One | The dare

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Dylan's View

"Another one!"

I shouted across the court, bragging about the eighteenth ball I got in at Shane.

"I'm dominating the game."

I teased, and I saw him shake his head, getting a little annoyed at me, so I threw him a cocky smile.


"Ahh! Dylan!"

He got cut off when the girls were on the bench cheers for me. He covers his ears, glaring up at the girls afterward. I look up at them, amused by the attention that they're giving me.

"Can you please get these bitches out of here?"

"Why? They're nice. They're cheering for me."

"They're annoying. So just do it."

Shane commands and runs across the other end of the court, continuing practicing. I snicker, and I look up at those bitches again.

"Hey, ladies."

I wave at them, and they start screaming again, totally losing their minds.

"Got 'em Coach!"

Someone pulled me by my shirt, so I looked up and saw Jonathan. He shouted at our coach, pushing me to make me run across the court.

"Focus Castle! You can fuck those girls later, but for now, focus!"

Coach Tyson commands and I saw Alec laugh at me, then run across the court. I let out a hiss, then nod, following his command.

After our basketball practice and Coach Tyson's earsplitting and endless nagging, the four of us, Shane, Jon, Alec, and I finally got to eat at the cafeteria. We started eating as soon as we got there, talking about random stuff, but mostly the game for the upcoming homecoming.

All four of us are varsity players for our school's basketball team. And not to brag about it, we're the best team this school ever had.

Yeah, I'm bragging about it.

"Do you guys think we can make it to the finals?"

Alec blurted out suddenly, and we all looked at him, slightly laughing.


He crunches up his eyebrows, having no idea what we think about his question.

Shane shakes his head, and Jon tries his best to stop himself from laughing. We never see Alec seriously that often. He's usually the funny type in the group, and when he's serious, he looks constipated, which makes him look funnier.

"Alec, my friend. Of course, we can. We're the Kingswood Hawks." Jon states, patting Alec's shoulder.

"Besides, don't worry about the Vikings, we'll crush them. We're the best team remember?" Jon adds and Alec nods.

"Yeah, too confident Jon." Shane interrupts, killing the mood, and Jon glares at him.

"Let him be, his right anyway, we never lose and we've proven that." I defended Jon and Shane shrugs, getting back to eating his food.

Wellington Vikings is a new enemy for the Hawks this season. They're having good game results, ranking second. And Alec went to one of their games with his friend from Wellington and witnessed how good this team is for himself. They have the best players, we've heard, but we successfully defeated every team in every game for the last four years. We have straight won for the last few years, and we're still winning this homecoming, no matter how tough our opponents are.

"Oh look who's here,"

We're in the middle of talking when suddenly Jon interrupts, looking at the other side of the room. So we all look at the direction he's looking.

"It's Charlie Hale."

Charlie Hale and her friends are on their way to their table as they walk past ours, and the four of us follow them with a look. Especially Charlie.

"Damn, she's the hottest bookworm I've ever seen in my life."

Jon commented as he checked out Charlie, and Shane nodded in agreement. I frown, and I look at her, trying to find what they think is hot about her.

Charlie Hale is the smartest chick that everyone talks about. She can easily get an A for a grade, and she's not even a teacher's pet. She's just smart as fuck. I never pay attention to her, probably because she's not my type, and I don't hit around nerds.

"Dude, you're totally eye-raping her right now."

Alec butts into my thoughts so I look at him. I threw a scrap of bread at him, and he laughed after dodging it.

"I'm not."

"Oh yeah? We know you when you're perving around."

"Shut up."

I shake my head as I say and I get back on eating my food. Alec looks in Charlie's direction once more before looking at me again.

"You know what Dylan, I bet you can't make her one of your girlfriends."

I scrunch up my eyebrows and I look up to him.

"What are you talking about?" I ask frowning.

"Look at her," He leaned his arms over the table, pointing to her with his fork and I look. "she's gorgeous, smart, absolutely hot, and...and.."

"She's out of your league."

Shane finishes and Alec agrees by slapping his palms together, watching me as I frown in disagreement.

"Why not? I'm perfectly in her league."

"No, you're not. You're a fuckboy, and she's a hundred percent not into that."

I scrunch up my eyebrows looking at Charlie again, she's casually talking with her friends at the moment.

I can make this girl mine. What are they talking about?

"How about a dare?" Jon butts in and the three of us look at him. "A dare?" I ask and he nods.

"Make her your date this homecoming, as her boyfriend."

Jon states and Alec started clapping, commending Jon for his ridiculous idea.

"I bet you'd be turned down the second you ask her out." Alec bets then put ten down on our table.

"I bet you'll never have a chance to ask her that." Shane then put down twenty afterward.

"I bet she'll look at you disgusted and then turn you down." Jon putting down forty.

The three of them laughed in the chorus as they made fun of me. They're emasculating me right in front of my face. Like I'm not sitting here with them.

It's a month before the homecoming. A month to make Charlie Hale mine. I smirk, and I put a hundred down over the table and the three of them look up to me.

"Watch me."

I place my eyes on my target as I stand up, walking towards their table. I stopped in front of her, then she looked up at me and I smiled at her.

"Hi, Charlie right?"


Gosh, I miss writing these kind of stuff (edited).

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