Forty Eight | Fire poker

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Charlie's View

"Yes, just until tomorrow."

I said to Cam over the phone and I can only imagine how frustrated he is from the sound he let out after I told him I am with Dylan and wouldn't come back until tomorrow.

"Do you know how crazy it is that you want me to do?""Can you help, please? The rain just poured on us and it looks like we cannot leave, so please, cover for me.""You should've not gone with him in the first place."

He commented and I pouted my lips.

"Cam, please? You're the only one I can trust."
He sighs in defeat and replies."Fine. But you have to go back tomorrow, ok?"
"Yes. I promise. Thanks, Cam."
"Sure, be safe. And call me if anything happens."
"Of course. Bye.""Bye."

I hung up and turn off my phone and I put it over the counter. After that, I take off my wet clothes after running upstairs to the room Dylan told me to go. The room is neat although it's old. I wonder how often Dylan and the boys go here to be this organized unless they have a caretaker.

I turn the dial on the shower and felt the warm water run through my palm. I stepped into the shower and started cleaning myself. The water feels so nice in this cold and rainy weather, I wish I could do more than shower to feel warm.

I shook my head as I tried to clear my mind with dirty thoughts. I can't help it, it's been weeks, and now that his with me, I can't help but be reminded of those nights we spent together.After what felt like half an hour of a shower, I stepped out of the bathroom and wrapped my torso with a clean towel from the cabinet under the sink. I don't think Dylan is back because I have not seen clothes anywhere in the room or in the hallway.

I walked downstairs and waited for him in the fireplace, getting myself warm only with a towel on.

"He's taking his time."

I said commenting on how long he has gone. I let out a sigh and stared at the fire. I was waiting patiently when I suddenly heard a vague ruckus outside.


I called out thinking it was Dylan but I received no response. I stood up and watch for the door and called out his name again but he did not reply again. This time I felt my heart race so I took the fire poker and slowly approached the door.

"Who's there?"

The ruckus fades which made me even more nervous, but I step by step get close to the door. I gripped the poker tighter, getting ready to hit whatever it is making that sound. I was about 2 feet from the door when a huge squirrel ran through and simultaneously Dylan opened the door.


I screamed and jumped in surprise which made Dylan do the same, me still gripping hard to the poker. I swear to God, I wish the floor would eat me right at this moment because from the moment I put my arms down, my towel goes along with it.

We both stood there silent and Dylan for a second took a good glimpse of what was shown before turning around to not see my completely naked body. I quickly put down the poker and grabbed the towel to cover myself.

My heart beats even more faster than before. I looked at him and I can see how red his ears are. Don't do it. He doesn't like you.

I internally told myself as I noticed myself taking a step forward to reach him.

"Um, I will go upstairs now, you can just leave my clothes by the hallway."

I said sheepishly getting ready to go back to my room. I turned around and started to walk but I suddenly felt warmth embrace my body.

"I am sorry. I can't take this anymore."

Dylan said resting his head on my shoulders, his breath hitting my skin. I looked down and noticed that his hugging me backward.

"Dylan?""You feel so warm, please don't go."

I felt chills climb right up to my spine, and tears started to bubble on the edge of my eyes after hearing those words.

I miss him so much.

"Okay." I said nodding my head and I held his hand.

He started brushing his lips on my shoulder until it felt like he was kissing my neck. I closed my eyes as he continued to find his way to my jaw.

His embrace loosens as he gently takes the towel off me. I gasped when I felt his cold bare hands touch my body. He might have noticed it because he turned me and lift me by my thighs. Now facing him, I locked my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall while resting our foreheads on each other. He walked to the couch and laid me there as he went on top of me. He took off his partially wet shirt and I saw the body I was longing for for weeks.

I traced my fingers on his chest then I looked up to him, our eyes met and both smiled at each other.

"I love you."

He said cupping my face and I beamed, a drip of tears leaving my eye. He noticed it and wiped it off before getting close to kissing me. He was so gentle about it that I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach all over again.



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