Two | Swear

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Charlie's View

"Ugh, I'm beat!"

Kelly complains, throwing her tray on our table, looking at the piece of paper in her hand. Cami and I chuckle, as we sit down watching her be irritated about the chemistry homework Mr. Harris just gave her.

"I can't even understand his lecture, how can I solve this? Ugh! I hate that bald mofo."

Cami snickers while shaking his head and gave me a look. I just softly smile, taking the homework from Kelly's hand. I gave it a look, finding it not that hard to solve, I should help her out.

"I can come over to your house and help you with it if you want?"

I offer and her face brightens, opening her mouth in surprise as well. She held my hand, keeping it between her hands as she looks at me like a puppy.

"Please do that."

"Anything for you, babe."

"Omg, Thanks! That's why I love you!"

She squealed and she hugs me, grabbing me across the table. I heard her giggles, and I just chortle.

"Your skirt, dumbass!"

Cami warns tugging Kelly's skirt downward. Her butt almost shows off when she climbs up the table to hug me, thankfully there's Cami beside her.

"Seriously, why would this school require you guys to wear this kind of skirt? It's so short!"

He asserts and Kelly gets back to her sit, patting his back.

"It's called fashion, Cameron."

She enthusiastically said, smiling which made Cami hiss.

"Whatever. Next time, watch yourself, there are so many pervs in this school."

"Yes, Mom."

Kelly wryly replies sitting back. Cami gave her a look but she just childishly stuck her tongue out, making me chuckle a little.

They're so cute.

The three of us have been friends for a long time. I met Kelly two years ago in one of my classes and became friends. And there's Cami, whom I met when we were still wearing diapers. When they met, I thought they hated each other because they were total opposites and they always fight around, teasing each other, even about the smallest things like picking a movie to watch when we decided to go watch Netflix, but I guess that's how friends act around each other.

"Omg Cam, that's Dylan Castle!"

Kelly suddenly got excited, shaking Cami's body while giggling, but Cami just ignored her and look in the direction she was looking at.

"Hmm, the notorious fuckboy. Wait, is he walking towards our table?"

"Oh my gosh, you're right. Charlie, six o'clock."

She said with such excitement, and I frown. I look in the direction she's pointing with her index finger. When I finally look, there was suddenly a body in front of me. I look up and saw Dylan smiling at me, showing his incredibly white teeth.

I scan Dylan's face, trying to guess what he's doing at our table. He never comes in here, nor talks to us or me even if we have biology together. I don't really mind though, I have zero interest in this guy anyway.

"Hi, Charlie right?"

I crunch up my eyebrow, still figuring out what's happening. I suddenly heard Kelly yelp so I look back at her. Cami taps her to make her stop, and she purses her lips together, restraining herself.

"I'm sorry, what's that again?" I said looking up to him again.

"Yes, I'm Dylan."

He informs, and he smiles, taking my hand and kisses it. He winks at me, ending it up with a cocky smile. I narrow my eyebrows together, beginning to be disgusted.

"I was just thinking about asking you out for a drink. Maybe after your dismissal, if you like?"

He asks, and looks at me straight in the eye, trying to convince me. And I just appallingly look at him.

So this is what's happening. This guy is ridiculously handsome and has some good features like his bright pair of green eyes, soft-looking brown hair, annoying white teeth, well-toned body, and a deep manly voice, but there's a problem, this guy is notoriously known as the no.1 fuckboy of the school.

I cleared up my throat and I took my hand off his hand, and he frowned. He restrains himself from being surprised, suddenly beaming cocky smile at me. I just set a soft smile, giving him an imminent glare.

"Sorry, but I don't go out with assholes."

I state and the whole room was stunned, especially him.

He frowns, and wet his lips in disbelief, awkwardly smiling at me, but ultimately finding it hard to reply.

"Oh...umm, I uh.."

"Sure, you can go back to your friends now. And oh, nice try by the way."

I calmly said and he slowly nods. He turns to walk back to his friends, seeing him pursing his lips in embarrassment, which made me grin.

I don't tolerate assholes.

Dylan's View

I sit back at our table, finding no words to say. It feels like all of them disappears when she rejected me. I watch the tree of my friends trying hard to stop themselves from laughing, but miserably failing. They laugh their asses off as soon as I sit.

"Dude, you should've seen your face when she turns you down! It's crazy!" Jon snorts.

"That's hilarious! She even sent your ass back in here!" Alec wheezed holding his stomach from laughing.

"I told you, she's amazing!" Shane said clapping his hands together.

They continue making fun of me. And I was just there, out of nowhere. Nothing is coming inside my head, probably because of embarrassment.

This is the first time a girl has ever refused on going out with me. I can't believe this. No one has ever turned me down! She..she, she'll pay for this!


I slam my hand on the table, and the three of them stop laughing, looking at me startled. I look at them with such determination, as I clench my fist.

"Don't celebrate too fast dumbass, it isn't homecoming yet."

"G, calm down dude."

Alec says gripping his chest, surprised by my reaction. I ignored him, and I glared at the first girl to reject me.

"Charlie Hale, I swear, I will make her mine."

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