Chapter 39: I spy

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a/n: somehow something happened to the part between the conclusion of chapter 38 and the beginning of this chapter so to me, it doesn't make sense therefore, you all may be confused as well. I am working on getting it back or editing it in. bear with me, i didnt know this happened ;/


"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality, nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit."



I don't go to Dice Bar with the guys from work, just in case. So I wait until the sun goes down.

If Sabrina is there, I plan on hurting her in some way. Any way I can. I don't want to put my hands on a woman, that's not particularly what I'm saying.

The security guard remembers me and tells me to go in, skipping the long line for 'Thirsty Thursday.'

While I'm on a mission, I didn't want to look like it so I blend in, looking how I would if I was going out like usual.

I get some flirtatious stares from bottle girls and clubgoers but ignore them all.

I spot the waitress from the other night - the one who gave us the shots, with the nasty long nails.

I stop her and pause for a beat to gather my words.

"I didn't have nothing to do with it, alright?" She confesses before I've even asked her anything. Guilty much?

"What do you know?"

She looks around hastily. "Sabrina is in the red room."

I push off of the bar and walk that way, trying not to draw attention to myself but I know how it looks - me, a happily taken man, going into the private room of some strip club.

"Sabrina." I call her name upon entering.

"You came. I knew you would." She purrs, locking the door behind me.

I haven't even laid eyes on this evil entity yet, and her agonizing voice alone sends me into a dark place - one that I haven't let myself slip to in a while.

Two security guards pat me down and I almost fight them for violating me like that but they back off upon her signal.

"What's all this?" I ask her.

There's cameras set up everywhere and sex toys on the bed - bondage type shit.

"For us to play." She hums, walking around my tense body.

I cringe at the sight of her. It's like seeing a ghost.

I scratch my head and plan my next sentence carefully. "Is there any footage on there of what you did to me the other night?"

"What did I do to you?" She plays dumb.

"Sabrina, I don't — what do you want from me? Money? An apology?"

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