Fourteen | Shut up and do as I said

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Charlie's View

I'm on my way to the gym to find Dylan to give him his jacket back, the one  that he lend me last time. Then I saw Alec in his basketball uniform about to pass me.

"Hey, Alec!" I called him and he turn to look at me.

He look both his side trying to find out who I called, and he point at himself looking at me clueless. I run towards him and I look up to him.

"You talking to me?"
"Yeah, who else?" 
"Oh, it's just unusual for you to talk to me."

I nod. "Yeah, you're right."

He purse his lips as he nods, and I sigh, breaking the sudden silence.

"Isn't that Dylan's jacket?" He points on it and I nod.

"Yeah, I'm on way to the gym now. Do you think his there already?"

"Yeah, probably. Do you wanna go with me?"

"Sure." I smile as I nod.

"Sweet. Alright c'mon."

So we begin walking. His leading the way and I stay behind him. He is currently tapping his phone and I just watch him scroll his message box. He doesn't seem to mind me watch him so I just walk casually.

On our way, I notice that he look gloomy than usual. And his back look sad. I mean, for someone who's very energetic and funny, he's pretty quiet. I am assuming that is because of Clarity. Apparently I can see his messages, and his scrolling on Clarity's box. And man, he sent him so many texts and he got zero reponds. That is when I felt bad for him. I had a moment when I convince myself to let go of it and not mind their problems, and ignore him from being down but my nosy self got on my way again. I'm surprise that my nosyness hasn't got me on trouble yet.

"She still not answering you?"

I ask all of a sudden and he look down to me, with peering look. I simply smile, looking at him with empathy. He then sigh, pursing his lips as he nod, after turning off his phone.

"Apparently not, and I think she's not going to for a while."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I've messed up. I deserve it."

He weakly smile and sigh, and he shakes his head. I purse my lips, and I rub his shoulder to let him know that it is alright.

"Hey, don't you say that. You just didn't think before you do things."

"Ouch, that's not a good way to sympathize with me." 

He chuckle and I smile, shaking my hands.

"Sorry, that came out wrong. I mean,  you should've thought of what she's going to feel before you kiss her. All this time she thought that you two are the best of friends, and then suddenly you kissed her. You see, that confused her."

He bow his head, and nod slowly as he close his eyes.

"I know I'm an idiot. I'm so stupid."

He let out a huge sigh, and then put his hands on his waist, as he try to calm his building tears.

"I just, I couldn't tell her how I feel. I'm stuck on this friendship, because she always say she love it that way. And I don't wanna ruin anything. But now that I've decided to tell her how I feel, I completely fucked it up. Only because of one kiss I always want to share with her. And she still don't know how I feel."

I smile, finding it adorable and admirable. I suddenly felt happy, and thrill started to build up inside me. I never thought you can get your throat sore out of restraining yourself from squealing in thrill.

Only if Clarity can see this.

I sigh, and he look down, frowning at me.

"You really love her, don't you?"

He beam at me sincerely and nod as he blush.

"I love her from her soul to every bit of her personality. She's the only girl for me."

I smirk, and I mock him with a look. "Tell her that then."

He knitted his eyebrows together and I smirk once more.

"Everything you said, tell her that."

"I can't, I'm scared."

"Don't be. Have some balls. You already kissed her, why not tell her how much you love her?"

He frown and I smile at him encouraging him.

"You know, courage is the best weapon to bring in a battle. Not the swords, not the shields, nor the spears. You have to be brave to conquer what you desire."

"What's that suppose to mean?" He ask peering at me.

I smile, shaking my head. "That basically means don't be a pussy and tell her already."

He slightly open his mouth in surprise and I reach to close it for him, chuckling afterwards.

"I didn't know you can be encouragingly annoying."

"Shut up and do as I said."

He hold his hands up, and I walk pass him. He followed me and we find our way to the gym. Once we got in there, I search the room using my eyes, and I see people doing warm ups. But no sign of Dylan.


Alec called on Shane and he look at us, with a curious look.

"Where is Dylan at?"

He ask and Shane points his finger on the locker room. Alec down at me, and I turn to look back to him.

"He's on the lockers, do you wan't me to go with you?"

I shake my head so as my hand. "Nah, I think I can manage, besides I'm only giving his jajket back."

"Alright, just go down their."


He nods and after that I made my way to the locker room. There is no other person in the room, and its silent. You can hear the boiler room down at the basement and that's not scary at all. Note the sarcasm. I shake my thoughts off as I walk further inside.


I called out and I hear no responds, but a faucet creeking so as the closing shower. I turn to see if Dylan is behind but I was wrong. He isn't there. I gulp as I walk near the shower room out of curiosity, and as soon as I'm going to enter the room, someone captured me from the back and pinned me to the wall. 

I look at Dylan, then down to his soaking wet body with only a towel covering his manhood, I look away, turning into a tomato. He smirk and he lean into my ears and blows on it. I shiver as I feel the goosebumps, hearing him chuckle as he finds his way down to me neck.

I let out a short quiet moan when he bit me when my shoulder and neck meet, and he chortle. And I started cursing him with a look when he look up to me.

"Oh, it feels good, doesn't it?"

I groan in annoyance as he tease me with his eyes and tried to push him off me, but clearly I failed when he slam me back to the wall. I throw daggers at him as I stare at him but he wouldn't stop laughing which makes me even more annoyed. He shakes his head then he tuck my hair behind my ear, cupping my face as he beams at me.

"Gosh, you look so cute when your mad."

He fired me a smile and I found myself speechless as I look at him blushing.


Heeey, what's good? How is your new year been?

♡ eye ♡

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