Thirty Three | Stalker

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Jon's View

Let me tell you something, I have a stalker. Yes, its just been a few days after the accident at the court and ever since, Luna has never stop tailing me.

I look behind me when I felt someone following me, and I notice Luna hiding her face behind someone's locker. Poor dude, he has no idea what's going on. And, I know what she looks likes from a far. Pros of being head over heels with her for over a year. I just ignore the fact that she's following me, pretending I didn't saw her.

"How long is she going to do this?"

I asked myself as I go to the gym. I sat on one of the bench, and watch the guys play practice.

"Hey kid, what are you doing in here? Aren't you suppose to be resting?"

I look up and I saw Coach Tyson walking close to me.

"Hey Coach, you're back."

"Yeah, I'm all good now, but enough of me, I heard about you, how are you doing?"

"Fine, but doctor said I sprain my wrist badly that I'm not allowed to play for a 2 weeks. That means I'll miss our next game."

"Its an accident kid. It happened."

"Yeah, but its not a real 'basketball' accident though."

"Oh, that explains the girls' team manager hiding behind the bleachers."

I knitted my eyebrows on him, not knowing what his talking about. He chuckles and he gestures with his eyes, then there I notice Luna, indeed hiding under the bleachers.I can see her bright red hair from here. I bowed my head slightly chuckling about the fact that I don't even know why she's doing this. She can always approach me though.

"What's that all about?"

"Honestly, Coach? I don't know. She's been stalking me since the accident, and I know nothing why she doing this."

"You should ask her."

"Yeah, I need make her stop somehow." 

"Here's my thoughts about this stalking thing you're having with that chick. I think she's guilty because she practically injured you, and now you can't play because of it. She's probably shy and embarrassed she can't even start talking to you. "

To be honest, it makes sense. She has been ignoring me ever since that day. I tried talking to her but all she do is just sprint away from me. If this is true, I can't believe she would undergo this feelings. I mean, she could've just say her sorry and I could've already forgive her. It's hard to see her like this, also, its kind of tiring pretending I don't see her and not being able to talk to her. 

"You know what, it's probably right. I should just confront her once and for all. "

"That's right, kid."

"And Coach, are you a wizard or something? How'd you know she felt that way."

"Kid, its just basic psychology. "

We both laugh in chorus, then I look back to Luna, the way she would not notice I knew she was there. 

This girl, she never failed to surprise me. 

The next day after school, I decided to stay at the library and throw myself into books since I can't practice. Instead of torturing myself to the fact that I couldn't play the next game with the rest of guys, today I'm just going to study for the up coming exams. Its better use of my time, ain't it?

I was trying to find this specific book when I felt my stalker watching me again. I just ignored it since I need to find this book but I heard this thud, and for a library this quiet it definitely sounds loud. I stop and sigh, getting really tired of this situation. 

Seriously? This is insane. She needs to stop this now. 

I took a deep breath and I walk over the broom closet, I opened it and I saw there the ever looking terrified girl that I once liked. I lean close to her and I can feel her heart beating faster from my distance, which is just inches away from her.

"Seriously, Luna, this is not cute at all."

"W-what? H-how'd you-- why?"

She stutters and I chuckle from seeing her shocked reaction.

Okay, maybe it's a little cute.

"What are you doing?"

"Um, I-uh-I was just about to-cause you-"

"Coach Tyson thinks you're guilty of what happened to me, and said you want to say something to be but cant cause you're embarrassed, probably the reason behind all the stalking, is that right?"

"What? NO!"

She exclaims but I don't believe her . Just her looking scared and all that says it all. I look at her straight to her eyes to convince her and shit works.

"Fine, Coach is right. Accurately right in fact, that's impressive of him."

She sighs, and get out of the closet. Tidying her clothes down. 

"You realize you don't have to do all that right? I mean, hi? I'm Jonathan for crying out loud, you know me."

"I know, but felt so bad. I mean you cant play to the next game of me."

"Hey, I saved you, its an accident, sorry or say I appreciate the help would be okay. Besides, its just one game I'm missing. Unlike your case, you have to rest the whole season because of basically the same injury as mine, except its the leg we're talking about."

"Yeah, but I somehow wanna get back to you."

She seems really sincere, and she seems that she need to be re-assured that I'm okay with her getting back to me. Which is easy, but sorry is not enough for her, so I have to make it count.

"Fine, you really wanna get back to me?"


"Then do something for me."

"What is it?"

She looked at me with full curiosity, but I can't stop looking at her lips. So I held her wrist and I lean on her slowly until I can feel her breath already. She closes her eyes afterwards, waiting for me to do something and I stare at her sweet pair of pink lips even more, and soon after she did that my heart started to jump out my heart. 

What am I doing ?

I snap out of it and I just lean towards her ears and whispers:

"I need your help with Math, Shane told me you're good at it and I need all the help I can get."

I lean away and let go of her and I saw her kinda frozen with her eyes already open. It took a moment before she looked at me back, but when she did, she clears her throat and simply smile at me.

"S-sure thing."


Hey y'all! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay safe and have a very good everyday!

-Candy <3

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