few weeks and I haven't been out of the house since. My parents decided to ground me all of a sudden, and frankly, I know why.

It's because of Dylan.

That's not even the worst part of it all. Being grounded is just an addition to the uneasiness I'm feeling. A week or two before I got grounded, Dylan sorta disappeared on me. Of course, it made me worried, I don't even know what was wrong or if I had done something wrong. He just became distant, purposely ignoring me when we will meet in our class, or if I wait for him after practice. It's giving me anxiety.

"Ughh, this sucks!"

I groaned, throwing my head pillow on the floor. I sigh in defeat because I know I can't do anything about it. My mom filled every corner with bodyguards and servants so I didn't try to "escape".

This is unbelievable. I thought to myself.

I look around the area to see what I can do to release the boredom, and I notice my phone on my nightstand. I grab it and place a call to Dylan hoping he will answer.

"Of course, he wouldn't answer," I said after the call finished dialing and nobody answered.

I bit my lower lip, thinking of what I should do next and I suddenly think of Clarity.

Right, maybe she has an idea where Dylan is.

I dialed her number and it took a few rings before she finally answered.

"Hello? Clarity?"

"Hey, how are you? I heard your parents pull up a Rapunzel on you."

I scoff at her reference.

"Please, this sucks, I can't even go out without someone following me."
"Damn, they've gone that far?"

I said with a sigh and she empathized by awing. There was a moment of silence, and I can see her face empathizing with me.

This is very disappointing. On to the matter at hand though, I need to ask her about Dylan.

"Hey, just a question. Have you heard from Dylan? I ca't reach him, and he's not anwering my texts."

"No, not lately. I'm sorry."

I frowned after hearing her words. No luck.

"That's fine. I am just worried about him. He sort of disappeared on me before all this stuff happened."

"Oh, no."

"I know. It's not like him."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Charlie."

She paused, and I sheepishly smiled as if she could see me.

"Look, I'm sure he's fine. I mean with everything that's going on, I'm sure he's just as sad as you are."

I smiled a little, hoping what she said was true.

"Right, I shouldn't be worried. It's Dylan. It wouln't hurt if he replied on me though, but...yeah."

"Aw honey, I wish I could be there. But no worries, as soon as I hear from Dylan, I'll let him know you're looking for him.

"Thanks, Clarity."

"Always, welcome. Anyway I gotta go. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah, sure, later."


She hung up and I flop back to my bed, looking up at the ceiling fan rotating.

Like I said, this is very disappointing.

Clarity's view

I sigh after I hang up the phone and I look up to Dylan sitting in front of me, and shake my head.

"I hate this."

He looked back at me, he's pained as Charlie is, I can see it in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I know this sucks, but I had to do it."

"For how long am I going to lie to her? I mean it's been weeks, Dylan."

I sigh and I seat beside on of the stools in the kitchen.

"Can you tell me what happened, how did it turned out like this?"

I look all of the boys who is looking as disappointed as Dylan. They look away, not wanting to tell me themselves. So I turn to Dylan, convincing him with my eyes.

He finaliy gave up, and sigh as he start to tell the story.

"It's he's dad."


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