Chapter 26: unparental guidance

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"But him to love you free like a wildfire, crazy like the moon, always like tomorrow, sudden like an inhale and overcoming like the tides. Only one man and all of this."



"Did you know the average couple our age has sex around twice a week?" Morgan's random fact makes me laugh.

I shift my head against the rest of the driver's seat so that I can look at her as she's rotated in the passenger seat, legs in a pretzel as she supports her weight on the door of my Tesla.

"Morgan, we only haven't had sex in a week."

"Yep, exactly." She says, bored, and flips the page of some weird sex book she's reading.

"Give me that." I snatch the book and throw it in the back seat.

Morgan hits me in the arm. "I was reading that, it's actually really informative!"

"Can you stop this already?" I laugh out loud.

Morgan folds both arms over her chest. "Stop what, Christopher?"

Oh, full name treatment? She's really upset.

"You've been acting mad at me all week, trying to seduce me around the house, and then saying 'I'm tired.' I get it, okay, I fucked up-"

"You sure did." She rubs it in.

I crack up, rolling my eyes. "If you want me to fuck you, I'll fuck you."

Her eyes light up and it almost gets me going.

"Why was that so hot?" She whispers, leaning in for a kiss.

I grin against her lips and then suck them. I missed that.

"One more." I beg and grab her face for more.

Morgan giggles and then pulls away. "Okay," she squeaks. "we can be friends again."

"Friends?" I laugh at that. "It's crazy how your attitude is all of a sudden gone."

"What attitude?" She plays dumb, putting her legs over my thighs.

Tap. Tap.

A set of knuckles tap against the glass at the back of the car.

"Ah, yay!" Morgan shrills, hopping out of the vehicle.

"Finally." I mumble, following her outside.

After all of the reintroductions and hugs, Morgan and I help the teens put their bags into the frunk/trunk and pile inside the car.

"This is so sick. I can't believe you got a Tesla, bro! Can I post it on my story and act like it's mine?" Jack admires the car.

I laugh, scratching the stubble on my neck. "Uh, knock yourself out."

"Okay, seatbelts on." Morgan sounds just like my mother as I pull off. She locks our fingers and I kiss the back of her hand.

"I love how affectionate you guys are, it's really inspirational." Kailyn comments, putting her chin in the palm of her hands as she sits up to relax on the console between my seat and Morgan's.

Morgan smiles sweetly, looking over her shoulder at Kay.
"Where did that come from?" She wonders.

"Well, you're holding hands, but I also saw the video." Kailyn makes my face go straight.

"Ew, creeper. I saw it but I didn't sit there and watch."  Jack argues with his sister.

Morgan stiffens up, too, and looks uneasy at the fact that they've seen us in that intimate setting. Them and everyone else in our lives.

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