Chapter 8: garbage disposal

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"The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."



"Chris, how's work treatin' ya?" Owen asks. He pats my back so hard I have to remind myself in my head that he's my girl's father.

"It's good." I answer politely, looking at him coldly behind my dark sunglasses.

He laughs hardy as we hold up the fence in my backyard. "That's good, I'm glad. What about your boss, did he get replaced, yet?"

"Uh, we're expecting a new guy soon. Monday, I think."

"What's the deal with him?"

I look down at my beer and get bummed that it's almost empty. I'll need another to brave anymore conversation with this guy.

"Not sure. Find out Monday, y'know?" I try to laugh so I don't come off so harsh.

Dad walks over finally and cuts his eyes at me.

"Owen, my man, what's up?" He greets Owen so I could slip away.

"Thank you." I mouth to my father once Owen can no longer see me.

"Chris, a hand?" Kelsey rings.

I drop my head and JB and Jas, across the yard, laugh at my pain. I can't have a second to myself.

"Coming!" I shout, sulking her way.

Morgan passes me with a plate of burgers to take to Dale on the grill.

"Be nice." Morgan warns me with the most innocent, fake smile.

"Mhm." I murmur. Her scent hits me and I'm almost tempted to follow her but Kelsey calling my name again stops me.

I roll my eyes and continue towards the stairs to run inside.

"Yes?" I present myself at the door.

"Oh," she hums like she wasn't expecting me. "can you be a dear and help me play bartender?"

"That I can do." I oblige with the snap of my fingers.

"Anything involving a drink, right?" She makes light.

I stand over Kelsey behind the counter and taste the concoction she made so far. Not bad, could use more juice.

"What do you know about jungle juice, Kels?" I tease, earning a playful nudge.

"I was in a sorority, I'll have you know. Of course, I dropped, but, I kept a drink in my hand. Just don't repeat that to my daughter or husband."

I just laugh and then it gets silent as I pour more juice into the mix.

She's a tall, thin woman with long curly honey blonde hair down her back. I'm not surprised she was in a sorority, she seems like the type, and Owen,  a poster child for fraternities back in his day, I'm sure. Kelsey with the raging drinker part, though, is new.

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