Twenty Seven | Make Over

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Charlie's View

"You're crazy."

I commented looking at him with a straight face. He pouts getting unhappy by the reaction.

If you're wondering what is going on, Jon just told me his plan on how to tell Heaven Shane's feelings for her. Apparently,the idea is ridiculous and I'm not buying it.

"That's harsh." 

"Well, if you think pretending to be your brother to confess in his behalf is a good idea, you're insane."


"First, you look nothing like Shane. Second, why don't you just tell him the truth and see what goes from there?"

He knotted his eyebrow, disagreeing on me.

"That's not gonna work. You don't know my brother when it comes to women."

"Help him then, but not in a crazy way, please."

"He will not let me do it either. His, Shane."

I look at him, he seem serious by the statement. The more that I hear words like this from him and how he delivers it makes me think. There something up between them.

"Here," he said giving me his phone gesturing for me to call Shane. "Tell him."

"Why me? You're his brother."

"To prove you I'm right. Also, wanna bet? Winner gets a treat to Omel's."

My eyes widen, and hearing the prize making my mouth water. I know its ridiculous, but I love waffles at Omel's and free food is more delicious than the ones you pay for.

I smirk grabbing the phone from him, he smiled at me taunting. I dialed Shane's number and after a few rings, he finally picks up.


He answered coldly. Classic Shane.

"Good to hear from you too."

"Charlie? Why do you have Jon's phone?"

I look at Jon, him, still taunting me with a gesture to carry on. I sigh and roll my eyes, getting back to Shane.

"Look, Jon overheard Heaven and her friend's conversation. Heaven is leaving for Japan soon, and I think you should tell her how you feel before she left."

There's silence after I finish talking. So, I waited for his respond. After a minute, I heard him sigh, a huge sigh.

"Thanks for telling me." He answered back.

After that he finally hangs up. I returned the phone to Jon.

"What now?" I ask.

"We wait."


Jon's View

I entered the house finding Shane in the kitchen with tons of beers, him looking at a book. He looks like a mess, and I already now what this is. I entered the kitchen, putting down my bag at the counter, getting myself a glass of water.

"So, you didn't tell her."

I ask, and he didn't answer, but I know he heard me. I look over him and he's still looking at the book. I sigh, and go over him putting the glass of water down.

"When does she leave?"

I ask and now I get a look from him.  He sighs, putting down the book, taking a sip before he answer.


I nod, feeling unhappy by the news.

"That's two days from now. Wow."

He remains silent, continuously drinking, so and I took a beer from his stack.

"You don't mind, do you?"

He just look at me, knowing that I'll never get a good answer from him. I shrug my shoulders and opened it anyway. We drink, but no one really talks. I don't know how to, I don't wanna annoy him too, and I know he needs someone to be with right now, even if I'm the last person want to be with. So I just stayed there with him, drinking with him as he gets mad to hisself.

"I got scared."

He speak all of a sudden, so I look over to him. He's already drunk, you can tell by how red he is.

"She did tell me she's leaving, and I really wanna tell her but I got scared."

"I know, its alright."

"Its not." He look at me. "I'm not like you."

He look at me with anger, and I just let him do  that. I always have, ever since that day.

Here we go again.

He stands up leaving me alone, and I follow him with a look. Once that I'm not seeing him anymore, I let out a huge sigh running a hand through my face.

I can't let him be like this. I need to do something.

Charlie's View

I'm eating my breakfast when a loud knock on the door distracts me from eating. Me and my mom look at each other after looking at the door.

"Are you expecting someone?"

I shake my head as an answer. I clearly don't remember Dylan telling me his picking me up this morning.

"I'll get it."

My mom nod and I walk over the door to open it. To my surprise, I found Shane over the door wearing a completely different outfit from what he usually wear. His wearing a  leather jacket, shades, black ripped jeans and he has piercings on his ears.

"Shane? What are you doing here?"

"Nah, its me, J, Jon."

I shake my head, not believing him. He removes his shades.

"I'm not playing, I dyed my hair. I mean, you can tell by the outfit."

I still don't reply. But this time his actually convincing.

"You ate my brownies and got high. Is that enough."

I cover his mouth pushing him forward to close the door. I can't let my mom hear I got high.

"Ok, stop, I belive you."

He removes my hand over his mouth and I look at him from head to toe. He exactly look like Shane.

"What is this? What did you do? You look like Shane, well, you two are twins so, but what the hell are you doing knocking at my door early in the morning?"

"I'm glad you ask."

He said holding my shoulders.

"We're doing my plan."

No way. My free waffles.


Twitter: @eia_bana

lots of love guys! <3

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