Chapter 41: what to expect when you're not expecting

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"I need to celebrate life because I'm in a good spot, I work hard, and I am happy with who I am and happy with what I do for a living, and sometimes I just focus and overwhelm myself so much with the fights and getting better, that I just need to slow it down and enjoy life and enjoy training."



I'm awaken from my sleep by phone call. It's loud and won't fucking stop.

"The fuck?" I cuss, sitting up to see the time on Morgan's phone that was charging on my bedside stand.


"Who the fuck is calling you?" Morgan grumbles, not even picking her head up from the pillow.

She's such a light sleeper, she wakes up if I blink too loud.

I'm unsure where my phone is and it keeps ringing.

Goddamn it.

I figure it's important since it's so late/early. So, I get out of bed and walk across the floor, following the sound with my hand down my briefs.

Duke — or Stevie, whoever— starts to growl at me in the darkness.

"Shut up." I mumble back, stepping over the seven-month-old dogs.

"Don't talk to them like that!" Morgan scolds me.

I wave her off and continue down the hallway.

The phone's still ringing. It's actually about to piss me off.

I'd say somebody better be dying but with my luck, that might come true, so I don't.

Finally, though, I find my phone in the living room. And coincidentally, it's beside the bag in which I keep my weed. I need it to put me back to sleep. It's been my NyQuil since Morgan stopped giving it up.

I wipe my sleepy eyes and read the caller ID:

Annette Butler (detective)


Immediately, I'm anxious seeing her name on my phone at this time. She's about to give great news, or tell me all Hell has broken loose.

I look around to make sure Morgan didn't get out of bed to eavesdrop or get a night snack and happen to overhear me.
I'll tell Morgan whatever Annette tells me, of course, I just figure she called me for a reason so I want to hear it first and break it to Morgan myself.

"Hello?" I finally answer the call, stepping outside.

I sit in a chair on the deck and shake my leg under the table.

"Chris. Sorry it's so late. It's urgent, thought you'd like to know this right away." She says, scaring me stiff.

I can't get my weed out fast enough.

I find a joint that I rolled earlier and light it, bracing myself for this news.

"What is it?" I asked, stressed.
"Your problem has left."

"I don't have time for riddles and games, Annette, just... please."

She chuckles again. "She just got on a plane to Turkey. You won't have to worry about her anymore. Well, not for some time."

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