Chapter 61: defining moments

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"Second chances can work better than the previous ones as you learn from the mistakes and never commit them again"


"—And all the time we spent, waiting for the light to take us in have been the greatest moments of my life..." Morgan sings along to the Dv4d song 'Here With Me' on our car ride home. She's not a singer but her voice is melodic and soothing.

I let the words resonate a little longer and she looks over at me with a smile.

Just as I was about to, Morgan cuts down the music to talk.

"Still jealous I won this Stanley cup?" She brags about the overpriced tumbler Izzy awarded her for having the most pins. It's not all that, I mean I was wanting one for a long time now but, shit, I guess I'll just buy it myself.

So I slipped up and said "baby." The only person that heard me was Lee's niece and she went and snitched. I wasn't going to cough it up but Morgan needed one more to have the most and she's just as competitive as me.

"Yeah, yeah." I wave her off.

"So, the girl's were asking me when it's our turn to, like, have a baby. I told them whatever, you know, that's not our main focus. So then they asked me what is our main focus: marriage? I told them, like, no. Err, not yet, anyway. And, um, they were saying how I better not wait until we're, like, five years in to get engaged." Morgan let's out.

"You say 'like' a lot." I make her laugh.

She nudges me. "Did you hear anything I said?"

"Yeah, Annie, I already know. I'm not gonna make you wait five years... I was thinking seven."

Morgan drops her jaw, baffled, and doesn't move a muscle until I laugh and show her I'm joking.

"Not funny!" She laughs, repositioning herself in the passenger seat of her own car.

"So is this you rushing me now, huh? I'm gonna wake up in the middle of the night to you crying at proposals on Tiktoks?"

"No..." she smacks her lips. "maybe."

I laugh at Morgan and easily parallel park the car outside of our townhome.

"I'm not rushing you, Chris. I know we're kind of taking things slow right now, you know, being friends and all."

"Cut the shit, Morgan, we're not friends." I get fed up by that damn 'f' word.

"We're not?" She looks confused.

I look directly into her eyes and say, "I don't want to fuck my friends. We're together. Always have been, always will be."

She starts to smile and twirls the ends of her hair. "Yes, sir."

I grab the back of her neck to bring her close to me for a long, deep — and much needed— kiss.

Morgan pulls away with a big smile on her face and gets out of the car, giggling.

I laugh at how cute she is and take her heels, purse, and our food to the steps.

I put the key in the lock and drop my head, laughing at myself.

"What?" Morgan asks.

"I was talking a lot of shit, but I'm actually tired." I admit.

Morgan looks relived. "Oh my God, so am I. Strictly cuddles tonight."

We do our handshake and end it with a kiss.

I push the door open and let Morgan walk under my arm

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I push the door open and let Morgan walk under my arm.

She's greeted by the wagging tails of Duke and Stevie. It's always good to come home to that. I can only imagine how it feels to come home to our own kids. . .

"Shit. I have to finish some work." I groan and kick my shoes off.

Morgan plays with the dogs before going upstairs anyway.

"Okay," she says sweetly. "good night, baby. I love you."

I kiss the top of her head as she's crouched down. "Night. I love you, too." I yawn and walk towards the stairs.

Suddenly, the door swings open. In walk Kailyn and her brother, Jack, all loud and laughing.

At least, it almost was a good night, I think to myself, dragging my body to my study with a Red Bull in hand.

~~~ The Next Day ~~~

Frank got sick and Phil called out solely because Frank didn't show up. Fuck both of them for making me endure this day alone.

Knock. Knock.

Mia walks in just as I'm ready to call Morgan for lunch. If we can't eat together, we like to FaceTime and eat together, share our screens and watch a show, or something. Any way we can spend more (healthy) time together, get each other through the day.

"Hey, just wanted to show you my costume. No one else gets it, they're too old and lame." She makes me laugh shortly.

I take a second to think who she is, then it hits me.

"Beret girl from 'A Goofy Movie?'" I guess.

She snaps her fingers. "'An Extremely Goofy Movie!'"

"Ahh ." I respond, looking her over.

"Knock-knock." Beck says his actions out loud like an asshole.

He enters anyway.

Mia physically tenses up with his presence. She hates him as much as I do, she says he gives "racist vibes" and I can't say I don't agree. I've tried to talk her into going to HR or just quitting so she's not in this environment but she says she's a tough girl who likes the pay. She also asked me why I haven't quit yet and I couldn't give an answer, not a straight one.

"I'll see you at the party, Chris." Mia's whole demeanor shifts and I feel bad as she sulks out of my office.

"What do you want, Beck?" I ask him, looking at the time.

He hunches a shoulder. "Just to check in. Looks like your assistant is doing well."

"Mia is doing great. Now if you'll excuse me-"

"Wow." He breathes out, staring at the picture of Morgan on my desk.

I look at him sideways, waiting for him to put it down.

"There's something on the picture, did the glass crack?" I figure that's why he's indulging.

Beck clears his throat and sets it down.

"I checked my mailbox, my invite to your little Halloween party wasn't in there." He curls his paper thin lips up.

I'm unreceptive to his sarcasm and reply, "Must be still out for delivery."

"I'm sure. Well enjoy it, Connie doesn't celebrate the devil's holiday, anyway." He says, walking towards the door.

"Connie?" I question.

He turns on his heels. "Yes, my wife? You've met her."

"I thought her name was Cordelia?" I stand to question him.

Beck cracks a smile that quickly goes away. "What did I say?"

"Connie." I repeat.

"Right, uh, that's her middle name." He tells me.

"Right..." I let him think I believe that.

"Have a good weekend, Vaughn." Beck says on his way out. "Stay safe out there."

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