Chapter 32: sundown town

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TW: self harm

"I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can."



The whole twenty-eight minute car ride is painfully quiet. I'm in my head about who these people really are, and Chris is fuming. I'm glad he controlled his temper, this time, somewhat, but Beck deserves what's coming to him. If Chris had fucked him up the way he wanted to last time, Beck wouldn't still be running his mouth, taunting my boyfriend.

The car is finally parked parallel outside of our townhome on Main Street and before rushing inside, I look all around to assure no one is watching, lurking.

I wave my hand into the camera and watch it back on the app on my phone to make sure that is works, and it does.

The dogs are barking, I can hear them from outside as I wait for Chris to walk up the steps and unlock the door. He couldn't be any slower.

I push my way inside and don't even bother acknowledging the dogs with a "hi" or any affection. Instead, I dart straight upstairs, ignoring Chris calling my name.

"Morgan." He repeats, following me to our bedroom.

I help myself out of the gown and leave it on the floor before my walk-in closet.

"Morgan!" Chris shouts. I ignore him still and find something comfortable to slip into.

"MORGAN ANN BENNETT," he barks to get my attention finally. "will you please tell me what the fuck is going on?"

I only put on a pair of joggers and a plain grey tee before addressing him on the edge of the bed.

My head shakes as I relive what went down between tonight's ball and The Hamptons fiasco.

"Chris, I can't do this. I can't. I hate it here, I want to leave now. Right now!" I cry into his lap.

He lifts my chin and I sniffle, looking into his eyes through my blurred vision.

"What is it?" He asks lowly, palming my warm cheek.

"These people. I— we need to leave. Look at me, Chris. Me, your girlfriend, I'm tired. Mentally, physically, emotionally, I cannot take it here another second."

"Where do you want to go, Morgan?" He asks me, standing to start undressing and I'm thankful for that.

"Anywhere," I sniffle, getting off of my knees. "far from here. I just need to think. We need to think. Let's just get in the car and go, okay?"


JB helps Chris switch our bags from the Tesla to Jabari's truck.
We wanted to be able to keep our cars at home to at least make it look like we haven't left just in case someone is watching us, which I know they are.

"I don't like this, Mo." Jasmine shakes her head at me, arms still crossed.

"You don't have to, but I need this." I tell her, squeezing her arm.

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